Saturday, April 27, 2019

Nerve (2016)

Excellent film

Realistically within the next few years we are all going to be connected to the smart grid. After the next world war, which will be a smokescreen in order to bring down the corrupt and manipulated financial system, the new banking system will be sustainable and the world currency will be digital and on the blockchain. Everyone will receive an embedded RFID chip that will have an IPv6 address. The technology is already constructed. AI will be in operation and that will control our entire lives. From birth to death, AI will reign over us all. Even in the mainstream media IBM (hardware), Microsoft (software), Amazon (shopping), Facebook (social) and Google (search) are building their own part in our not too distant future. We have Virtual Reality in the form of Occulus, we have wearable universal translators being created. Augmented reality is on its way. Driverless cars, boats, trucks and trains. Driverless planes. Autonomous drones that refuel for continuous 24/7 monitoring. The rights of humanity have been ripped away and we have done it to ourselves. Welcome to a brave new sustainable world, a one party state with perpetual war. Everything is owned by the rich and we are merely slaves. Our future will be that of limitation, like in The Hunger Games and In-Time where populations are limited to where they can go, that's Agenda 21. The re-wilding of the planet and everyone will be racked and stacked in mega cities like the 5th Element, already under construction in China where there are numerous empty cities full of tower blocks. Certain areas will be designated as prisons, like Escape from New York. We won't care. We will have our virtual reality games like 'sight' and 'hyper-reality' short films. Hollywood has prepared us for our future. It isn't a great future. It is a future of servitude, and we're going to love it.

What I have said is only part of what could most definitely happen in the not to distant future. The choices we make could usher in a dystopian future of control and subjugation. Or could result in humanity being free. When you vote for your president, prime minister, local senator and congressman? Make sure you are voting for someone who cares about you more then their back pocket. Vote with your money. Are you going to buy products that are patented by companies such as Bayer Monsanto? Vote organic, pay the extra, feed yourself nutrition. Vote with your sanity where you want to live, where you work, who you are in a relationship with. We are either free or we are enslaves. I choose free. I hope you will do the same...

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