Tuesday, December 17, 2019

I am disappointed and ashamed of our country.

I'm honestly at a loss at this point. How did we wind up with such a corrupt government that a case as clear as this is going to be swept under the rug? We have a President who sides with dictators over his own government, who stands idly by while our most basic tenets of democracy are destroyed by foreign countries, who believes himself above the law. We have a president who defends hate and murder that furthers his agenda. We have President who speaks and acts like as if there are no consequences to his actions who is backed up by sycophantic yes-men who have bent over backwards to defend him. There's zero accountability for the GOP who are so consumed with clinging to power they have happily sold their souls to Trump. They've lied, been proven to lie, and yet still hold the keys to our Nation. They've showed time and time again their allegiance isn't with the US, they have no interest in doing what is right for the Nation, only what is beneficial to them. We've seen this behavior before and we've fought against it allover the world. We've seen what happens to those who speak out against the government in Russia, we've seen it in the Middle East, we've seen it in China and North Korea, we've seen it in South America. We've seen this and have collectively cried foul. We admonish governments that keep others in cages, that murder their citizens, that have regard only for themselves. And now that it's happening on our own soil - we on the cusp of becoming just like all of the places we disapprove of - where rules don't apply to those in power. Where the citizens are no longer drivers of democracy, only obstacles to navigate around. I am disappointed and ashamed of our country.

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