Our antibiotics are becoming useless: “Common diseases are becoming untreatable” - warning issued in a major new UN report on drug resistance. If we don’t make a radical change now, the report says, drug-resistant diseases could kill 10 million people a year by 2050.
Trump Laughs at Supporter’s Proposal to Shoot Immigrants: ‘That’s only in the panhandle you can get away with that, folks,’ he said. ‘Only in the panhandle!’
Donald Trump Lost a Billion Dollars—Just Not His Own. He lost other people’s money, then bogusly claimed the tax benefits of those losses for himself.
Republican Tennessee House Speaker Engulfed in Scandal Over Fake Email, Cocaine, Racism, Sexts
Trump and Kushner have been accused of breaking the law by failing to keep records of their meetings with foreign government officials including Putin, Kim Jong Un and top Saudi officials.
New York moves to release Trump’s tax returns and reduce his pardon powers
Census offices are being cut across the country — and California is losing 24
White House imposes new rules on reporters’ credentials, raising concerns about access
DC court disbars Manafort over criminal convictions
'Unhinged, Insensitive, and Lying': Trump Uses Bar Graph to Spread Falsehood About Puerto Rico Hurricane Aid - "His racism knows no boundaries," says San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz
Disposable "festival tents" should be banned to help prevent almost 900 tonnes of plastic waste each year, festival organisers have said. A group of more than 60 independent festivals across the UK have urged retailers such as Argos and Tesco to stop marketing and selling tents as single-use items.
Birth control pills, condoms and all other contraceptives should be available at no cost for youth in Canada age 25 and under, the Canadian Paediatric Society says.
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