Tuesday, December 10, 2019

House Democrats unveiled two articles of impeachment against Trump, abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.


Ben Franklin said we have a republic if we can keep it. The president and his men say, 'you can't keep it, and American should just get over it. Americans do not get to decide American elections anymore, not by themselves, not without foreign help.'"

Regardless if you think trump wont be removed from office, its important that congress still move forward with the impeachment to not normalize this behavior for future presidents.

It's also forcing congress to put their names down on something to show future generations who stood with democracy and who was against it.

Dont think for a second that republicans will be vindicated when the Senate doesnt remove him from office. If anything it shows how deep the rabbit hole goes and exposes the systemic corruption of the party.

History won't be kind to Trumpublicans and those who stood by and did nothing.

If you dont think republicans gaslighting the country isnt going to motivate more Democrats to get out and vote in 2020, you are sadly mistaken. The blue trend we've been seeing in off year elections will continue into 2020 regardless of peoples' anecdotal evidence against it.

Just remember, if you're on the fence about this, the Republican defence isn't "he didn't do it" but, "he did it but it doesn't matter", meaning they're OK with this president, and all future presidents ignoring congressional subpoenas, as well as the whole extortion/bribery thing

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