Saturday, December 10, 2022

 So if you’re keeping track, there have been… -multiple attacks on power substations in NC and SC just this week. 6 attacks at power substations in WA and OR in recent weeks. 6 attacks on substations in FL in a single 12-day stretch in September.

The aim of these attacks on power substations is violent anti-government criminal activity.

This is particularly alarming because it’s following a trajectory that was laid out by extremists in an “accelerationist handbook” that circulated on Telegram over the summer. It’s also in line with the Turner Diaries — a major source of inspiration for neo-Nazi accelerationists. In May/June/July, DHS warned about an “accelerationist handbook” circulating on extremist Telegram channels that explicitly called for potential attackers to bypass mass shootings in favor of causing chaotic blackouts by attacking the power grid (a “sitting duck”).

The idea is to attack the power substations to cause massive power outages, leading to widespread chaos and upheaval, which extremists hope to use to start a race war.

In February, several white supremacist accelerationists pleaded guilty to conspiring to attack regional power substations in an effort to cause widespread power outages and civil unrest, which they hoped to exploit to start a race war. Worth noting that swastikas are featured prominently in the “accelerationist handbook” encouraging attacks on power substations, and in the case prosecuted by DOJ in February, the white supremacists spray painted a swastika on a bridge ahead of a planned attack on a substation.

In the NC attacks, investigators are looking at online conspiracy theories as a possible motive.

Themes like “gamification” and “accelerationism” partly inspired some of the attacks in 2019 and likely will continue to inspire future plots. Gamification is a term where fatality counts in attacks are referred to as “scores,” as the actor desires to accomplish “achievements” or high kill counts.13 Messaging from RMVEs espousing the superiority of the white race has furthered this narrative by framing previous attacks as resulting in a “score.” Additionally, widely disseminated propaganda on online forums and encrypted chat applications that espouse similar themes regarding kill counts could inspire future attackers to mobilize faster or attempt increasingly lethal and more sophisticated attacks. These online forums and chat applications also reference accelerationism, a belief amongst some neo-Nazi and/or fascist RMVEs that the current system

At least six attacks at electricity substations in Washington and Oregon, including two at Puget Sound Energy substations, have been reported to the FBI in recent weeks. Spokespeople for Puget Sound Energy, the Cowlitz County Public Utility District, Portland General Electric and Bonneville Power Administration confirmed the attacks happened in November, according to emails sent in response to Seattle Times inquiries.

US news media is downplaying this is moot but it's not moot, an orchestrated power outage is meant to allow a mass shooter to exponentially increase death toll.

And the 11 people arrested in Minnesota for surveilling a sewage system under a rail system and water plant


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