Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Light News For The Moment | I Love You Eric, Beto, Alyssa, Pete

I refuse to underestimate the power of intelligence, kindness and decency. My friend, @JoeBiden has all of that and so much more. Joe already has the respect of world leaders. He has the experience to effectively lead on day one. I’m endorsing Joe Biden for President.

I’m voting for Joe Biden because he can beat Donald Trump; because having him at the top of the ticket will help our down-ballot candidates, especially in Texas; & because he can bring people together to reach the ambitious goals we have for our country.

Our country needs a President who embraces empathy above all else. Someone who leads with kindness, caring, and ethics. Please get out tomorrow and vote for the democratic candidate you believe will do that. For me that is @JoeBiden #2020election #SuperTuesday

My sincere gratitude and respect for @PeteButtigieg right now is overwhelming. He is the future of the Democratic Party. What he did today was selfless and shows why he will one day make an incredible President. 🙌🏽 #BlueWave #DefeatMitch #DefeatTrump

I love aspects of a lot of the democratic candidates especially @SenWarren and @PeteButtigieg but I am leaning towards @JoeBiden because I believe he has the best chance of helping the down ballot races and winning in the swing states. I want to know what you feel. Please share.

The only way we beat Trump is through a politics that reflects the decency of the American people. It’s what we sought to practice in my campaign—and it’s what @JoeBiden has practiced his whole life. I'm proud to stand with the VP and help make him our next Commander-in-Chief.

Dear @MikeBloomberg, please help us defeat Donald Trump by dropping out of the race and putting all your campaign money into a candidate who earned there way here, and can actually win. Thank you in advance. Please RT!

YEP: This is the Joe Biden I would vote for.

Reminder: Texas Closed Hundreds of Polling Sites in Black and Latino Communities

Russia's main opposition leader Alexei Navalny said Tuesday that authorities had frozen all of his bank accounts and those of his family, including his elderly parents. The 43-year-old anti-corruption blogger, has emerged as President Vladimir Putin's most prominent critic

Spain plans 'only yes means yes' rape law.

UC Santa Cruz Pres. Janet Napolitano fires 54 teaching assistants striking for higher wages because of SC's impossibly high cost of living

World's biggest meat company linked to brutal massacre in Amazon. | Investigation traces meat sold to JBS and rival Marfrig to farm owned by man implicated in Mato Grosso killings

Devin Nunes sues Washington Post. It’s his 7th lawsuit in 12 months

Donna Brazile Tells RNC Chairwoman to ‘Go to Hell’ on Fox News

An American who was quarantined to check for signs of coronavirus says he's facing more than $2,600 in bills from his government-mandated hospital stay

Sanders Fans Yesterday: We're gonna burn your entire party to the ground and piss on the ashes, you slimy centrist snakes!🤬 Sanders Fans Today: Why are they all teaming up to stop us?😥

Watching almost all of the candidates that started the primary neutral or semi-favorable to Bernie completely turn on him and collectively tell Bernie & Co to fuck off has been so satisfying. Seeing and haering Pete "Bernie was my childhood hero" and Beto "Fuck The Establishment, I Don't Want Your Support" O'Rourke endorse Biden was fucking EPIC.

For the first time since July 2019 there are no active fires in NSW Australia

"Have you supported any legislation that helps African-Americans?" Bernie: "Not specifically, no."

Coronavirus Cases Tested in U.S. Removed From CDC Website, According to Congressman: 'American People Deserve Answers'

Trump administration cut funding to the nation’s poorest schools

With respect to @AOC, it was black working class people in South Carolina who stopped the @BernieSanders surge.

How ‘Conservatism’ Could Kill Us All; Republicans and Their Beloved Private Sector Can’t Cope with a Problem Like the Developing Coronavirus Pandemic

Conservatives’ Coronavirus Denial Is Going to Get People Killed - By dismissing the disease as a Democratic hoax, right-wing pundits are putting their elderly audience in danger.

Farmers Convicted Of Fraud Received Tax-Payer Funded Bailout Funds

Millions of uninsured Americans like me are a coronavirus timebomb — I haven’t gone to the doctor since 2013. When you multiply my situation by 27.5 million, that’s a scary prospect

Task Force Expert Instantly Contradicts Trump On ‘Quick’ Coronavirus Vaccine — Again; “Like I’ve been telling you, Mr. President,” it’s going to take a year and a half, corrected Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Immigration judge retires because Trump is turning courts into ‘politburo rubber stamp’

Senate Republicans Will Try To Sneak A Clean Reauth Of Surveillance Powers Into A Must-Pass Coronovirus Bill

Republican Senators try to revive discredited Burisma conspiracy theory within hours of Biden winning Democrat endorsements

Planet Plastic: How Big Oil and Big Soda kept a global environmental calamity a secret for decades

It truly hasn’t occurred to the media that there are many progressive people like me who don’t support Bernie because he is an unelectable narcissistic fraud not because we’re moderates.

This is fair: Sanders responds to Warren claim he fails to get things done with two-minute list of things he got done

Trump and Republicans are fighting tooth and nail to repeal the Affordable Care Act and strip away Americans' health care. The Supreme Court will hear their latest attempt in October. Here's what's at stake:

Dow tumbles 700 points after the Fed delivered surprising news about the economy

John Bolton's book has been delayed until May due to White House review - Trump “will seek to block the book's publication”

New Lawsuit: Private prisons and detention center contractors have ramped up their lobbying efforts during the Trump administration. We’re suing with @worthrises for the release of documents to reveal how those efforts have influenced federal policymakers.

I do agree: "[Sanders] wants to make real changes to make America a good country. I mean, America has never been a good country, since the get-go. We've been brainwashed. Our founders are so great, right? George Washington and all these guys? What they did was they came and committed genocide against the natives, stole their land, kidnapped Africans and enslaved them, and founded our great nation. Our nation is rotten to the core. We need a good re-foundation. We need to have love among all people. We've got to start over again."

“If you tune into a lot of NBA telecasts, the announcers are hate watching their own game.” Imagine the NFL if [Tony] Romo was basically like ‘Oh, this passing is not going to work. Where’s my cloud of dust?' That’s NBA games right now." - Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey

 "I served the longest suspension in MLB history. It cost me well over $35M. And you know what? I deserved that." @AROD says the Astros deserve whatever comes their way after the lack of remorse they've shown.

Greece migrant crisis is an 'attack by Turkey on the EU' — Austria

Tokyo 2020 could be postponed to end of year - Japan's Olympic minister.

More than 80% of Indian Ocean Dolphins May Have Been Killed by Commercial Fishing.

Taliban attack Afghan army bases days after US peace deal

France closes more than 100 schools due to coronavirus

COVID-19 Vaccine Shipped, and Drug Trials Start

14 British soldiers who fought in Afghanistan kill themselves within two months

Coronavirus infects 23 Iranian lawmakers as ayatollah orders military to help fight spread

WHO officials make urgent plea for medical gear: 'Supplies are rapidly depleting'

Washington state reports 7th death from virus

The U.N.'s nuclear watchdog says Iran has nearly tripled its stockpile of enriched uranium over the last three months in violation of its deal with world powers, and is refusing to answer questions about three possible undeclared nuclear sites

Iran frees 54,000 prisoners to combat coronavirus

In an emergency move, Federal Reserve cuts interest rates to battle coronavirus

This is one scared sick credit market:
YIELD ON BENCHMARK 10 YEAR TREASURY BREAKS 1.00% to 0.99% We’ve witnessed history.

SpaceX just lost another Starship prototype. Starship SN1 exploded during a pressure test on Friday, which briefly blasted the ship into the air before it crumbled into pieces as it fell back to Earth.

Indonesia volcano Mount Merapi erupts, spews ash. Mount Merapi's eruption lasted more than seven minutes and was heard in communities more than 30 kilometers away. A massive plume of volcanic ash forced authorities to shut an international airport on the island of Java.

With biodiversity approaching a tipping point that could be catastrophic for humanity, a new initiative from the IIED proposes biocredits aimed at tackling biodiversity breakdown and poverty in affected areas.

“Voter suppression, plain and simple”: Texas closed hundreds of polling sites in black, Latino areas Counties with largest minority population growth saw 2.5M new residents and 542 closures. Whiter areas had just 34

CDC blocked FDA official from premises


We need to stop being shocked by their hypocrisy. They actually believe in nothing. All that matters is their personal power and wealth in any given moment, and their morals shift to accommodate that desire.

Joe Biden - People don't want a revolution, they want results

House Republicans sound the alarm on Taliban deal

Another in a series of "close your eyes and imagine if Obama said it" quotes: "The relationship is very good that I have with the mullah," President Trump said of Abdul Ghani Baradar, the Taliban's chief negotiator and one of its founding members

Who 2020 DSCC endorsed Senate candidates have voted/caucused for or are backing so far:
- Cunningham (NC): Buttigieg
- Gideon (ME): Biden
- Greenfield (IA): Klobuchar
- Hegar (TX): Warren
- Kelly (AZ): Biden

Defense Secretary Warns Commanders Not to Surprise Trump on Coronavirus

New: Virginia "ex-gay" group to defy new ban on conversion therapy

Both Facebook + Twitter are connected w/ the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency today in an effort to monitor real-time election threats from disinformation and cyberattack. Reuters wrote up the agency here:

If the outbreak spreads, U.S. officials might have to consider new steps to protect the more than 1.3 million Americans in nursing homes, such as curtailing visits to reduce the risk of introducing the virus to them, says a former director of the CDC

The Trump administration last year moved to roll back regulations aimed at preventing infections from spreading in nursing homes, a decision that is facing renewed criticism for endangering the elderly amid the coronavirus outbreak.

Stop Touching Your Face! It’s a quirk of human nature that we touch our eyes, noses and mouths all day long. It’s also a major way we pick up infections like coronavirus.

Democratic Party spokeswoman: Judge has ruled all Tennessee polls must extend Super Tuesday hours in wake of tornado.

White Bernie protesters telling black Biden supporters what is and is not racist sums up their "movement."

Despite his promised turnout surge, Sanders is getting fewer votes than he did in 2016

“I don’t care if I’m advancing Russian disinformation, because I think it’s true”

A reminder that Bernie planned to win the primary in a divided field without winning the African-American vote and without winning the majority

Young people continue to refuse to vote despite having more than a dozen people on that ballot. In NBC News exit poll, 13 percent of voters were between 18-29

So much for the revolution...But really, fuck any young person not voting.

The ONLY person Joe Biden has outspent on TV is -- wait for it -- Tulsi Gabbard

Reminder: Court ruled Trump's top immigration official was appointed to the job unlawfully and his policy memos are invalid

Apparently in some exit polls about 12% of people said corona virus was the most important factor in their vote. Which candidate is the most anti-virus?! Did I accidentally vote for a pro-virus candidate?!

The closest thing to an explanation we got as to why the Coronavirus briefing was off-camera with no-audio was when Pence said Trump was on camera a bunch today.

Coronavirus tests will be covered through insurance, Pence says. If you have Medicare or Medicaid, it's covered. The question of who pays for coronavirus testing for the uninsured remains unanswered.

Until the virus is contained, New York’s MTA aims to sanitize all 6,400 subway cars & 5,700 buses every 3 days and all 472 subway stations nightly. (Most vehicles are cleaned daily anyway but rarely given a full disinfectant dousing)

The outbreak around Seattle was only found bc enterprising researchers found a way to *get around the CDC.*

New York governor orders health insurers to waive cost of coronavirus tests

Tulsi Gabbard picked up a delegate in American Samoa, but that may not earn her a spot at the next debate. “The threshold will go up,” a party spokeswoman tweeted.

Biden was out organized and out spent by Bernie and he still won. Why is Bernie such a weak candidate?

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