Saturday, April 18, 2020

Vegan Honey Fast Recipe

  • a handfull of Dandelion blossoms
  • 150ml water
  • 150g raw cane sugar
  • zest and juice of half a lemon
  1. collect the Dandelions.. duh. Depending on where you're from, this stuff crows literally everywere (and the leaves will make a great pesto as well). Just make sure it's a bit off the road, cause you don't want this fumes and dust in your food.
  2. remove all stalks and give them a quick wash with cold water
  3. put them in a pot with your 150ml and let them sit for 2 hours
  4. bring everything to a quick boil, and let them sit for another 6 hours at least or over night (you should probably plan that ahead)
  5. no you can finally remove the Dandelions, their job is done
  6. put in sugar and lemon and bring it to a slight simmer for aobout an hour, but keep an eye on it
  7. as soon as it starts to thicken up a bit you can fill it in a clean jar, don't worry it will thicken up a lot more while cooling down
  8. (optional) befor you fill it up you can whisk this up with whatever machine you have for this (however, don't do this by hand, that's a royal pain in the a***). This will take some time, but the incooperated air, will make it creamy easier spreadable.
There you go, your own honey without the digestion juices of an insect in it.

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