Monday, March 23, 2020

life scatters only to return, like improvised notes, not ready to be put down

time stretches like a
bird's wing –
burdened –
to eternity

the city revels
in the reveal – sharing a
moonlit exposure

just before day-
break, we are
allowing dreams
to come into
dreams, lifting
the unconscious
out of silence.
though you are only
a fraction of a
layer away,
staggers all senses

for just a moment,
children are calligraphy
brushes for a new
script – resilient, supple,
sharp – a refreshed narrative

for the living, death
is putting away the
jigsaw, one
puzzle piece of
longing at a time
to a single
the meaning

you have taught us
to be like blades
of grass – the taller
you grow, the
lower you must
bend – sometimes
it is hard
to see the sun
from here

on the corner, time
stands still,
to be
picked up, passed
by, desired, and
abandoned – all at once
to be explored
by none other
than theoretical
of the heart

beyond pixels and
patterns, we stretch
our reflections,
an unexpected

there is uncharted
territory within a
bead of water caught
by the curve of october's
wrist, waiting to be released

again and again
i stumble
upon pain,
failing to grasp
the true nature
of things

with the right
going back
is like finding
gold in the most
everyday things

accept happiness
as ephemeral,
recognize pain
as evanescent,
life's coin
is weighted
equally elusive,
equally attractive

as time must
pass, permit it
to carry away
your troubles

in November's
backyard, casting
afternoon shadows
against the wall,
an impression
of impermanence –
a sparrow,
a tree, a memory –
altogether brief

without warning,
the quietest
memories can
sprout wings –
in the middle
of the afternoon,
so suddenly
aflutter – a minute,
a heart, an eternity

there is only glass
between today and
tomorrow –
the answer lies
in how you
look past it

the sun sets like good
medicine, moving
across and
through the body
of sky for day's
solution, inevitably
no delays

though one may not
change the world,
one can bend
with compassion
and wisdom
to take it on

moving on wears the
semblance of letting go, but
holds all too steady
the axis on which it spins
perpetually away

we connect to
disconnect, bringing
our bodies into
brilliant focus –
you might look
all new
in winter's light

no one has yet
isolated the
molecule, but
everyone suspect
it exists. what else
could consistently
carry, fold,
unfold, mend,
and polish,
at times lovingly,
these earliest
memories –
holding them
like a kind of
for survival

i would repeat you
if i could, even if every
version ends the same

the city is an
impulse every time, the same
way you take to me

stop wasting time
finding fault in
others. look to
yourself – time
spent on
your own

we tuck bookmarks all
over the city, as a
reminder of where
we were and when we will re-
turn to finish our story

it takes a word to
undo a thousand words' journey –
please don't be careless

you squeeze air into
golden sustenance, a leaf
fueling the wind

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