Thursday, July 18, 2019

Remember when Trump supporters kept telling you they supported immigration as long as it was legal?

Remember when Trump supporters kept telling you they supported immigration as long as it was legal? I guess that was purely lip service. Trump held a rally last night in which he whipped the crowd into a racist frenzy that ultimately led to chants of "send her back!" in reference to duly elected US Congresswoman (and woman of color) Ilhan Omar. The idea of telling someone to leave the country and return to "wherever they came from" is inherently a racist trope. Telling someone to leave the country because you think your ideas are best and any dissent of those ideas has no room in America is quintessentially UNAMERICAN. It seems to me that people on the fringes of both political parties, but especially Republicans as of late, often confuse Democracy with Autocracy. This country was founded upon ideals that include the freedom of speech, thought, and expression. That all men are created equal. And although our country has a dark history surrounding that second point I truly believe in my heart progressive thinkers are striving to make this a country where that statement has NEVER BEFORE been more true. If you want a specific set of core religious & political beliefs to be the law of the land and any dissent or discourse surrounding the application of those ideas to the American public unacceptable than YOU are the one who needs to leave the country because YOU are representing the antithesis of what America is all about.

Our diversity of culture and thought is what makes us one of the most unique Democratic experiments in human history. If that has no value to you whatsoever then I'm afraid you've completely misinterpreted what it means to be an American. Wrapping yourself in the flag and proclaiming blind loyalty to whatever governing party happens to be in power does not make you a Patriot. Using our Military Service members as a political tool and then denying them the proper funding they're entitled to reintegrate into civilian life because you don't want to pay more taxes does not make you a Patriot. Scapegoating immigrants does not make you a Patriot. It makes you a backwards thinking bigot that I hope misrepresents what the majority of Americans stand for. So it's clear to me now that Trump has made 2020 about race because he literally has no new or constructive ideas to offer his voting bloc. He'd rather burn everything down just so he can be King of the Ashes. This is the type of man we're dealing with, and these are the type of people he is empowering. We should all stand together in defense of our ideals and our fellow countrymen, we should reject this demagoguery. That is what makes you a Patriot. Do not let this become normalized.

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