Thursday, March 5, 2020

Bernie Sanders 8 1/2 hour Filibuster Lo-Fi

Bernie Sanders 8 1/2 hour Filibuster but it's Lo-Fi. The revolution will be lofi-ized. So I legit listened to the entire thing and holy schnikes Bernie Sanders is unstoppable!! 8 1/2 hours straight without a single break he speaks clearly and concisely (not to mention in tempo) throughout. Not once does he ever lose sight of the subject or go off topic. What's more is how these remarkable oratory skills are backed by solid research and preparedness, all serves as a testament to his potential for leadership. Especially when compared to other filibusters most notably that which was delivered by Ted Cruz. In this example, Cruz took the floor to read aloud from children's book "Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss with the intent of delaying the democratic process. This was not only disrespectful to those present but an insult to the country! That's why it's refreshing to know there's a politician who takes his job seriously, speaks articulately with purpose and resolve, on behalf of his constituents. Leadership that actually represents the American people instead of big money and special interests! ...and that's all I have to say about that...

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