Sunday, November 24, 2019

Politicizing the military and forcing it into untenable positions to demonstrate loyalty to Trump. What could possibly go wrong?.....: Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Sunday asked for Navy Secretary Richard Spencer's resignation, saying he has lost "trust and confidence in him regarding his lack of candor," according to a statement from Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman. Murderer Gallagher may possibly keep the Trident and retire a Navy Seal.

Defense Department officials said Mr. Spencer prompted the ire of Mr. Trump when he threatened to resign over the president’s handling of the case, and publicly said he disagreed with the president’s handling of the matter”

Unfortunately, it has become rampant in this respect, I no longer share the same understanding with the Commander in Chief who appointed me, in regards to the key principle of good order and discipline. I cannot in good conscience obey an order that I believe violates the scared oath I took in the presence of my family, my flag and my faith to defend the Constitution of the United States.

Trump's tweet backs up Spencer's version of events (publically hit back at Trump and pledged to remove Trident etc) and not the one that the Pentagon put out (military lost faith in him, wanted to allow Gallagher to keep Trident etc)

There are now 3 versions of Spencer firing:
TRUMP: Navy treated Gallagher badly + cost overruns
ESPER/WH/Pentagon: Spencer sidestepped DOD, made secret proposal to WH to allow Gallagher to retire w/ Trident pin
SPENCER: Resigned because he couldn't obey Trump order on Gallagher

And he just appointed the ambassador to Norway Ken Brathwaite to the position. Did he also donate a million to Trump's campaign I wonder?

Spencer: "I hereby acknowledge my termination..."

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