Tuesday, March 24, 2020

News Monday+Tues

Chinese are back out and about living their lives and their infected numbers are going up again and have been for four days

Please do not take medical advice from a man who looked directly at a solar eclipse.

It's incredible that this has to be said: Letting thousands of people needlessly suffer and die is wrong. It's also not a recipe for rescuing the economy.

In the face of crisis, FDR had the New Deal to help suffering Americans. Now, @realdonaldtrump, you and your fellow Republicans are pushing the #SelfDeal. See the difference?

It appears Trump is perfectly fine with hundreds of thousands dying just so that he can try to get re-elected. Trump says he may soon push businesses to reopen, defying the advice of coronavirus experts and reality as it's happening right now. Covid-1 is shredding countries that are shut-down and at least the countries are giving 90%+ of their populations a chance to survive. Sending people back to work now will not save the economy, it will doom it because everybody will end up infected and hundreds of thousands would likely die, wiping out whole communities and towns and cities, which would destroy the economy. You have no economy when everybody's sick and either home or hospitalized and dying in the streets. You have no economy when everybody's dead. PEOPLE make the economy. PEOPLE make the money. PEOPLE make the work. Without PEOPLE there is no economy. When reality changes ideologies have to change.

In last 24 hrs there've been prominent US voices calling for a stop to social distancing, citing rationale that they're worse than impact of COVID itself.  It’s worth looking very closely at that claim, where we are in US COVID epidemic and what happens if we stop. 1/x

COVID has been spreading w/ exponential growth in US for some time, and we're just beginning to get an understanding of how extensively. There are nearly 40,000 cases recognized in the US as of today, w/ ~100 deaths today. A few weeks ago, we had recognized 70 cases total. 2/x

Some hospitals have said publicly that within a week they will not have ventilators to treat everyone with COVID anymore. 3/x

There continue to be big diagnostic limitations. Shortages in reagents, swabs. Don’t have rapid diagnostics in many hospitals yet, so it can be days before doctors and nurses can find out if a pt in front of them has COVID. 4/x

We don’t have capacity to diagnose many of the COVID cases that are not sick enough to be in the hospital, so those numbers aren’t counted in our national totals. 5/x

There continues to be terrible shortages in the masks that health care workers need to keep from getting sick with this disease. 6/x

How do we gain time to let hosps get more supplies & prepare for high number of pts? How do we lower the speed of spread of COVID in US?  How do we lower odds that ICUs will run out of vents, hospitals run out of space? The answer for now is large scale social distancing.7/x

In Asia, we've seen these interventions work to lower pace of the epidemic, lower numbers of critically ill, lower the number of people who get COVID. In Asia where big social distancing measures have been in place for two months, they have had very strong impact. 8/x

In Asia they've slowed the disease by slowing social interaction. Left to its own, this disease spreads from 1 person to about 2.5 people, and then they do the same, and so on. For this disease to stop, we need to make it so that the avg person spreads it to <1 other person. 9/x

These big social distancing measures take time to work.  The impact of big interventions in Wuhan China took about 3 wks to start to reverse things. And then everyday after the situation got better.  In the US, we're about 7 to 10 days into this, depending on the state.10/x

To drop all these measures now would be to accept that COVID pts will get sick in extraordinary numbers all over the country, far beyond
what the US health care system could bear.  11/x

Many models report that health care systems will be completely overwhelmed/collapse by the peak of cases if major social distancing is not put in place. 12/x

If a health care system in a given community stops working, can no longer provide care to the ill, the case fatality rate for COVID will be far higher than 1% - we would not be able to care for some or all of the expected 5% of recognized cases that get critically ill. 13/x

Beyond that, if hospitals were completely overwhelmed, they may struggle
to provide even oxygen for some or many of the 15% of recognized cases expected to be “severely ill”.  let alone provide care for other life threatening conditions. 14/x

Anyone advising the end of social distancing now, needs to fully understand what the country will look like if we do that. COVID would spread widely, rapidly, terribly, could kill potentially millions in the yr ahead with huge social and economic impact across the country. 15/x

Before considering big changes to social distancing measures
now, we should as quickly as possible get to strongest possible position for COVID response – we're no where near that now.  We'll need rapid Dxs in place almost every location where a pt can be seen for care.16/x

We'll need extraordinary quantity, reserve+production lines
of masks, PPE so that shortages at hosps and clinical sites around country
are no longer possible. We'lll need to have more vents on the way.  We'll need capacity to provide med care to many more that we can now.17/x

We'll need to reduce the # of cases to such a low
level that we could again do contact tracing & isolation of cases around
the country (as they can in many countries in Asia now). 18/x

We will need system of screening at airports
so that no person comes into the country with the disease without being
diagnosed and isolated. 19/x

We'll need a serology test that can be used to identify those that have been infected and recovered already, and to know how prevalent disease is in the US.  We would hopefully have therapies developed and in a quantity that we can treat at least the sickest pt w COVID. 20/x

Once we have those things in place, it would be a far less risky time to take stock of social distancing measures in place and consider what might gradually be reduced with trial and error.  We would have learned more about the experience
in Asia as they try to do that.21/x

For now we need to keep production running, doctors offices working, groceries, pharmacies, banks open. It is ok to have science informed dialogue about which businesses need to be closed vs what can stay open in some way if social distancing can be put in place in them.22/x

But we need to press ahead for now w closed schools, mass
telecommuting, no gatherings, strong advisory to stay home unless you need to
go out – all are needed to slow this epidemic. 23/x

We also need to put every conceivable econ program in place to help those being hurt by these social distancing measures.  And move ahead rapidly to get our country far better prepared to cope w COVID before people recommend we abandon our efforts to slow this virus. 24/x

'Trump kept saying it was basically pretty much a cure': Woman whose husband died after ingesting chloroquine warns the public not to 'believe anything that the president says'

Man dead after trying to create Trump's coronavirus miracle drug from household cleaner

Locust Swarms, Some 3 Times the Size of New York City, Are Eating Their Way Across Two Continents

Olympics to be postponed to 2021

Wuhan Still Finding Symptom-Free Virus Cases, Caixin Reports

Madison Square Garden offered the use of its entire facility to both the city and state of New York as a site for a Coronavirus hospital/medical facility during crisis. Gov. Cuomo’s office determined MSG would not be ideal for the purpose; gratefully declined.

Kyrie Irving Donates $323K, 250K Meals Amid Coronavirus Pandemic. 'He is also partnering with City Harvest and donating 250,000 meals across the New York area. Irving announced he is creating the Share A Meal campaign in partnership with those organizations.'

Here Come the Republican Death Panels

Here Come the Republican Death Panels, Part 2: Texas Republican Lt. Gov Dan Patrick: Senior Citizens Willing To Die To Save Economy for Grandkids ("Grandkids" get infected too and are also dying)

They want human sacrifices on the alter of the stock market. They won't even support climate change measures for the sake of younger generations but I'm sure this will be fine. Feel free to call Lt. Governor Patrick on his message line: (512) 463-5342 Tell him that Americans are not Eugenicists. And maybe, Lt. Gov Patrick, just maybe, you could DO YOUR JOB, & get testing kits & PPE’s out to your constituents rather than tell them to die. Looking forward to Patrick giving up his ventilator for a younger person. Oh and "pro-life". "Let the young go back to work and school" and they will all get infected and many will die.

Death penalty abolished in Colorado

Spanish army finds care home residents 'dead and abandoned'

Large hospital in NE Romania closes after 52 doctors and nurses tested positive for the new coronavirus

Wales is Building a National Forest That Will Span the Length and Breadth of the Country

Over 100,000 people have recovered from the coronavirus around the world

Faster than the top 7 supercomputers combined, The Folding@Home network is now using a 470 PetaFLOPS of raw compute power to help solve SARS-CoV-2's structure.

Ice rink being turned into morgue in Spain's Madrid as bodies pile up due to coronavirus pandemic

China’s factories work 24/7 to build ventilators for Milan, New York

China 'didn't report 43,000 silent carriers'

Twitter says coronavirus disinformation spread by Chinese officials does not violate rules

One dead, 133 positive for COVID-19 following the disembarking of the Ruby Princess cruise ship in central Sydney

Germany confirms another case of H5N8 bird flu on a farm - A series of outbreaks of the disease have been reported in Europe in past weeks

Taiwan launches 'electronic fence' program to track people in coronavirus quarantine through their phone GPS data - and police will respond within 15 minutes if a person is caught away from home. Officials also call twice a day to ensure people don't avoid tracking by leaving their phones at home.

Despite coronavirus fears, Nigeria has taken no action to stop its pangolin trade: An investigation into pangolin trafficking found Nigeria was linked to 55% of pangolin scales seized global between 2016 and 2019.

A cruise ship with 42 people experiencing flu-like symptoms is headed to Florida

‘A manatee is worth more alive’: Once branded ‘rogue animals’, the elusive creatures were on the brink of extinction, but hope is rising for their survival

Republic of Congo Allows Oil Exploration in World’s Second Largest Rainforest

World Animal Protection Calls for International Ban on Wildlife Trade Due to COVID-19

The record temperatures of summer 2019 helped make it the best season for butterflies in 22 years, with more than half of Britain’s species increasing in number. Abundant food thanks to mix of sunshine and rain helps species confound fears of declines.

Mass Religious Gathering In Pakistan Leads To Fresh Concerns Over COVID-19 Spread; The first two cases of coronavirus infection in the Gaza Strip were confirmed over the weekend in Palestinian men who attended a mass religious gathering 10 days ago in Pakistan

Nearly half of Canada’s COVID-19 cases now acquired through community spread Public Health Agency of Canada says

US to cut $1bn of Afghanistan aid over failure to agree unity government

"We can no longer give respirators to anyone aged over sixty" warns Israeli doctor working on coronavirus epicentre of northern Italy

DEMOCRATS: What if we knocked off a few thousand bucks from your student loans to help you out? REPUBLICANS: What if we bumped off a few million elderly people to help out the stock market? BERNIE SUPPORTERS: What if these were the same?

Trump Itchy to Reopen America Because His Businesses Are Suffering

Republicans Are Still Rolling Back Environmental Protections as Nation Wrestles With Coronavirus | The EPA says the rule, first introduced in 2018, is designed to increase transparency. But early drafts drew more than a half-million comments, most of them in opposition. Health experts say it would handcuff federal officials’ ability to regulate proven health threats in the future, by making it impossible for regulators to draw on findings of public health studies. The EPA has dismissed demands from 14 attorneys general, the National Governors Association, the National League of Cities and dozens of other government, public health and environmental groups and officials that it at least tap the brakes on that proposed rule while officials confront “the national emergency that arises from the COVID-19 pandemic.” | The Interior Department, for example, is moving ahead with an illegal measure that would illegally eliminate protections under the more than century-old Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Interior closed the 30-day comment period for the change as scheduled last week. Critics say the changes could devastate threatened and endangered species and speed an already documented decline in U.S. bird populations overall. Interior also illegally eliminated required procedural steps in March on consideration of a ConocoPhillips oil and gas project in the Alaska wilderness, and on a development plan for land surrounding New Mexico’s Chaco Culture National Historical Park, a World Heritage site at the center of a long debate over oil and gas development, among other projects. | Last week, the EPA released its latest redo of the science rule. The release starts the clock on what the agency said would 30-day public comment period, moving the rule a big step closer toward adaptation. Attorney generals from 13 states and the District of Columbia say the 30-day timeline is even shorter that the agency’s usual 60-day comment period for such a change.

Republican "Pro-Life" Governor Tate Reeves Rejects State Lockdown For COVID-19: ‘Mississippi's Never Going to Be China’ | "It is my goal to make sure we make good, solid decisions based on experts,” the governor said in an afternoon Facebook Live address, where he took questions from Mississippi residents. “No one at the State Department of Health has recommended that we have a statewide shelter-in-place order," Reeves added. | BUT THEY DID: Late Friday, MSDH issued an alert recommending that restaurants close to sit-down service and that Mississippians not attend funerals, weddings, church services, or other community or social events with an expected attendance of more than 10 people. | In areas across China most heavily affected by the novel coronavirus, the extensive lockdown, testing and case isolation protocols have eliminated the spread of the virus to the degree that the imminent danger for these areas is not community spread, but reinfection from travelers returning from abroad. Dr. Bruce Aylward, World Health Organization senior advisor, explains the dedication of the Chinese model. "They’re mobilized, like in a war, and it’s fear of the virus that was driving them. They really saw themselves as on the front lines of protecting the rest of China. And the world," he said. | The Mississippi State Department of Health’s newest information on COVID-19 lists 249 detected cases out of 1,392 tests—a 213% increase since Friday.

Rand Paul's aides had never been told that Paul might have been exposed to the virus or had been tested for it, according to a person familiar with the situation, and some began to fear they could have contracted it and spread it to their friends & family.

Millennials. Aren't. Going. On. Spring. Break. We. Are. Too. Old. (And. Poor.) That. Is. Gen. Z.

Japanese prime minister says International Olympic Committee agrees to postpone Tokyo Olympics amid coronavirus pandemic

'Repulsive': Outrage as Texas Lieutenant Gov. Says Seniors Willing to Risk Coronavirus Infection to Protect Economy - "This crisis is really laying bare the extent to which we are ruled by completely craven psychopaths."

US Could Become New Epicentre of Outbreak Amid ‘Very Large Acceleration’ in Cases, WHO Warns | Over 46,000 Infections and 530 Deaths Recorded, Putting America on Course to Overtake Italy in Number of Cases

CDC says coronavirus lived on cruise surfaces for more than two weeks | The study, published on the CDC's website, found that COVID-19 viruses were found surviving on surfaces throughout the Diamond Princess cruise ship as long as 17 days after passengers and crew had disembarked from the voyage. The ship was ravaged by cases of the virus and forced to conclude its trip by quarantining all guests and crew onboard. "SARS-CoV-2 RNA was identified on a variety of surfaces in cabins of both symptomatic and asymptomatic infected passengers up to 17 days after cabins were vacated on the Diamond Princess but before disinfection procedures had been conducted," the study stated. "Although these data cannot be used to determine whether transmission occurred from contaminated surfaces, further study of fomite transmission of SARS-CoV-2 aboard cruise ships is warranted," the researchers continued. | More than 700 cases of the coronavirus were confirmed onboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship, with nine deaths reported among crew and passengers so far. The 3,711 people on board the ship were quarantined in their cabins by Japanese authorities after the ship docked, which some argue resulted in the virus spreading further. Hundreds of U.S. citizens have been passengers aboard the various cruise ships refused entry at ports around the world, including nearly 430 on the Diamond Princess line.

76ers star Joel Embiid says he is donating $500,000 to coronavirus relief and helping team workers who are temporarily reducing their salary during pandemic.

36-year-old New York City principal dies of coronavirus complications

I'm in Florida and NOBODY here cares and although schools were ordered close through March 30th (and elementary schools ordered closed through 15th April, THEY'RE ALL OPEN RIGHT NOW): More than 130,000 people sign petition urging Gov. DeSantis to issue ‘stay-at-home’ order

Italian priest who gave respirator to younger patient dies of disease - A 72-year-old priest who gave his respirator to a younger Covid-19 patient he did not know has died from coronavirus.

6 million face masks ordered by Germany lost in Kenya

Brazilian police fly a helicopter to create a sandstorm and chase people off a beach to enforce coronavirus lockdown

India on National Lockdown for 21 Days, From 12 AM tonight there will be a complete lockdown across the country: PM Narendra Modi

African national parks close to protect gorillas and chimpanzees from coronavirus - National parks in Rwanda and Congo are temporarily shutting their doors to tourists and researchers to protect Africa’s endangered chimpanzees and mountain gorillas from contracting coronavirus.

China has been using lasers on U.S. Navy Aircraft and flying into Taiwan's airspace as well as launching drones in the Indian ocean. This is merely a reminder to China that the U.S is prepared to counter any threats from them:

Today is the 10th Anniversary of the ACA. Let us all remember that Bernie Sanders was the only Senator to not vote, failing to defend ACA, in 2015.     The Senate voted 52-47 on Thursday to essentially gut the Affordable Care Act and remove federal funding from Planned Parenthood. That's 99 of 100 possible votes. The only one missing was Sanders.    Sanders' spokesperson Michael Briggs told Forbes on Friday that Sanders had a plane to catch for New Hampshire at the time of the vote.    Briggs added that while Sanders is still a strong supporter of Planned Parenthood, "the outcome of the vote was not changed" due to Sanders' absence.

Election officials in both parties call for emergency funding to expand voting by mail before November

A bowl of health: Lettuces, potatoes, sprouts, spicy peppers

Fried Asparagus and Tofu vegan sushi roll!

Our first public health priority after the pandemic is contained should be to pass Cory Booker's bill to phase out factory farming.

“Listen to the scientists. Listen to the doctors. Listen to what they have to say.”

We’re proud to announce our endorsement of @JoeBiden for President. In this time of crisis for our country, he's exactly the leader we need.

YEP: @Alyssa_Milano this video has got to be a “hoax”. Since when are Grandparents lining up to die? And wait, people who are your andchildren can STILL get this disease! #COVIDIOT

YEP: Please understand folks, the vote today was only procedural. We have made tremendous progress since the vote yesterday, which is exactly what I wanted. I will NOT vote for a final bill unless it provides adequate relief to working folks, hospitals & local governments. Period!

We now have more than 42,000 confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S. And last night—in the midst of a global health crisis—Trump promised to “terminate” the Affordable Care Act with no plan in place to replace the critical coverage it provides.

Former head if ICE says detainees should be released. Release ICE's Nonviolent Detainees - The Atlantic

If you’ve paid even a little bit of attention to the political news of the past several years, you are familiar with this episode's guest. Congressman Adam Schiff represents the 28th district of California in the Los Angeles suburbs. He’s the chairperson of the House Intelligence Committee, where he played a pivotal role in the impeachment of Donald Trump, both from the Committee then as an Impeachment Manager during the trial itself. He’s been the target of nonstop, vile, and personal attacks from the president and his lackeys, and it’s our honor to have him join us this week.

The only press conferences that should be covered now are the Governor's. Thank you @NYGovCuomo for your honesty and leadership. You are correct, "No American is going to say how much a life is worth. Job 1 has to be save lives."

How did we get to the point where we are engulfed in a global pandemic and on the verge of a new Great Depression, and due to ongoing, catastrophic failures at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue the governor of New York is essentially functioning as the President of the United States?
1,127 replies 6,051 retweets 23,993 likes

@NYGovCuomo: "FEMA is sending us 400 ventilators....400 ventilators? I need 30,000 ventilators. You want a pat on the back for sending 400 ventilators? What are we going to do with 400 ventilators when we need 30,000 ventilators? You're missing the magnitude of the problem."

@NYGovCuomo is now instructing @realDonaldTrump on how to govern: how to contract manufacturers to mass-produce respirators and deploy the ones in reserve to affected regions, state by state, how to balance economic and health concerns, and honestly, how to be human. Jeesh...
317 replies 3,403 retweets 12,125 likes

President Trump and Mitch McConnell are trying to put a corporate bailout ahead of families. It's simply wrong. We need to be focused on helping hardworking Americans, communities, and small businesses — not handing big corporations a blank check.

I doubt he believes that. He hopes the rubes will believe it, because he thinks the sight of them ruins his golf courses view. He's a selfish asshole, and stupid but I think this one is situational. "I stand for nothing."

Why you shouldn't take healthcare advice from Trump:
- Trump believes the human body has a finite amount of energy, like a battery, and that exercising will kill you
- Trump was once an ardent anti-vaxxer. He believed doctors pumped kids full of vaccines causing cancer.
- Trump believes the sound from wind turbines cause cancer.
- Trump has mocked concussed athletes. At a campaign rally he mocked the NFL's handling of brain injuries, “Got a little ding on the head,” Donald Trump said. “No, no, you can’t play for the rest of the season.”
- At a recent press conference Trump falsely claimed that the FDA approved a malaria drug known as chloroquine to treat patients with COVID-19.[5]
- A Phoenix man died and his wife is in critical condition after they consumed fish tank cleaner because they wrongly assumed that the chloroquine in the cleaner was the same as the malaria drug.
- Dismissed brain injuries as headaches
- The man who said windmills cost cancer, but asbestos is safe.

If You Think Bats Are Terrifying These 57 Pics Will Change ...

25 of the cutest bat species

Guests at Trump National Golf Club disco party get coronavirus

Doctors Are Hoarding Unproven Coronavirus Medicine by Writing Prescriptions for Themselves and Their Families

New York Mets starter Noah Syndergaard has a torn ulnar collateral ligament in his right elbow and is expected to undergo Tommy John surgery in the near future, sources tell ESPN. The procedure will keep him out until at earliest April 2021 and likely into the summer months.

An Immigrant At An ICE Detention Facility Has Tested Positive For The Coronavirus For The First Time

Patient Simultaneously Infected With Two Strains of COVID-19 In Iceland

Cam Newton's tenure with the #Panthers comes to an end after 9 years: *No. 1 pick *29,041 passing yards (1st in franchise history) *182 passing TDs (1st in franchise history) *4,806 rushing yards *58 rushing TDs (1st in franchise history) *Super Bowl appearance *2015 NFL MVP

A literary advocacy group filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday claiming President Donald Trump’s robust threats to use his powers to punish critical media coverage chills writers’ free speech in violation of the First Amendment. Pointing to Trump’s attacks against The Washington Post, Amazon, CNN, Time Warner and members of the White House press corps, PEN America claims he has repeatedly threatened to use the mechanisms of his administration’s government power to retaliate against journalists and media companies for the content of their coverage. The group’s 26-page lawsuit – filed in Manhattan federal court by lead attorney Kristy Parker with the Protect Democracy Project – claims it is the president’s “intentional interference and actions with the aim of exerting improper influence that creates the First Amendment harm.”

Gov. John Bel Edwards is requesting a major disaster declaration for Louisiana as the state battles the new coronavirus, he announced Tuesday morning.

Trump on why he thought Easter would be a good day by which to reopen things: "You'll have packed churches all over our country. I think it'll be a beautiful time."

Earlier, Tapper asked Biden if he had been tested for coronavirus. Biden said no and that he's exhibiting no symptoms. And FFS. I forgot the truism of Twitter that some people have no sense of humor

Satellite images of metro area emissions before & during lockdowns are nuts. Some staggering stats, too:
—Evening traffic in Los Angeles moving 71% faster
—NYC carbon monoxide emissions ⬇️ 50%
—Vehicles crossing San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge ⬇️ 40% https://nyti.ms/39mvNDa

Traffic and Pollution Plummet as U.S. Cities Shut Down for Coronavirus |  In cities across the United States, traffic on roads and highways has fallen dramatically over the past week as the coronavirus outbreak forces people to stay at home and everyday life grinds to a halt. Pollution has dropped too. A satellite that detects emissions in the atmosphere linked to cars and trucks shows huge declines in pollution over major metropolitan areas, including Los Angeles, Seattle, New York, Chicago and Atlanta.

#NotDying4WallStreet Goes Viral as Progressives Reject Efforts to Put Corporate Profits Over Public Health

South Korea and the US reported their first cases of COVID-19 on the same day in January. South Korea, through rapid mobilization, testing and isolation, appears to avoided a disaster. Sadly, the same cannot be said about the US.

The coronavirus isn’t mutating quickly, suggesting a vaccine would offer lasting protection

Delaware has now postponed its presidential primary until June 2 and expanded absentee voting in the state. It was originally scheduled for April 28. They're the (lucky) thirteenth jurisdiction to postpone its primary

California announces the first death of someone under 18 from coronavirus. Yes, the older you are, the higher the fatality rate, but we need to stop acting as if younger people are immune here. Not only can they pass it on, but they can get very sick too.

The Food and Drug Administration will allow doctors across the country to begin using plasma donated by coronavirus survivors to treat patients who are critically ill with the virus, under new emergency protocols approved Tuesday. The FDA’s decision comes a day after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that the state’s health department planned to begin treating the sickest coronavirus patients with antibody-rich plasma extracted from the blood of those who’ve recovered. The treatment, known as convalescent plasma, dates back centuries and was used during the flu pandemic of 1918, in an era before modern vaccines and antiviral drugs. Some experts have argued that it might be the best hope for combating the coronavirus until more sophisticated therapies can be developed, which could take several months.

Trump says if states want the federal government to be a good partner to them in fighting coronavirus, "they have to treat us well."

"Would we say that you could, as president, withhold disaster relief from a governor unless that governor got his attorney general to investigate the president’s political rival?” -Adam Schiff 1/29/2020

Georgia has no stay-at-home order and Atlanta just issued one that went into effect at midnight. Nor (per restaurant reservation data, etc.) did Atlanta have as much voluntary social distancing as the East Coast and West Coast did: Georgia hasn't done a ton of testing, so hard to get a sense of size there, but clearly things are pretty bad in Atlanta right now.

Greta Thunberg Reports Recovery From What Was Likely Covid-19

It's possible that by Easter, Washington state and California and several other seriously locked-down states will be almost ready to get back to normal while red-state mayors and governors will be screaming no. Governors Newsom & Inslee rightly say 2-3 months is necessary to prevent a recurrence outbreak. Because they are listening to doctors instead of billionaires. Even after the curve is flattened, there will need to be measures in place to keep there from being a resurgence. I don't see gatherings of more than 250 being allowed anywhere in the US before June.

Biden should politely decline. The race is over. Sen. Sanders plans to participate in April's Democratic Debate, if the debate is held, according to communications director Mike Casca.

Biden held his own in the last debate, and it changed nothing. Bernie promising during a global pandemic to ELIMINATE AND BAN health care insurance covering 220+ million people ended his campaign two weeks ago.

Pelosi and Trump have not spoken in more than five months, something that's even more remarkable given the crisis facing the country and the massive rescue packages moving through Congress. Pelosi has been dealing with Mnuchin instead.

Kudlow just referred to "Chief of Staff Meadows," even though Meadows is still a member of Congress. Meadow's chief aide said earlier: "Mark Meadows is not serving in two jobs. He is still a member of Congress. Mick Mulvaney is still the acting chief of staff."

Birx says 60% of all new cases in the U.S. are coming from N.Y., and urges any recent visitor to N.Y. to self-quarantine for 14 days.

A child has died of Coronavirus in Los Angeles. The first child to die from the virus in the U.S. so far. A tragic reminder that this is indeed a pandemic that affects everyone.

Stanford researchers confirm N95 masks can be sterilized and reused with virtually no loss of filtration efficiency by leaving in oven for 30 mins at 70C / 158F

Too f!cking bad: LA County Sheriff orders gun stores to close; adds 1,300 deputies to patrol


You know, one of the aspects to why the Black Death spread as far as it did in the 1300s was that people went in droves to churches for divine guidance...not realizing that by grouping up they were just spreading it faster. Donald Trump said he wants to see packed churches on Easter Sunday, weeks before the number of cases are projected to peak anywhere. Mark my words, the two weeks after Easter Sunday are going to by far be the deadliest during this outbreak.

It was literally 20 minutes where they bragged about more tests in 8 days than SK did in 8 weeks (ignoring the huge population differences), that everything is completely under control, and that we'll be back packing the churches by Easter.

Trump is making Dr. Deborah Birx his “star”. It’s also his way of knocking Dr. Fauci down a notch. It’s all a game show to him, folks. (Also, the whole “by Easter Sunday” thing is a way to control Evangelical Christians; his way of challenging their faith (in him)

“I’m pleased and happy to repeat the news that we have in fact caught and killed a large predator coronavirus that supposedly injured some bathers Americans. But as you can see, it’s a beautiful day, the beaches Churches and Economy are opened, and people are having a wonderful time.”
-Mayor of Amity Island -Trump

The steepest curve in the world. We are dead last. The United States is a case study in a failed government response to a global pandemic.

"Cars kill more people, we don't stop building cars" ... If I get hit by a car, when I go home, my family doesn't get hit by cars. I go to work, my co-workers don't get hit by cars. Getting hit by a car, or even killed in a collision, is not an incident that multiplies exponentially throughout the community.

Car accidents = Catching and/or dying from COVID-19. Seat belts and other auto safety regulations to reduce auto deaths = Safety measures to reduce COVID-19 deaths. (These include social distancing, stay at home orders, nonessential businesses closing temporarily, etc.) You implement seat belts and the like to reduce auto deaths. You implement stay at home orders and the like to reduce COVID-19 deaths.

Looks like the the VA is seeking a pause on the Mission Act, Trump’s signature program for vets in light of the pandemic. Trump was touring this program days ago at the podium

The VA worries that vets would be put at risk for the virus and there are concerns about private care capacity. Short term bit big set back for supporters of community care for veterans.

We're asking the @usmayors to halt water and electricity shut-offs and suspend evictions for 90 days. As the Mayors recently said in their request to Congress for COVID-19 response funds, "cities are the front lines." Prove it. Suspend utility shut-offs & evictions.

LDF's Sherrilyn Ifill Sends Letter to US Conference of Mayors Calling for Halting of Utility Shutoffs and Evictions during COVID-19 Pandemic | NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund

The cordon sanitaire that began around Wuhan and two nearby cities on Jan. 23 helped slow the virus’s transmission to other parts of China, but didn’t really stop it in Wuhan itself, these experts say. Instead, the virus kept spreading among family members in homes, in large part because hospitals were too overwhelmed to handle all the patients, according to doctors and patients there. What really turned the tide in Wuhan was a shift after Feb. 2 to a more aggressive and systematic quarantine regime whereby suspected or mild cases—and even healthy close contacts of confirmed cases—were sent to makeshift hospitals and temporary quarantine centers. The tactics required turning hundreds of hotels, schools and other places into quarantine centers, as well as building two new hospitals and creating 14 temporary ones in public buildings. It also underscored the importance of coronavirus testing capacity, which local authorities say was expanded from 200 tests a day in late January to 7,000 daily by mid-February. The steps went beyond what’s envisioned in many hard-hit Western cities. As a result, many doctors and experts say the recent lockdowns in the U.S. and Europe may slow the rise in new infections—if properly enforced—but still won’t be enough to stop it or prevent many hospitals from being overwhelmed, as they were initially in Wuhan. “A lot of the lessons have been lost,” said Devi Sridhar, professor of global public health at the University of Edinburgh. “A lockdown helps buy time: The only way it will work is if you actually backtrack and start figuring out who has the virus.”

Are the inmates tested prior to release? Probably not: New York City to release 300 nonviolent inmates from Rikers Island | The prisoners all have light sentences, less than a year, and were found guilty of misdemeanor charges, Mayor Bill de Blasio said. | New York City plans to release about 300 nonviolent inmates from Rikers Island, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Tuesday, after the city's first prisoner tested positive for the coronavirus last week. | De Blasio said he won't release inmates serving time for domestic violence or sexual assault. He said he wants to release inmates who are over age 70 or who have any of the five preexisting health conditions that make them most vulnerable to the coronavirus but that he doesn't have the authority to release everyone in that category. He said the city will be working through the legal issues with prosecutors and the state case-by-case to try to release those inmates.

In a shocking and clearly dangerous move, Liberty University (@LibertyU) in Lynchburg, VA expects students and faculty to return to campus amid coronavirus outbreak, despite most courses being online.

In a show of force, 4 major unions all endorsed Biden in the past 10 days, bolstering his standing as the de facto Democratic nominee & sending a message to his Sanders that the primary is basically over.

‘Knucklehead’ who coughed on Wegmans worker charged with terroristic threats, N.J. Gov. says

NYC coronavirus cases as of 6 pm:
192 fatalities, up from 131 this morning
at least 2,850 people hospitalized, and of those at least 660 in ICU
15,597 confirmed cases citywide
4,667 cases in Queens
3,013 in Manhattan
4,407 in Brooklyn
2,505 in the Bronx
999 on Staten Island

What if you’re a landl/rd who needs rent money to pay the mortgage? Is that forgiven, too?

“Ford’s timeline suggested that if the administration had reacted to the acute shortage of ventilators in February, the joint effort between Ford and General Electric might have produced lifesaving equipment sometime in mid- to late April”

Biden won’t be there. Bernie Sanders needs to find some humility, concede, and recede into the background as one of a hundred in the US Senate. And then he needs to do his job. Bernie Sanders is hurting the country. Again. The best thing one can do about Sanders is to ignore him. Not give him social media oxygen, airtime oxygen, or breathing room to his now incomprehensibly stubborn stance, divisive and disruptive attitude and his completely going nowhere campaign. He needs to go away. Maybe walk in the woods or take up knitting. He's not running anymore, he's grifting.

Christell Cadet, the paramedic I interviewed for this piece, is now fighting for her life, sick with covid. Let’s honor her and others by giving EMS workers the pay they deserve

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, okay, and I wouldn't lose any voters, okay? It's, like, incredible."

I don't know how you could look at this chart and say the US is in a good place to begin *easing* restrictions

More than two dozen Democrats ran for president in 2020 — including 4(!) from New York — but it is Andrew Cuomo who is having a moment. How blunt talk on the coronavirus has made Cuomo's briefings must-see TV.

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