Monday, December 19, 2022


Introducing Rhiza mycoprotein.

Rhiza is a whole food, complete protein ingredient that’s versatile, allergen-free, neutral in taste, and naturally has the texture of animal meat.

In addition to all of these wondrous attributes, Rhiza mycoprotein contains more protein than eggs, more iron than beef, more fiber than oats, more potassium than bananas, and naturally contains vitamin B12.

Sustainable ingredients to make better meat.

We take a modern twist on the age-old art of fermentation, providing a controlled, indoor farming process that maximizes efficiency while allowing nature to unfold.

Rhiza fermentation (which takes less than one day!) uses far less land and water than animal proteins do, and requires even less processing than other plant protein isolates typically used in plant-based meat.


How We Make Rhiza



We begin with common agricultural commodities..


... empower the all-natural fermentation process...

An arrow and clock indicating that only hours have passed before the next step 


... and harvest the product with minimal processing...

 a plant-based burger 

a plant-based burger

... to create simply delicious and nutritious plant-based meats.


behind the scenes at our fermentation facility

Uncover the wonders of mycoprotein.

By incorporating Rhiza mycoprotein, our customers improve product yields, enhance taste and meaty texture, boost nutritional value, meet sustainability goals, and diversify their product lines––all cost-effectively!

As a nutrient-packed whole food with a completely clean label, Rhiza is an easy win for meat makers of any size in any market.

Rhiza for Animal-Free Meats

Rhiza Burger 

Rhiza Steak 

Rhiza Chicken 

Rhiza Crab 

Rhiza Fish Filet 

Rhiza Deli Slices 

Rhiza Foie Gras 

Rhiza Hot Dog 

Rhiza Meatballs 

Rhiza Breakfast Meat 

Rhiza Ground Beef 

Rhiza Jerky

I already know about plant proteins. What makes Rhiza any different?
Rhiza is objectively superior to textured plant protein isolates commonly used to make plant-based meat today. When it comes to nutrition, meat-like texture, and efficiency, Rhiza is just better.

Rhiza's harvest cycle is exponentially quicker than other plant proteins, while using fewer resources such as land and water. It's also a whole food with a complete amino acid profile, not a protein isolate or fractionate.

Think of Rhiza as the future of plant protein––a next-generation opportunity.
This sounds too good to be true. How do you make Rhiza?
We know it sounds too good to be true, but believe it!

We take common ingredients like potatoes and subject them to an age-old fermentation technique. Within hours, the result is an all-natural, high-protein, whole food with the natural texture of animal meat.
And you're saying this is really cheaper than beef?
Yep. We sell Rhiza for cheaper than what beef costs. We know that sounds great, but that's not good enough. Our goal is eventually to compete on cost with chicken. We're not there yet, but we're getting closer.
Is this a mushroom protein?
Close, but no cigar. And in fact, no mushroom, either. Think of mushrooms as the fruit of fungi, but not the whole thing. In fact, most fungi don't even produce mushrooms.

We feed starchy foods like potatoes to special kinds of fungi roots ("Rhiza" means "root" in Latin) and allow them to naturally turn into the meatiest plant protein on the planet.
What the heck is mycelium?
Mycelium is the root system of fungi. It can have a unique filamentous structure that mimics the texture of animal meat.

That mycelium is what we transform into delicious mycoprotein.
That sounds almost like magic. How are you doing this?
It is magic...the magic of science!

We've spent years perfecting our methods, taking a process that occurs in nature, wrapping stainless steel around it, and providing the optimal conditions for speedy conversion of starchy ingredients like potatoes into meat-like foods!
How do Rhiza's nutritional values compare to animal meat?
Rhiza is a true superfood, with more iron than pork, turkey, and even beef! With more protein than eggs and more potassium than bananas, Rhiza is a low-fat, zero-cholesterol protein that convincingly enhances or replaces animal-based meat.

Also, Rhiza is packed with healthy fiber. Guess how much fiber the most fiber-packed animal meat has? Zero grams. Not so magical.

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