Monday, June 17, 2019

Impeachment: There is no secret plan | Impeachment hurts the impeached | Impeachment is a permanent black mark | The goal is not removal | Impeachment is good strategy | Pelosi's statements on impeachment are divisive | Pelosi can sway public opinion | Pelosi is not a political genius

What you need to know about impeachment and Pelosi.

1) There is no secret plan

Reporters have interviewed various reps in the House and they all say "there is no plan." This is simple inaction. Nadler and others have pushed for impeachment inquiries and Pelosi simply refuses. If you hear someone talking about a plan, don't believe them. There is no evidence of a plan.

2) Impeachment hurts the impeached

Many people have pushed the talking point that impeachment will somehow magically help Trump. This is a bad faith and ahistorical argument. All impeached presidents - and those associated with them - have suffered dire consequences of impeachment. Ask Al Gore about it - he lost to Bush after Clinton was impeached. Ask Hillary how she did in presidential elections.

Nixon didn't even make it to his impeachment; he resigned after articles of Impeachment were voted on and approved by the House committee.

3) Impeachment is a permanent black mark

Impeachment is the ultimate rebuke. It is a permanent black mark that cannot be undone, cannot be blocked by McConnell, and cannot be vetoed by Trump.

The Senate can refuse to remove the president but cannot undo or block Impeachment itself.

4) The goal is not removal

No president has been removed after impeachment. We still must impeach.

Impeachment sends a signal to future presidents: if you commit crimes, you will be impeached, and you will have to count on the Senate to protect you. The message sent by not impeachment is: you are above the law.

5) Impeachment is good strategy

Impeachment will hurt Trump's reelection. See above regarding Gore and Hillary Clinton. Gerald Ford also lost reelection due to Nixon resigning during his impeachment.

Impeachment means Trump can’t say he’s innocent because he wasn’t impeached.

Impeachment galvanizes Dem voters, even more so if the Senate refuses to remove. Trump voters are already riled up so impeachment won't help them at all.

6) Pelosi's statements on impeachment are divisive

The political leadership of the Dem party - aside from Pelosi - are calling for Impeachment. Warren, Sanders, Beto, and others. What message does it send to voters when Pelosi goes against this tide?

7) Pelosi can sway public opinion

Polls found support for impeachment dropped after Pelosi said she was against it. This shows the power she has to affect public opinion. If she wants to impeach, she could make the case, but she hasn't. Leaders win public support by speaking persuasively. Pelosi has not even attempted this and has only said confusing statements like "Trump is self-impeachable."

8) Pelosi is not a political genius

The Dems have lost thousands of state congressional seats under Pelosi's leadership.

She protected Bush 2 from impeachment & criminal prosecution for war crimes -- which is why we are here today. The long term consequences of her actions have been terrible for Democrats and democracy.

With full control of all branches of Government Pelosi barely passed RomneyCare. Yet she is called a "Master Legislator".

What you can do about it:

Call your Reps and Senators every week and demand impeachment. It only takes a few minutes.

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