Friday, October 27, 3020

Marmalade I love you forever. The most loving, passionate, magnificent creature ever. Now you're healed forever. I hope and pray and demand the other side is a far better world with everything you want and love. Someday I'll catch up to you. Words and thoughts and emotion and life itself fail me. Anger Pain Guilt Rage Devastation All Of It consumes me forever. I hope and pray you are purely healed and reborn and return to me. I hope and pray you are purely healed and reborn and join a family who give you endless love and everything you need and everything you want and lay down their lives for you. January 2009 - 1st September 2019

Marmalade, my little lude dude (completely and totally forgot about this one.....)

sweetening our days and sweetening our nights, sweetening our lives, all our lives through

Marmalade you sweeten our days and you sweeten our nights, you sweeten our lives, all our lives through

bronze gold copper sunshine, caramel, twizzles, drizzles, cinnamon swirl, whip of papaya

flaming firebolt

sun spun its rays into a brassy bar of fur

my cinnamon buns

cinnamon tootsie roll, bronze nugget

my peanut butter cream puff pie

my peanut butter brittle

my delicate puss, my delicate swan, swan legs, legs so slim and delicate, fragile, beautiful, always made me

think of a swan, my swan

you are made of earth's precious metals

you are made of the same stuff as stars

he bows, then does a trick that wows, he's the original bow wow wow, cats are the original bow wow wow

you come from Egypt, you were worshipped because cats were considered stately, dignified, royal, and wise,

and you are

you are made of the sun and the moon and the stars

stardust kitty

purr baby

furr baby

slim jim, mr. slim jim

juice up (to get ready for your walk, patio time)

honey bear, bear of honey

are you the puss? are you the hairy pussy? yes you are, you are the pussy of the house, house puss

Mr. Cockala

slap dash, dash of slap (you rubbing past, you rubbing against us, slap then dash, my rap kitty)

my rap kitty

cocky pussy

you're my baby

my little wild maniac

you trill like a nightingale, like a bulgarian polyphony singer

honey bear, my bear of honey


he whips me with his tail, tail whipped

whip that tail

there you are Marmalade, there you are

hustle and flow, hustle flow

praline crunch

hiss of the house

passion puss, my puss of passion

passion puss, where is the passion puss

puss-say I say

peach cream fuzz pie

sexy pussy, he's all kinds of sexy

sexula of the house, mr. sexy

big puss, little puss, fast puss, finicky puss, all kinds of pussy, all kinds of puss

good puss, bad puss, fast puss, finicky puss

stubborn puss, stubborn pussy

my little nomad

Hey puss, I see you

puss, puss, puss

house puss, puss of the house

yo pussy, soul pussy, fast furious finicky pussy

passionate puss

pusses tusses

wild puss

fast furious finicky ferocious

my sphinx, you are a riddle

sexy strut, strut of sex

strut swagger, swing those hips, swing those hips round, strut those legs, pump those legs, slap those paws

down, slap, slap, slap, slap

strut that body around, strut that body round

swing the bommaly boms around

stretch that body, spread those toes, close those legs

we have a puss in the house, a house puss

we have a pussy in the house, where is the pussy of the house

lounge like a lion
leap like a leopard
lurk like a lynx
jump like a jaguar
prowl like a panther
pounce like a puma
taunt like a tiger
chaunt like a cheetah
balk like a baboon
swing like an orangutan

woolly bully, my little woolly bully

soul brother/brutha

Marmalade I love you forever. The most loving, passionate, magnificent creature ever. Now you're healed

forever. I hope and pray and demand the other side is a far better world with everything you want and love.

Someday I'll catch up to you. Words and thoughts and emotion and life itself fail me. Anger Pain Guilt Rage

Devastation All Of It consumes me forever. I hope and pray you are purely healed and reborn and return to me. I

hope and pray you are purely healed and reborn and join a family who give you endless love and everything you

need and everything you want and lay down their lives for you. January 2009 - 1st September 2019


Borrowing from When Lilacs Last In The Dooryard Bloom'd

My Marmalade crying trilling pure deliberate notes that spread and filled my heart/mind/soul and the early

evening night when Kenny cut down those trees, cats lived/hid out in those wild tangle of trees behind his house,

Marmalade you cried anguishing meows that night watching Kenny cut them down, I'll never forget, haunted me

everyday of my life, Marmalade's little heart deeply deeply devastatingly broken for his comrades of the night,

meows of uttermost woe, looking back it was like an omen that Marmalade would always suffer, meow notes

long panoramas of visions of cat disbelief and heartbreak, you were born into suffering that you NEVER

DESERVED, YOU NEVER DESERVED THE SUFFERING/TRAUMA that entangled you (Elsie's dog almost

attacking you that resulted in your badly injured paws/claws because you dug your claws into the ground when

you set your body up to "stand your ground" and defend yourself, the other guy's dogs jumping through the

screen, Shirley's dog, the guy with the small motorcycle and you re-injured your paws/claws, when you broke

your femur climbing the planter, you joined our family and ended up suffering our NEVER ENDING BAD

LUCK). I'm sorry Kenny did that, I went from not liking him to viewing him as a worthless piece of shit, he did

not want us back there or on his lawn, I understand that, all he had to do was fix his fence (which he did do, in

the most rudest ignorant scumbag way possible) or simply shout over one day, hey, please no more crossing

through the fence. My heart broke that day watching your heart break, I tried to console you but you were

understandably inconsolable.

Marlade's trilling meow the song of my soul, clear, low, wailing, flooding the night, bursting with disbelief,

covering my heart, his powerful psalm in the early evening I heard forever from that evening forward, I see him

trying to stand and peer as high as possible and meow in devastating disbelief and anguish that his cat friends

might be harmed, I tried to commune with you, confort you, but your piercing deeply deeply deeply sad meow

gutted me and I knew  you your heart broke, wonderous meows of my bronze gold copper sunshine Marmalade,

the sound full of woe, I felt the same and your heart pain was my heart pain, meow on my pussy cat, I had no

right to sharply yell at you to get you stop meowing ALL THOSE NIGHTS when you meowed wildly to your cat

friends and to the wild night, you poured your meow all across creation itself, limitless

My Marmalade's meows free and tender and wild and loose and wondrous, mastering me, my trilling bulgarian

polyphony singer, your meows received all existence, thrilling

But that early evening (Kenny cutting tries) your meows sang the carol of innocence broken, of a heart broken, a

carol that rapt me, rapt the night, my songbird, this Marmalade is the best I can do for you, heavily borrowed

from Whitman, this is my chant for you, I love you above all, I voice with my husky ragged voice this for you,

hear this, come back to us.


Walt Whitman

Of your real body and any man's or woman's real body,
Item for item it will elude the hands of the corpse-cleaners and
    pass to fitting spheres,
Carrying what has accrued to it from the moment of birth to the
    moment of death.


Walt Whitman - Unnamed Land

O I know that those men and women were not for nothing, any more
    than we are for nothing,
I know that they belong to the scheme of the world every bit as much
    as we now belong to it.

I believe of all those men and women that fill'd the unnamed lands,
    every one exists this hour here or elsewhere, invisible to us.
In exact proportion to what he or she grew from in life, and out of
    what he or she did, felt, became, loved, sinn'd, in life.

I believe that was not the end of those nations or any person of
    them, any more than this shall be the end of my nation, or of me;
Of their languages, governments, marriage, literature, products,
    games, wars, manners, crimes, prisons, slaves, heroes, poets,
I suspect their results curiously await in the yet unseen world,
    counterparts of what accrued to them in the seen world,
I suspect I shall meet them there,
I suspect I shall there find each old particular of those unnamed lands.


My beloved Marmalade through with your part: you're only sleeping, you're merely sleeping, you have a new

part to play, your new part is waiting, wake up and commence with your new part, nine lives not only means

nine human lives in your lifetime, it means nine human lives in my timeline, nine of you in my lifetime, you owe

me countless years, you owe me nine more lives, return home, I love you

You're still tied to September because you were grafted to September, having lived through the early morning of

September 1st, closing your eyes for the last time that morning. You are engrafted to September 2019 for having

lived through that September 1st Sunday morning. September 1st was your last day (and Sunday, our shopping

day, forever changed) but you're engrafted to September each and every day of the month.

Tomorrow is October 1st, a whole new world because September will be complete, closed, your final day no

longer attached to the month. My real first day KNOWING it's a world without you alive running around by my

side in it. My first real day in the world by myself, on my own, a whole new world, after the time we had. You

will not be engrafted to October 2019 or the months and years beyond. Billions of calendars have turned the

page and you are left behind in September 2019.

But you are engrafted IN ME and I will carry you with me and in me through the remainder of my life, you will

be carried alive in me for a duration of probably close to twice my age. I'm old yet have twice my life left to

live (although I see no future, I have no sense of any future). Myself and mother (and worthless excuse of a

human being grandmother who really stopped caring about you several years ago because she finally aged into a

geriatric stage) are the two people who will carry your entire 10 year and 8 month and 1 day existence inside

ourselves for the rest of our days. I will carry you in me for the rest of my life. You were and are and always

will be worshipped. You are engrafted in my brain, heart, bones, cells, soul.

It's over now, we had our time. Thank you Heather Nova for that lyric. It likely saved my life reading it today.

Marmalade I love you. I always told you, you're killing me, because I knew, deep inside, our time together was

limited (felines live out their lives faster than humans), I knew time with you was limited, you killed me. It's

over now, we had our time. This pain is agonizing.  I failed you, not vice-versa. All you ever wanted was for us

to be full of laughter and happiness and joy. You wanted our house to be a happy, joyful, laughing, home. You'll

NEVER know how sorry I am that that happy joyous home was never meant to be. You'll also never know that

you entered a NON-CHANGING situation, there was NOTHING you could do to unify myself and the other two

people. You did everything in your power to unify us and that was beyond ALL power. But you saved me. You

SAVED me. I failed you. It was up to me to change and exit and take you with me. But YOU NEVER FAILED.

You brightened our life for 10 years and 9 months. You brought us endless infinite eternal happiness and joy and

laughter for 10 years and 9 months. I'm sorry for all the screaming and fighting and screaming and fighting and

ever more screaming and fighting and endless damage that was done (which you always swept away without a

care, felines always do, that a major feline gift), which had nothing to do with you. Uniting myself and the other

two people was never going to happen, you did not know the damage was done, you were not yet in the world. It

took more than 4 billion years for your father's seed to be planted, for you to grow inside your mother, for your

mother to birth you into this world, for you to find yourself in our house. It will take 4 billion years for that seed

to return and be seeded again and for you to be rebirthed into the world. Whatever world there is then. YOU

NEVER FAILED. You saved my life. You were my life. You are my life. Know that I'm doing, I'm trying, my

very best, to draw strength from memories of you, from thoughts of you, through remembering your meows and

purrs and radiance and glory and happiness and contentment. All you ever wanted was for me to be happy and

calm and content, to be in a state of joy and contentment and ease. I am doing everything I can allow everything

you gave me to flow through me eternally: your endless passion and love and radiance and gloriousness and

joyousness and contentment and joy and happiness and forbearance and forgiveness and cockiness and complete

and utter joy of the world and everything in it despite the screaming and the fights and all the loud

neighbourhood noises and the maniacal dogs and Florida's holocaust heat. I always told you, you sweetened our

days and you sweetened our nights and you sweetened our lives, all our lives through, and that is what I must

remember at all times. You want me happy. The sad thing is if I ever get the actual happiness I want (and you

know what that is Marmalade, I told you a million times, moving back up north to a blue democratic state with

four seasons), you won't be here to enjoy it. I'm sorry I failed to move us to a blue Democrat state with 4 seasons

and a much cooler cleaner happier environment. That failure kills me every second I breathe. You deserved

better than me and the shit Florida weather and shit hood with shit people we were stuck in. I love you.

Nature/Existence/Evolution is evil and cruel for having designed felines (and canines) to live out their lives in

the blink of a human eye. The pain hurts like it should. Because that is the price of love.

And I'm not editing this message from this moment forward. I have to let it go now. I love you Marmalade. Puss,

puss, puss, where is the puss of the house? (Seeing you): There you are.


Heather Nova - Feel You Like A River

( On ATB / Two worlds LP )

I could feel you across the miles of my body
Almost physical, spiritual
Like there was no separation
Like you were right beside me
Like a river

I can feel forever in my mind
I can always reach for you inside
We can stay together in our minds
Feel you like a river,
Never die

Ooh ooh ooh ...

Remember the bridge we crossed
Leaning out over the water,
With the sun streaming in
Through the leaves
We can keep it alive,
It's just energy

I can feel forever in my mind
I can always reach for you inside
We can stay together in our minds
Feel you like a river,
Never die

Ooh ooh ooh ...

And I feel I feel I feel you
Like a river
And I feel I feel I feel you,
Like a river

I can feel forever in my mind
I can always reach for you inside
We can stay together in our minds
Feel you like a river,
Never die

Ooh ooh ooh ...

And I feel I feel I feel you,
Like a river
And I feel I feel I feel you,
Like a river
And I feel I feel I feel you,
Like a river



Simplicity, is what we need
And I know it in my heart
So many choices make us think we need
What we haven't got

I've been blessed, by you
I've been tested, by an angel
I've been blessed, by you
And I know and I believe
There's a way out to the sea of happiness

And if I knew what Buddha taught
And would my wings unfold
And if I had all that I want
Could I let it go

I've been blessed, by you
I've been tested, by an angel
I've been blessed, by you
And I know and I believe
There's a way out to the sea of happiness

And sometimes I feel I'm learning to crawl
Like I'm still learning how to love
And sometimes I feel like I'm losing it all
But I know there must be some way we can rise above

I've been blessed, by you
I've been tested, by an angel
I've been blessed, by you
And I know and I believe
There's a way out to the sea of happiness
And I know and I believe
And I know and I believe
And I know and I believe

And even though I miss you, I know we're through (we, Marmalade, will never NEVER through)
And I need to find something new

And I need new love
And I need true love
And I need to be held
And I need to be told
There's more to come

I know you're gone, but you
You left me a song

Take the bitter with the sweet
Take the pain in search of joy

I'm still the child I was inside
Emotions that I tried to hide

Out of every sorrow
Another day will dawn

Sometimes you got to let love go
Even though it's hurting, even though
And sometimes you got to let love slide
With the river
The river of life

And though remorse comes easily
An act of love could set you free


The Bowerbird

love walks beside me, but I didn't see til now; how tall and how good
and how rare a bower bird he is. for years he has laid out the path
of blue objects leading to the finest nest. the songs I made and all the
dinners were nothing in comparison. I catch him sleeping and it makes
me cry for all my wandering and darkness and for all his grace. kick
me out, let the folds of promise smother me; I have failed the biggest
test, a beginner cheating at the starting line. bind me up and throw me
to the sharks; I will rot in your lovely nest, I will mess it up and leave
feathers everywhere. you are too good for me; I swear G-d gave me
your heart on a bone china plate to make up for the pain i'd known.
and maybe we are given but one gift in life. we could go on, but you
are so rare and patient. I don't deserve your sweetness or your comfort
or your blue blue blue, perfect blue love.


Marmalade, From You To Me, That Last Day, Your Eyes Squinting Closed And Face Beaming, Perhaps Lost,

Definitely Dying, Hopefully In Reverie Of Joyous Memories, Definitely Running Through A Million Memories

In Your Mind, Your Face Beaming Up Into The Sun, A Smile On Your Face, Hoping, Knowing, Knowing You

Were Going To Return To The Light: Heather Nova - If I Should Die

If I Should Die

If I should die and leave you here, just disappear
I know the sun will still shine
The day I'm gone, you'll carry on and on and on
And I know the sun will still shine

And if you wanna reach me
Just feel the sun in your face
And if you wanna hear me
Just sing out with your own voice

Life in each hour is delicate
As a jasmine flower in my hands
Just for this time
To kiss your face, to hold you now
To feel this grace
Just for this time

And if you wanna reach me
Just feel the sun in your face
And if you wanna hear me
Just sing out with your own voice

Cause I will always, I will always
I will always be a part of you
And love will always, love will always
Love will always, love will get you through

Yeah, I will always, I will always
I will always be a part of you
And love will always, love will always
Love will always, love will get you through

Your voice and existence fills all my existence and life's existence, Marmalade your meows and purrs are being

heard long past your days, you will be heard long past your days, I hear you now, long past your days

You're lost in the silence now, deep in my heart
I'm starting again but I don't know how to start
Look out to the ocean, the green turns to blue
Crack in the sadness, the light filters through

L-rd Byron - Childe Harold's Pilgrimage - Canto III

Adieu to thee again! a vain adieu!
There can be no farewell to scene like thine;
The mind is colour'd by thy every hue;
And if reluctantly the eyes resign
Their cherish'd gaze upon thee, lovely Rhine!
'Tis with the thankful glance of parting praise;
More mighty spots may rise, more glaring shine,
But none unite in one attaching maze
The brilliant, fair, and soft, — the glories of old days.

To every life a light that shines
To every heart a beat that's true
Baby you're my yellow summer
Baby you're my winterblue

Out Of The Cradle Endlessly Rocking

Out of the cradle endlessly rocking,
Out of the mocking-bird's throat, the musical shuttle,
Out of the Ninth-month midnight,
Over the sterile sands and the fields beyond, where the child
    leaving his bed wander'd alone, bareheaded, barefoot,
Down from the shower'd halo,
Up from the mystic play of shadows twining and twisting as if they
    were alive,
Out from the patches of briers and blackberries,
From the memories of the bird that chanted to me,
From your memories sad brother, from the fitful risings and fallings I heard,
From under that yellow half-moon late-risen and swollen as if with tears,
From those beginning notes of yearning and love there in the mist,
From the thousand responses of my heart never to cease,
From the myriad thence-arous'd words,
From the word stronger and more delicious than any,
From such as now they start the scene revisiting,
As a flock, twittering, rising, or overhead passing,
Borne hither, ere all eludes me, hurriedly,
A man, yet by these tears a little boy again,
Throwing myself on the sand, confronting the waves,
I, chanter of pains and joys, uniter of here and hereafter,
Taking all hints to use them, but swiftly leaping beyond them,
A reminiscence sing.

Once Paumanok,
When the lilac-scent was in the air and Fifth-month grass was growing,
Up this seashore in some briers,
Two feather'd guests from Alabama, two together,
And their nest, and four light-green eggs spotted with brown,
And every day the he-bird to and fro near at hand,
And every day the she-bird crouch'd on her nest, silent, with bright eyes,
And every day I, a curious boy, never too close, never disturbing
Cautiously peering, absorbing, translating.

Shine! shine! shine!
Pour down your warmth, great sun.
While we bask, we two together.

Two together!
Winds blow south, or winds blow north,
Day come white, or night come black,
Home, or rivers and mountains from home,
Singing all time, minding no time,
While we two keep together.

Till of a sudden,
May-be kill'd, unknown to her mate,
One forenoon the she-bird crouch'd not on the nest,
Nor return'd that afternoon, nor the next,
Nor ever appear'd again.

And thenceforward all summer in the sound of the sea,
And at night under the full of the moon in calmer weather,
Over the hoarse surging of the sea,
Or flitting from brier to brier by day,
I saw, I heard at intervals the remaining one, the he-bird,
The solitary guest from Alabama.

Blow! blow! blow!
Blow up sea-winds along Paumanok's shore;
I wait and I wait till you blow my mate to me.

Yes, when the stars glisten'd,
All night long on the prong of a moss-scallop'd stake,
Down almost amid the slapping waves,
Sat the lone singer wonderful causing tears.

He call'd on his mate,
He pour'd forth the meanings which I of all men know.

Yes my brother I know,
The rest might not, but I have treasur'd every note,
For more than once dimly down to the beach gliding,
Silent, avoiding the moonbeams, blending myself with the shadows,
Recalling now the obscure shapes, the echoes, the sounds and sights
    after their sorts,
The white arms out in the breakers tirelessly tossing,
I, with bare feet, a child, the wind wafting my hair,
Listen'd long and long.

Listen'd to keep, to sing, now translating the notes,
Following you my brother.

Soothe! soothe! soothe!
Close on its wave soothes the wave behind,
And again another behind embracing and lapping, every one close,
But my love soothes not me, not me.

Low hangs the moon, it rose late,
It is lagging--O I think it is heavy with love, with love.

O madly the sea pushes upon the land,
With love, with love.

O night! do I not see my love fluttering out among the breakers?
What is that little black thing I see there in the white?

Loud! loud! loud!
Loud I call to you, my love!
High and clear I shoot my voice over the waves,
Surely you must know who is here, is here,
You must know who I am, my love.

Low-hanging moon!
What is that dusky spot in your brown yellow?
O it is the shape, the shape of my mate.
O moon do not keep her from me any longer.

Land! land! O land!
Whichever way I turn, O I think you could give me my mate back again
    if you only would,
For I am almost sure I see her dimly whichever way I look.

O rising stars!
Perhaps the one I want so much will rise, will rise with some of you.

O throat! O trembling throat!
Sound clearer through the atmosphere!
Pierce the woods, the earth,
Somewhere listening to catch you must be the one I want.

Shake out carols!
Solitary here, the night's carols!
Carols of lonesome love! death's carols!
Carols under that lagging, yellow, waning moon!
O under that moon where she droops almost down into the sea!
O reckless despairing carols.

But soft! sink low!
Soft! let me just murmur,
And do you wait a moment you husky-nois'd sea,
For somewhere I believe I heard my mate responding to me,
So faint, I must be still, be still to listen,
But not altogether still, for then she might not come immediately to me.

Hither my love!
Here I am! here!
With this just-sustain'd note I announce myself to you,
This gentle call is for you my love, for you.

Do not be decoy'd elsewhere,
That is the whistle of the wind, it is not my voice,
That is the fluttering, the fluttering of the spray,
Those are the shadows of leaves.

O darkness! O in vain!
O I am very sick and sorrowful

O brown halo in the sky near the moon, drooping upon the sea!
O troubled reflection in the sea!
O throat! O throbbing heart!
And I singing uselessly, uselessly all the night.

O past! O happy life! O songs of joy!
In the air, in the woods, over fields,
Loved! loved! loved! loved! loved!
But my mate no more, no more with me!
We two together no more.

The aria sinking,
All else continuing, the stars shining,
The winds blowing, the notes of the bird continuous echoing,
With angry moans the fierce old mother incessantly moaning,
On the sands of Paumanok's shore gray and rustling,
The yellow half-moon enlarged, sagging down, drooping, the face of
    the sea almost touching,
The boy ecstatic, with his bare feet the waves, with his hair the
    atmosphere dallying,
The love in the heart long pent, now loose, now at last tumultuously
The aria's meaning, the ears, the soul, swiftly depositing,
The strange tears down the cheeks coursing,
The colloquy there, the trio, each uttering,
The undertone, the savage old mother incessantly crying,
To the boy's soul's questions sullenly timing, some drown'd secret hissing,
To the outsetting bard.

Demon or bird! (said the boy's soul,)
Is it indeed toward your mate you sing? or is it really to me?
For I, that was a child, my tongue's use sleeping, now I have heard you,
Now in a moment I know what I am for, I awake,
And already a thousand singers, a thousand songs, clearer, louder
    and more sorrowful than yours,
A thousand warbling echoes have started to life within me, never to die.

O you singer solitary, singing by yourself, projecting me,
O solitary me listening, never more shall I cease perpetuating you,
Never more shall I escape, never more the reverberations,
Never more the cries of unsatisfied love be absent from me,
Never again leave me to be the peaceful child I was before what
    there in the night,
By the sea under the yellow and sagging moon,
The messenger there arous'd, the fire, the sweet hell within,
The unknown want, the destiny of me.

O give me the clue! (it lurks in the night here somewhere,)
O if I am to have so much, let me have more!

A word then, (for I will conquer it,)
The word final, superior to all,
Subtle, sent up--what is it?--I listen;
Are you whispering it, and have been all the time, you sea-waves?
Is that it from your liquid rims and wet sands?

Whereto answering, the sea,
Delaying not, hurrying not,
Whisper'd me through the night, and very plainly before daybreak,
Lisp'd to me the low and delicious word death,
And again death, death, death, death
Hissing melodious, neither like the bird nor like my arous'd child's heart,
But edging near as privately for me rustling at my feet,
Creeping thence steadily up to my ears and laving me softly all over,
Death, death, death, death, death.

Which I do not forget.
But fuse the song of my dusky demon and brother,
That he sang to me in the moonlight on Paumanok's gray beach,
With the thousand responsive songs at random,
My own songs awaked from that hour,
And with them the key, the word up from the waves,
The word of the sweetest song and all songs,
That strong and delicious word which, creeping to my feet,
(Or like some old crone rocking the cradle, swathed in sweet
    garments, bending aside,)
The sea whisper'd me.


What though the radiance which was once so bright
Be now for ever taken from my sight,
     Though nothing can bring back the hour
     Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
     We will grieve not, rather find
     Strength in what remains behind;
    In the primal sympathy
    Which having been must ever be;
    In the soothing thoughts that spring
    Out of human suffering;
    In the faith that looks through death,
    In years that bring the philosophic mind.
And O, ye Fountains, Meadows, Hills, and Groves,
Forebode not any severing of our loves!
Yet in my heart of hearts I feel your might;
I only have relinquished one delight
To live beneath your more habitual sway.
I love the Brooks which down their channels fret,
Even more than when I tripped lightly as they;
The innocent brightness of a new-born Day
Is lovely yet;
The Clouds that gather round the setting sun
Do take a sober colouring from an eye
That hath kept watch o'er man's mortality;
Another race hath been, and other palms are won.
Thanks to the human heart by which we live,
Thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and fears,
To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.

Marmalade my Love, you are the candle on the table that burned, you burned on the table (Zhivago: Winter


Heather Nova - The Sun Will Always Rise and bring the light, you, Marmalade, the sun that morning, 1st

September 2019, I will ALWAYS remember the sun beam radiating down and you seemed to be grinning (I

could only see your face partially, but your mouth, a grin), the light, returning home, and now I hate the sun more

than ever because of the memory, because you welcomed it, you welcomed the light, but the light, the sunbeam,

it's now you, beaming down, radiating down, shining down, on me

Your eyes closed, head tilted sligly back, face up, you felt a sun and time and tide coming to an end, you felt

another existence outside of our existence

On that chair that morning, I know you were not able to jump off, I move the chair to the couch to help you onto

the couch, you refused to be moved, those purrs, those three deep purring sequences, you let me know, you told

me it was time, it was at least the very last time you could be you, the last time you could allow what made you

YOU show, the last time you could let me know you loved me, the last time, telling me this was it, waiting any

longer to release you meant you would slip away into a dying sleep you would never recover from, you gave me

one last final burst of your life, YOU,

Sometimes people leave you
Halfway through the wood
Do not let it grieve you
No one leaves for good
You are not alone
No one is alone

I truly believe you willingly made the decision to leave to save us from the emotional pain and financial


It is impossible to put into words the profound effect that you had on my life. You taught me everything that I

know about unconditional love, joy, happiness, wonder, excitement, contentment, selflessness.  You were/are my

constant source of warmth.

My heart is absolutely crushed. Your radiance, joy, spirit, magic, limitless supply of love, everything, is here,

reminding me every day to be better.

I am forever honoured and humbled that you chose us as your caretaker. Please visit all of us in our dreams.

Safire - Thinking Of You

As I sit
looking out the window
I can still remember

They call me to tell me
you went away
It was such a cold day

On a Sunday morning
It came without a warning
And all the pain I felt inside

I just can't forget you
I'm feeling so alone
Though many times I've tried
I can't get you off my mind


I'm thinking of you
Wonder where you are tonight
I wish that I could hold you tight
I'm thinking of you
Wish you could stay
But you're so far away
So far away

And even though you're gone
I know you're happy
where you are

And I know someday
We'll be together
Together again

On a Sunday morning
It came without a warning
And all the pain I felt inside
I just can't forget you
I'm feeling so alone
Though many times I've tried
I can't get you off my mind

I'm thinking of you
Wonder where you are tonight
I wish that I could hold you tight
I'm thinking of you
Wish you could stay
But you're so far away.
So far away...

I know someday
I'll hold you again
You and me, together again
But until that day
I'm thinking of you

gold of the gorgeous, indolent, sinking
    sun, burning, expanding the air

Lilac and star and Marmalade twined with the chant of my soul,
There in the fragrant pines and the cedars dusk and dim.

Failing to fetch me at first keep encouraged,
Missing me one place search another,
I stop somewhere waiting for you.

readapted: Failing to fetch you at first. I keep encouraged,
Missing you one place, I search another,
I stop somewhere waiting for you
You stop somewhere waiting for me 


readapted from Pasternak's Autumn, both translations


Keeping its promise without deception,
The sun penetrated early in the morning,
Tracing a saffron sunray streak obliquely cast
From the window to your resting sprawl.

Blazing ochre was outspread
Over nearby copse and homestead,
My tear-stained pillow, and the bed,
A stretch of wall beyond the bookshelf.

And I recalled the reason why
Suddenly came recollection:
This was the ancient First Day of September
This was your Transfiguration.

On this day a flameless radiant light
Issues from the autumnal sky
And you, my yellow summer and winter blue
Refulgent as an oriflamme,
Command enraptured observation.

You, my flaming firebolt, my sunshine coppered, made your way amid the sere
And starkly stunted autumnal grass
Through the loamy herbage of the earth,
Ablaze like glowing ginger biscuit.

Aloft, the trees' quiescent crowns
Had solemn heaven for their neighbor,
And distance echoed back the sound
Of your long-drawn age-old nightengale trilling polyphonic ululation.

And there, among the endless blue sky with its burning hot September sun
Stood death, to make official survey
And look into my lifeless face
And size my limbs for their interment.

Then, near at hand and heard by all,
A voice spoke, calm and reassuring -
Your own, My own prophetic voice of yore,
Intact, untainted by time and death and corruption and tide:

Farewell to Transfiguration's azure
And to this Gold of Day
Inter into me the bitterness to me of this predestined hour.
Uncounted years
My heart is and forever witness to your life
You are alive as I am alive
Outstretched paw and eye and mind and soul
Free flight forever soaring onwards
Work of wonders
Heaven's Treasure


Sweet 10 years and 8 months and 1 day into eternal time.. you stole my heart
I let it go with all the fear and doubt
Sweet cinnamon swirl.. you opened my mind
With all the sweetness that you left behind
And I'm living, with a vision of you
All the days grow colder, but I know
It's not the way I'm holding on but how I'm letting go
And how I will remember
Sweet pussy cat

And now you're with me
You're with me in the sun
I'm a baby in a world that's just begun
And now you're with me
You're with me in the sun and rain
I'm so glad that I will never be the same
Cause I'm living with a vision of you

All the leaves are falling, falling down like light
It's not the way I'm holding on it's how I'm letting go
But how, I will remember

Thursday, January 20, 3020

Golden Poems

Some Of Us Lean

some of us lean
on this war hard,
lean on it like the outcome
will determine something
closer to the course
for the living
rather than
for all this dying

some of us lean
into the back of this
war casually,
like lounging in
a wicker chair
cushioned for
the blind

for all the time we lean
into this
we will find
no comfort,
for all the time we lean
into our solution
the problem will find a way
to elude us

In Dimly Lit Spaces

in dimly lit spaces, the piano
is a train whistling unevenly
across a sloping stage blowing

up, up, and up the crinkling
wings of beethoven
and bartók – the only two
choices left
within these numb
fingers when drowning
in an endless pit of freshly
polished apples. in dimly
lit spaces, the piano is a train
whistling is a wound bleeding
is a cast iron radiator tiptoeing
nearest the asylum of
a north-facing brick wall

with her rusty skirt grazing
at minor third intervals
across all that city snow

I Prefer To Remain

i prefer to remain
untrained, free to
shuffle around these
memories like they
were pieces of an
unsolvable puzzle
with no links
no blueprints
no reason not to
have a handful of
industrial scissors
all sharpened
on a stone crowded
with dreams

Not Understanding Death

not understanding death
in the midst of a return
to Spring and daylight saving
we tie a rope around our waists
anchored forwards
while slipping
backwards, one minute at a
time, trying to find where
we left you, hoping and resting
against steep stony passages
that you are not locked
treading the spaces between
unfelt milliseconds, cells caught
in the strands of unshakeable time

Beneath The Shadow

beneath the shadow
of the manhattan bridge
then the brooklyn
we alternated strips of sky
and brick, tossing
train noises with a
seasoned wind

Over Our Twin

over our twin
prosciutto and mozzarella
panini, we brushed off
the dusty book of questions
and looked into its
depths, leaning over
to toss one warm stone
into a familiar-looking page

we translated the deep-well
response from french
to english to music
and took with us
one note, still wet and
glistening in the new sun

Peel Back

peel back
the layers
of this rotting
fruit, one
billion at a time,
and take another
look – young America,
it was only a matter
of time before
we lost
those words
of, by, and for,
led astray
by this greying

What It Comes Down To Is

what it comes down to is
the time i spent not
sleeping is in preparation
for a time when i can
sleep like a child again

You Know What I Am

you know what i am
going to say already –
part of not
about it
is thinking about it
fiercely. part of holding
it at arm's length is
not letting it slip.
part of
out sorrow is
the source. part of
lying to yourself is
recognizing the truth.

you know what i am
going to say already –
part of not
about it
is thinking about it

Death Is A Double

death is a double-
acting tumbler
lock, and i am brass
still feeling
for the shape
of an eighteenth
century key.

life is forging me
into a perfect fit

On Average, The Human

on average, the human
heart discards point
two megabytes of broken
data per second, leaving
a distinct taste of loss
in the air for sixteen
seconds just right after –
and should a lucky poet
be passing by, packing
a pair of powder-
free latex gloves and
the finest tweezers, he
or she may gingerly
pinch the fallen
fragments, take them
home to rinse and
hang-dry for a week,
before refashioning
them into something
useful to a beating
heart again

After All That

after all that
and settling
it is duty
to pick the
bones out of
your cooling
ashes and into
your new, marble
skin, feet first.

how were you
able to remain
so still, tickled
by more than
a dozen pairs
of slippery
chopsticks –
and after all these
years, i guess
now you
know, my dear
i have never learned
to hold them

These Memories Rub

these memories rub
against each other
like marbles in a burlap
sack. you can leave
a hand inside to finger
the cool and seamless
illusion, but there
is no real comfort
nor grief
until you can bear
to pull one
out, to study
that embedded
Latticino core,
to explore with
without swerving

Hir Tsa Jin Shin Haw

hir tsa jin shin haw
"drink tea to be wide awake"

today, my mouth
is your mouth, my tongue
your tongue, and i drink

tea as bitter as the first
pot you brewed each morning
as dark as your new death

come, drink,
be wide awake

No Matter Which Way

no matter which way
i look at it, there is
a crease consistent
with the weight of your

in each new memory –

i am stepping off
the train, and the
platform curls,
losing its grip
on me.

i am opening my
mouth to speak,
and the sentence
dog-ears, and i
am undone.

i am looking
at the sky, and the sky
is rolling up its
corners, already finished
with me

The Lily Magnolias

the lily magnolias
are breaking
open –

lit like candles
on heavy-laden
branches, extending
their well-timed
lanterns into the

lit like boats
caught on a
breeze, tearing
on the hook
of childhood

lit like a search
party that will
return again

lit like the altar
for forty-nine days

lit like the thought of you
breaking, blossoming,
into the face
of these tugging

Briefly Caught In My Window

briefly caught in my window

after the thunder
a shimmering calculus
pale petals sailing

We Rounded The Corner

we rounded the corner
at sunset, struck
by the immediate
pleasure of a
garden of red
and yellow
marking flags
planted in the corner
of your lawn
with the boldness
of tulips
and the assertion
of home

It Happens Daily

it happens daily
a full Manhattan eclipse
with a wounded twist

March Winds

march winds
and unwinds herself
near the very
end, disentangling
her braids
from winter's wet
and wounded

We Build Bodies

we build bodies
to live in, structures
to last, and age
is a moving
target, engineered
to see us through

At The Very Spot Where

at the very spot where
sky and earth meet to
duel it out before the
setting sun, there is a
display case,
its curved glass wiped
down hourly
by the baker's
daughter, a jeweled
exhibition –
where children and
adults eagerly
press their fingers
into the cool, refrigerated
glass and point out the
precise solution
to the day's frustrations:
a glistening éclair
for an argument lost,
a delicate Dolce
alla Napoletana for
everything else

On Not Living On Bread Alone

sitting across from you
on an unfettered sunday
morning, we are unpacking
our friendship with
knives and forks, unfolding
memories across our laps,
sipping on the immediate
future, mindfully chewing
over the present.

you should
know – from this
close, i have finally
uncovered some key
ingredients to your
laughter, a bit of
rosemary, something
caramelized, a smile
filled with figs and honey

The City Leaks

the city leaks
into each rendition
of tonight's Chopin –
harsh horns cut
into a couple of
rests, tires trail
and brake
too closely again,
loose sirens lick
the eighth
notes down
to their stems –
i observe
every repeat,
in search of
an empty street

The Sound

the sound
of snow repeatedly
like a panini, with toasted
tracks left in the wake
of succulent
steps –

the thought
of grandma
finally being able
to afford
a new set of
at seventy-eight –

the look
on the new barber's face
down in the
as he received
his one-hundred-percent
tip –

the bowl
of congee
waiting at the end
of the day, hot
with scallion
pearls and roasted
peanuts –

the magic
of you
stopping time on the train
tuesday morning
suspending the count-
down to tardiness
with a look

Ninety-Nine Percent Of

ninety-nine percent of
is to wipe the
dust from the way
you remembered it.
the greater the
distance, the more
everyone seems to
glitter. even the
worst of old
emotions spins in the
new breeze, briefly
catching the
sunlight like a shiny
pinwheel planted
in the garden
to frighten your

Sadness Leaks Like

sadness leaks like
gravity, weighing
down even
the smallest
of things –
a wristwatch,
loose tea leaves,
a glittering

An Improvisational Rendezvous

an improvisational rendezvous
amidst October's deliberation
a trinket of glittering afternoon

Before The Arresting

(for F.N., during taffy-pulling October)

before the arresting
winter, take the city
sharply between
your fingers, pull
and twist it, stretch
it into the light
until it takes on
the most
sheen, then
give it a hard
and chewy
before folding
it into late

For Each

for each
morsel of
there is
a crushed
to all that
all this

Each Blossom Twisted

each blossom twisted
off for just our
pleasure protects
a fervent ecosystem
expertly gathering
data, pushing
mapping out
the algorithm
for survival

Dipped In Silver

dipped in silver
and gold, the city never
changes her perfume

Even Monday Sometimes

even monday sometimes
lets slip a thing
of beauty –
slithering flurries chased
by fiery headlights, homeward
bound, across these
outer-borough dreams

Ten Years

ten years
ten days
or ten minutes –
regret is regret
is someone sitting
in the corner mis-
understanding life

As You Approach

as you approach
the intersection
between your
prime and childish
things, heaven
just appears
more often
out of nowhere
reaching out

In The Place Between

in the place between
and there,
each minute
hugs the hours,
airbrushes the
and stitches the light
a little more
to hypnotize
the moment

An Entire World

an entire world
can retreat
gracefully into
the contours of her
eyes while
the rest of
her face

Part Of Embracing

part of embracing
a neighborhood
is seeing what
you have gained
and reminiscing
on what you have lost

Mourning Is

mourning is
lowering yourself
into obscurity
and, along the
way, wedging
markers into
the sharpest
secure enough
to withhold the
weight of
when you are
ready to pull
yourself out

On A Scale Between

on a scale between
a fire and a flame,
love sometimes
retreats like
a tumbleweed
of lit cigarette ash,
a slow moment of
fading to grey


or no groundhog,
early spring presents
itself – grilled, plated
with arugula,
a festival of Spargel

A Plate Of Fresh

a plate of fresh
and heirloom
tomatoes – each
layer stacked full
of flavors to tell

Hidden In A Mid

hidden in a mid-
day capriccio – almond,
a tragic flavor


the surface
and peel back each
story – salted
or sweetened,
the city still
so familiar

It Is A Kind

it is a kind
of barter system –
we take from the
earth what we
need when
we need, the earth
what is due
when we
are due

Sunday Petal Folds

Sunday petal folds
into a diamond, foiling
the afternoon rain

Two Full Jujube

two full jujube
bowls –
black versus
white, each stone
an old yunzi
poem to polish

On A Windswept

on a windswept
morning, life
to consider
its brevity

I Repotted The Orchid

i repotted the orchid
this morning –
sixteen months
later, and i am
imploring that
it thrives, outlives
me – wet soil
sighs under
these fingernails

We All Make A Living

we all make a living
somehow, tethered
to a lit screen, a new
building, a handful
of avenues, or a spot
in the park.
adolescence waits
on the corner, mouths
flapping as we chase
those dreams, slay
each other's dragons

Youth Should Be

youth should be
made with ample
confidence, a
dash of salt, two
shakes of sugar,
a sprig of
and plenty of

Wisdom Pauses, Weaves

wisdom pauses, weaves
a pattern toward the light
an organic structure

Every Once

every once
in awhile, we
should be left
to remind
us of our
strengths, and
the fruit called
often plucked

I Am Standing

i am standing
two parked
cars, hoping
the reflection
does not
give me away.
i am on Bleecker
again, and everything
is changing, so
why not us?

The Day Threads

the day threads
a shiny
between each
knotted happening,
adding to the
golden length
of an afternoon
well-cared for,
by a multi-
color sunset
at the clasp

Between Sunrise And

between sunrise and
sunset, each ripened
moment can be
squeezed so
lovingly – whether
it is the sweetest of
mangos or the
sourest of kumquats

The Fondest Childhood

the fondest childhood
memories dangle
at the other end
of a string – vibrant,
shimmering, spicy,
just out of reach

On The Other End

on the other end
of a high
heat index equation,
there is nothing like
a watermelon
mirage to help pull
your wits together

In The Thirst

in the thirst
of time,
across a long
unattended –
a weed to be
a wildflower
to be cared for

Three Degrees Into

three degrees into
blue, synapses firing,
layered dreams unfurl

At The Maple-Tapping Hour

at the maple-tapping
hour, when the whirligig
seedlings make their
late Spring descent,
between waking and
the aroma of
timelessness twirls
on fibrous wings

Along The Route Of

along the route of
peppers, tomatoes,
and peaches,
the carnival of grilled
mangoes melts
over the tongue
and lingers
like a revelation,
unexpected –
like suddenly
in Port-au-Prince,
and my father
smiling, letting go

I Put On A Face

i put on a face
of August
sunsets, forced
to wait for
company –
the gradient
sky chisels
each deepening
hue like a hash
mark on the wall,
redistributing every
wayward second

There Are Days When

there are days when
manhattan peels
away like a sparkle
sticker in search
of the dimmest
memory, when i
am all but ready to
be rewarded,
that nothing
as enchanting
as you affixes

When Brooklyn Trains

when Brooklyn trains
his gaze on you,
you grow
suddenly old
from remembering

You Can't Tell From The

you can't tell from the
looks of it –
but a path can
smell like warm
afternoons on
empty beaches

In The Monument Of Youth

in the monument of
youth, there are links
to dreams that pull,
like sunlight to
seedlings, like
sky to bridges

At The End Of The

at the end of the
day, Brooklyn steeps
like loose leaves,
still darker, not yet
bitter, waiting
to be sipped

In A Matter Of Seven

in a matter of seven
seconds, the earth's
angular momentum
swings the sun
across the dance
floor, lets
go with a wink,
confident in
her return

A Golden Afternoon

a golden afternoon
breaks off like
pumpkin bread –
brown sugar
sweet, walnut
toasted, a
surprise, and –
near the end,
a sort of
of light

There Ought

there ought
to be more
reminding us
to be joyous,
to mull over
to plunge
into love, to hold
a breath longer –
there ought
to be time
stretched out
for this,
and even
then, still
a little more

Some Afternoons Are Like

some afternoons are like
that – chiseled, golden-
ratioed – when the formula
for calculating the slope
of our inclinations
lies hidden

In A Complicated

in a complicated
world, the brain learns
to process data
through shortcuts –
the three sustained
horns from a passing
truck summon
Mathis der Maler,
the lingering cologne
in the stairwell, two
lifetimes ago,
the lady in the park
with pigeons and
other stereotypes –
neurons will fire
in synchrony
to fill in the
and fears

We Missed The

we missed the
sunset over
the horizon by
one red light,
and the
reflection, dipped
in her signature
perfume, mocks us

Sunday Honey

sunday honey
drizzles golden
across brooklyn –
winter in the city
never tasted
so redeeming

Held For A

held for a
moment under
the scrutiny of the
sun, a chorus of
as they
dive, flip their
tails, and
turn, all at once
like a school of
fish, extracting
a breath of
fresh air

Life And Death

¿Quién vio ese mundo sólido,
quién batió con sus plumas
ese viento radiante
que en unos labios muere
dando vida a los hombres?

– Vicente Aleixandre

life and death
is a sudden
a leaving
behind, trailed
ever so
casually by
an afterimage
of plumes
or settling.
it's so hard
to tell – we
let go,
the same way

The Anatomy Of A Long

the anatomy of a long
weekend in winter
is dissected
under the intense
infrared lamp of the
sun, juxtaposed by
the cooling of the earth,
like warm skin
on stainless steel.
when we take apart
the microseconds
with pre-sterilized
forceps, we find
that the symptoms do
in fact correlate
with the disease –
we take our time,
catch ourselves on
walks, find more energy
in the mornings
to indulge and
dissect our words,
the extra seconds

In This Day Or Two Of

in this day or two of
heavy winds, our eyes
are on the horizon, while
someone ties us
down to legislation,
acronyms, and words
like infringement,
theft, prosperity,
innovation flexes
her arm and throws
a curve ball

Regret Sits In The

regret sits in the
driveway, hangs from
the doorknob, catches
some sun on the
wardrobe, listens in
when someone uses
the word garbage.
on the other hand,
regret sits in the
car lot, hangs in
the department store,
catches some sun
off the neck of
a mannequin in
the window, fully
marked up, sale over

They Hand Them Out With

they hand them out with
very little instructions
in these parts. it is
only sometimes
wallet-sized. i have
seen several distinctive
placards jerked
around as weapons
or shields – nothing
mind you.
at the end of the
day, it is never really
a surprise –
we are wired to
form patterns, take
sides. it requires
more effort to
override the shortcut
than, say, pull
out that race card

To Be Effective

to be effective,
it has to be
a miniature
nudge of
sticky, but
to be addicted,
there should
be a semblance
of caving
in. or is it
the other
way around?

The Degree To Which

the degree to which
we depend on the grace of
fire transforms us

In A City Of

in a city of
over eight
million people,
we have no
choice but to
come together,
no excuse
but to rub
off on one
no hope
but to keep
for that
in the sun

On Days Like These, Beneath

on days like these, beneath
the mostly muted sky,
the sun takes indulgences,
kisses adoration into the
cobblestone streets, kneads
radiance into each curve,
taking time to rehearse
the escape, to permit
in his absence a forbidden
phosphorescing, a public
grief, a shimmering sorrow

There Is A Thawing Quality To

there is a thawing quality to
waking, except – instead of
melting – there is a
pulling together of atoms,
an activation of senses,
a bonding of nouns to
verbs, a slow architecture
of understanding that this,
this is waking, balanced
on the tip of numbness,
with only fractions of
milliseconds to decide
which way to fall

It Is Not Uncommon

it is not uncommon
to weigh the strength
of our breath by the
pulse of a city
waking. if we can
manage to count
two city breaths
for every one we
take, then we are
still ahead
of the game, pal

In An Accelerando

in an accelerando
towards the sun's
meditative encore,
an orchestral
cluster of birds
tune and re-tune
their plumes
to the pitch
of the horizon

There Is A Very

there is a very
thin line between
and dying. and
stepping through
takes extraordinary

Under The Boardwalk

under the boardwalk
each wave rushes
forward with billowing
plumes, like long-held
secrets, aching for
a rapturous stretch

No Other Month

no other month
inhabits itself like
april – the art of
uncertainty sprouts
gleaming from every
naked branch, each
minute embraces
sunlight, bewitched,
and a blossom is
a star, rising

Could It Be

could it be
that at any given
while the entire
city blinks as the
sun sets, there
are thousands
of shutters
winking back?

On The Subject

on the subject
of breaking
fast on sundays,
the most time-
tested formula
something casual,
something new,
reminiscent, and
definitely nothing
urgent to pursue

In Going Off The

in going off the
beaten path, there is
a sharpening of
senses – the soles
of your feet announce
it first, and for
several paces, you
are at a loss
for words. when it
winds its way up
the spine, opening
like fantastic
blossoms, there is
still no way to
tie it down – you
might as well
enjoy it

There Are Some Things That

there are some things
that are not meant
to be a struggle –
learning to play,
loving whom you
love, discovering
a hobby, and
being yourself

Across The City Grid, We

across the city grid, we
discover and unwrap
packages of time
to earmark for later,
always later.
like living anywhere
else, we are attracted
to short bursts
of energy, and the
city that never sleeps
sleeps with one
eye open

Someone Has Yet To

someone has yet to
count the number of
bakeries in the
city – where every
window is a lens
into craftsmanship,
every grain of
flour, a seed to
a symphony

Time Stands At The Edge

time stands at the edge
of each breath, waiting
as if on a cliff
to fall, fastened
by melancholy

Summer Has A Way

summer has a way
of separating light, a
sizzling disbursement

Summer Sneaks Into

summer sneaks into
the harbor, like a grace note
grazing the waters

Time May Be Used To

time may be used to
taking the lead, but how you
follow makes the difference

You Caught A Strand Of

you caught a strand of
afternoon in midair – a
pristine encryption

Today Blows In, Already

today blows in, already
satisfied, gathering
the curtains in an
embrace as it
enters, barefoot,
wide-awake, closing
in on the ratio of
dreaming to doing

July Daydreams Of

july daydreams of
october, that limitless
glitter of autumn

a breeze away from drifting
towards that first childhood crunch

Things We've Promised To

things we've promised to
keep in stock –
safety pins, lip
balm, toilet paper,
smoked paprika,
flip-flops, the
ingredients for
lemon meringue,
super 8 film, and
the best of times

Bathing In The

bathing in the
light of a
poem is like
approaching a
mountain top –
shift, and

There Are Parts Of

there are parts of
me that do not
recognize one
another, making
it difficult to
meet on a weekly
basis, air our
grievances, award
the best performers,
debate rebellions.
there are
stirrings on the
left, but in general,
no one party
stays still for long

As A Species, We

as a species, we
press our luck, bury
ourselves in
making a living,
deterred and
by the risk of
making an
impact, at
the rate of

Every So Often, We

every so often, we
return to the waters
to test our
solubility, to
our autonomy,
exercise our
immunity, to
dissolve –
hold on to me
as we go

At The Docile Turn

at the docile turn
of September, a leaf drop,
a permanent blaze

The Act Of Standing

the act of standing
up grows with the practice of
standing together

The Pattern Of Each

the pattern of each
day develops its very
own entanglements –
a misplaced message,
a window jammed,
a hidden sock,
the kettle overflowing

A Detour Dipped

a detour dipped
in toasted sesame
is a new
revealed from
the palms of
your hands

In Mom's

in mom's
hands, winter's
sheaths turn
into a golden

I Don't Suppose Spinach

i don't suppose spinach
ever dreams beyond sun,
water, cool soil, and more
sun. it may never
imagine being folded
so lovingly, steamed
or lightly sautéed
with a touch of olive
oil and two cloves
of garlic. simplicity
sometimes eludes
the best of us

Some Afternoons Are

some afternoons are
like this – you have held
the city as collateral, sunset
soaking what is left
of the sky like a late-
ripening wine –
and all you request
is that i return
again and again

Because Of Last Night, You

because of last night, you
found a way to show that love
starts just this subtly –
at first light, a hot
oven, the flight of
vanilla, blueberry
finish – the pfannkuchen
served with freshly
squeezed sun
and a hint of
like a confession

A Performer Is A

a performer is a
star is an artist is
an idol is
a hired
hand is a
hypocrite is
a hero is a
minion is
a darling is a
desire is
a deity is a
servant is
a symbol is an
image –
my rubik's cube,
a cog in the machine

Some Things Must Harden

some things must harden
before they can become soft
again – bread rising
in the oven, calyx bracing
for its petals, hearts clenched
against infection, you
taking a chance
on letting go

In Everything Done

in everything done
well, there is a certain
level of performance
involved – creativity
takes wing, and for
a moment, we may
be allowed to bask
in the slipstream

Every Now And Then

every now and
then, we look up
just to get our
bearings. beating
along an orthogonal
geometric grid,
eight million
hearts still scan
for each other in the
dark, determined
to sync

Saturday Mornings, We

saturday mornings, we
towel off and get
dressed in the same
leisurely fashion, stroll
a block or two for
brunch to trade
sips, and sides, not
having to keep
track of the
sun soaking up
brooklyn to
eventually slip into
a puddle outside
of tomorrow

A Successful Catch

a successful catch
depends on the quality
of the netting, for

example – what is this breast
without your hand to cup it

Piling Cookies - Five

piling cookies – five,
seven, five – haiku-worthy,
leaving kigo crumbs

The Hand That Receives

the hand that receives
is a storyteller, is a
historian, is a
mind-reader, is an
evangelist, is a
hard worker, is an
opportunist, is a
thief, is a
negotiator, is a
slave, is a
master, is a
son, a daughter,
a father, a mother,
is a child, is an
overseer, is a
lover, is a
dodger, is a
coward, is
a winner

In The Light Of The Same

in the light of the same
setting sun, we can see
so much. against this
emotional spectacle,
we close our eyes
and wish for more

Those Afternoons Have

those afternoons have
unraveled like a ribbon
from our careless hands

Time Stretches Like A

time stretches like a
bird's wing –
burdened –
to eternity

There Are Absenses

there are absences
the size of a tear in
your coat pocket,
manageable to a
degree until
something slips,
is lost, and no
amount of backtracking
and scanning the
pavement of
your memories
will retrieve that
abandoned feeling

Just Before Day

just before day-
break, we are
allowing dreams
to come into
dreams, lifting
the unconscious
out of silence.
though you are only
a fraction of a
layer away,
staggers all senses

This Morning, Scrambled

this morning, scrambled
with heirloom tomatoes, your
stolen eggs – i'm hooked

One Plum, Two Plums, Three

one plum, two plums, three –
scattering like a broken
charm bracelet, seizing
a last bit of
sun before slipping
securely into your bag

For Just A Moment

for just a moment,
children are calligraphy
brushes for a new

script – resilient, supple,
sharp – a refreshed narrative

For The Living, Death

for the living, death
is putting away the
jigsaw, one
puzzle piece of
longing at a time

to a single
the meaning

I Only Need To

i only need to
sleep until the sun comes up –
my brain is playing

blackjack with my body, and
neither is doubling down

You Have Taught Us

you have taught us
to be like blades
of grass – the taller
you grow, the
lower you must
bend – sometimes
it is hard
to see the sun
from here

On The Corner, Time

on the corner, time
stands still,
to be
picked up, passed
by, desired, and
abandoned – all at once
to be explored
by none other
than theoretical
of the heart

There's Freedom In Not

there's freedom in not
knowing on which side your bread
is honey-buttered

Beyond Pixels And

beyond pixels and
patterns, we stretch
our reflections,
an unexpected

There Is Uncharted

there is uncharted
territory within a
bead of water caught

by the curve of october's
wrist, waiting to be released

Again And Again I

again and again
i stumble
upon pain,
failing to grasp
the true nature
of things

With The Right

with the right
going back
is like finding
gold in the most
everyday things

Accept Happiness

accept happiness
as ephemeral,
recognize pain
as evanescent,
life's coin
is weighted
equally elusive,
equally attractive

At The End Of Your

at the end of your
cigarette is the
sun, rising as it
smolders –
a fleeting

As Time Must

as time must
pass, permit it
to carry away
your troubles

In November's

in November's
backyard, casting
afternoon shadows
against the wall,
an impression
of impermanence –
a sparrow,
a tree, a memory –
altogether brief

The City Revels

the city revels
in the reveal – sharing a
moonlit exposure

Without Warning

without warning,
the quietest
memories can
sprout wings –
in the middle
of the afternoon,
so suddenly
aflutter – a minute,
a heart, an eternity

There Is Only Glass

there is only glass
between today and
tomorrow –
the answer lies
in how you
look past it

The Sun Sets Like Good

the sun sets like good
medicine, moving
across and
through the body
of sky for day's
solution, inevitably
no delays

Though One May Not

though one may not
change the world,
one can bend
with compassion
and wisdom
to take it on

At Any Given Moment, There

at any given
moment, there
are at least a
dozen equations
to be solved –
the big picture
is built from

Moving On Wears The

moving on wears the
semblance of letting go, but
holds all too steady

the axis on which it spins
perpetually away

We Connect To

we connect to
disconnect, bringing
our bodies into
brilliant focus –
you might look
all new
in winter's light

The Year Of The Horse

the year of the horse
arrives, jangling –
bounty or
burden –
take a ride

No One Has Yet

no one has yet
isolated the
molecule, but
everyone suspect
it exists. what else
could consistently
carry, fold,
unfold, mend,
and polish,
at times lovingly,
these earliest
memories –
holding them
like a kind of
for survival

I Would Repeat You

i would repeat you
if i could, even if every
version ends the same

Yesterday's Snow Lets

yesterday's snow lets
go of the branches like spring
blossoms – i, too, yield

The City Is An

the city is an
impulse every time, the same
way you take to me

Stop Wasting Time

stop wasting time
finding fault in
others. look to
yourself – time
spent on
your own

We Tuck Bookmarks All

we tuck bookmarks all
over the city, as a
reminder of where

we were and when we will re-
turn to finish our story

It Takes A Word To

it takes a word to
undo a thousand words' journey –
please don't be careless

We Become Everything

we become everything
and nothing, not always
in that order.
life scatters only
to return, like improvised
notes, not ready to be put down

In Essence, All

in essence, all
livelihoods are made
in slices –
the hours bent
over spreadsheets,
a quarter of
an empty room
the weight of
winter melon in
early spring, seeds
and all

You Squeeze Air Into

you squeeze air into
golden sustenance, a leaf
fueling the wind

Go Down, Build Up

(go down, build up)

flowing freely
our blood, a nation
stands still, we push it with
defense pacing erratically as the stream
our first line of
denying incomprehensively
allow them to run over
your eyes
raise spare hands to
the possibility of time
with toothpicks
while combing slowly
certain passes but calculated injury
of waiting, nothing
a mild detachment on the steps
to disregard, to record
such planning
rounding the corner of
raise both hands to your temples
read it backwards
turn it over
take this newly punctured seed

In Every Third Yard

in every third yard
of curtain, there is
a propensity for
play, a game of
seek eagerly waiting
for the reveal.
in between, there
are patterns that wish
to be left in darkness,
to hang perfectly
ironed by time –
please don't pull

It's Simple Fractions

it's simple fractions –
a sliver of each
day spent finding
fault in others
is a slice
of a
lifetime lost
for one's own

There's A Middle School

there's a middle school
field trip feeling
on those late
afternoon flights –
the hum of massive
engines weave between
daydreams, whispers,
and minutes that go by
unaccounted for, like
the names of cities,
towns that
hardly register

With Great Hatred

with great hatred
comes great loss

A Cup Of Wild Things

a cup of wild things,
two hands and a heart, added in
just right, equals love

These Undefined Days

these undefined days
can define us – nothing's so
clear as the present

Do Not Be Riveted

do not be riveted
by your own
views, lest
you be caught
in your own regret

Hello, June, Goodbye

hello, june, goodbye,
rhubarb, that slow simmering
into summer days

Forward Movement Is

forward movement is
anchored by the past – do not
forget where you were

Sunday Brunch Rolls Up

sunday brunch rolls up
against the sun, one lick away
from getting burnt

If You Look

if you look
the other way long
enough, there may
not be an opportunity
to look back

Life Is A Gravel

life is a gravel
driveway –
words, the stones
you choose
to pave,
toss, or throw

On The Pennsylvanian

on the Pennsylvanian,
the train whistle
is a shepherd's
whistle, gathering
these untuned city
and pulling them
towards the window,
an oboe to
my orchestra

There Is A Tear In

there is a tear in
the lining of each day, though
most have no notion

I Drill Down On Our

i drill down on our
memories, rotate each
bit clockwise and counter-
clockwise to test the
depth, bring together
differences in order
to find alignment –
some reflections
have long
become impenetrable

I Love The Way You

i love the way you
scrawled Brooklyn
onto the side
of my care
package, each
letter a seed
aimed for home.
years later, those
tendrils still
blossom in my heart
like the perennials
in your garden,
a surprise and
not a surprise

Both Sooner And

both sooner and
later, time
passes –
let it

In Every City

in every city,
the heart seeks
an alignment
to wrap its arms
and legs around,
step through,
and slide

September Breaks Out

september breaks out
her box of colored
pencils, sharpens
each to the
point, puckers her
mouth to summer's
last glass of ice-
cold lemonade,
and allows
the aria to begin

To Arrive Is

to arrive is
accidental, to
depart is inevitable.
let go, there's a force
that comes
and goes

I Know I Will Have Trouble

i know i will have trouble
falling asleep today,
tomorrow, maybe
the next day, but
will catch up with
death, or vice versa,
and time will slowly draw
our strings together again

The Sky Is A Sinkhole

the sky is a sinkhole
when cloudy like that,
while you search
for a
little grace

At First Blush, We Are

at first blush, we are
is a bouquet,
our view

Among Stars, We Take

among stars, we take
turns to shine, striking against each
other for a flare

November Twists And

november twists and
turns like sky giving way to
river – autumn's punch

Autumn Announces

autumn announces
its transformation in stages –
signs of loneliness

More Than Any Other

more than any other
season, autumn
is a reminder,
the way

It's Easy To Lose

it's easy to lose
yourself in
the best seconds
of the day, stretched
like taffy
in new hands

Happenstance Is The

happenstance is the
glue that holds
beauty together –
our attention tugs
at new means to contain
one another, slipping in
and out – a golden ratio

Sparkling Or Still

sparkling or still
we place ourselves
along the spectrum
wondering about
the feeling of

We Are All Pieces

we are all pieces
of the same
puzzle, waiting
to find each other
or fall apart

Morning And Evening

morning and evening
stretches – the spirit warming
up and returning

The Search For

the search for
serenity –
combing for
the jewel
of the sea

From Light Into

from light into
darkness, i am
pulling away from
you, time
once again
loosening, earth
away, twice as fast

Knowing And Not

knowing and not
knowing are two
sides of the same
coin –
give it a toss

For A Moment, The

for a moment, the
sun felt high, as if it could
last an afternoon

longer, no worries, no rush,
waves lapping this side of sky

A New Year On The

a new year on the
horizon – fascinating,
shiny, limitless

The Years Gather Like

the years gather like
pleats, pinned into
place hastily by the
unsteady fingers of
memory, only to
reveal that we are
no closer to
than we imagined
we would be

It's The Way The Sun

it's the way the sun
meets the curtains every
morning to scatter
light, exposing
a dream
as a dream –
images shift,
the mind levels up –
running towards
or away always
leads back home

Who And What We Are

who and what we are
is not a fixed point, give yourself
a little more room

The Fact Of The Matter Is

the fact of the matter is
we climb into bed each night
carrying so much rubbish
and wake up every morning
the closest to equilibrium
we will reach, neither loving
nor hating. take that kernel
and stare into it, there's
a world of possibilities

Pulled Slightly Between

pulled slightly between
seasons, we adjust
to that old
ache, fine-tuning
the pain as if each
memory were
a louver in the
considering light

My Body Protests

my body protests
but my brain knows there's more to
life than sleep – knowledge

is a reckless thing, sparing
so few while on the hunt

The Morning After Arrives

the morning after
arrives like any other –
someone cranks the gear

for the sun, checks in on the
chickens first, wakes the cities second

Morning Light Streams In

morning light streams in
through a row of windows, cubed
and ready to melt

Winter Into Spring

winter into spring,
remnants of moments started
and not quite finished

Youth Seems So

youth seems so
real, you can close
your eyes, return to
that moment, stir
the curtains, and still
find him
hiding there

Remember That Year

remember that year
when one stem of a peony
cost an entire

piano lesson, how young
we were back then, how present

Always, Always There

always, always, there
is a tug towards the light, to
peak over the edge

Morning Arrives Charged

morning arrives charged
with possibilities – even
to stay or to go

are two options branching off
into infinite prospects

Sometimes The Cause And

sometimes the cause and
the remedy are one and
the same – ginger for

hiccups, a fine rain for bad
luck, travel for loneliness

At What Stage Do We

at what stage do we
become lazy, permit
disappointment to
creep in, hold us
hostage, like the best
drama series this season

Under Pressure, We

under pressure, we
can choose to speed
up or slow
down – the moment
is a platform
creaking underneath
the weight

You Can't Fight Your Way

you can't fight your way
to the front of the train doors
and not budge once you've

stepped through – i guess everyone
has their own form of sanity

Waking Before The

waking before the
6:32 sunrise is
like walking along
the corridors of the
music building and
searching for an
available practice
room through
the hallway is a
symphony, and somehow,
when the sun finally
rises, all the birds
fall silent,
except that one,
and you know for sure
that you are awake

The Sun Rose One

the sun rose one
minute earlier today,
birds all at once
silenced, at attention,
except the eastern
towhee, still trying
to steal you away
from home after
all these years

In The Backyard, A

in the backyard, a
cardinal pauses on
the branches of
our dogwood –
are we sharing
it with him, or
is he sharing it
with us?

I Am Up Half An

i am up half an
hour before the early
bird, who is up half

an hour before sunrise –
we wrestle for the airwaves

Nearing The End Of

nearing the end of
a season, petals
fall and rally
around their
tree before being
picked up
by the wind.
every turn is
possible, may
we be that lucky

When Happiness Is

when happiness is
intertwined, there
is more room to
make mistakes
and more
resiliency to
spring forward

With Time, We Learn To

with time, we learn to
train our gaze inwards, allow
for more perspectives

Crossing From Brooklyn

crossing from Brooklyn
into Manhattan takes a
bit of magic – you

stretch out all the stories, like
hand-pulling cotton candy

Coming Home To A

coming home to a
reflection of a reflection
of the sun setting –

a reminder to be just
as genuine with ourselves

It Is Us, And Not

it is us, and not
the city,
that makes
moment hum

The Day Before My

the day before my
birthday, i am
away from the
city and
home, once
again, a daughter,
a child, a gardener,
an herbalist, a sister,
a granddaughter,
all of whom are
vessels transporting
memories to the
plant, dispersing
the years

For A Moment

for a moment,
we stretch
the light, stay
our time is up

We Are Packed

we are packed
with brilliant
paradoxes –
step back to
take more
pleasure in each

To Become

to become
the master
of our urges
is to spend
a lifetime

We Spend Time Matching

we spend time matching
one another's intriguing
particles, simply

allowing ourselves to be
taken in, tailored for light

There Is A Picking

there is a picking
up quality to letting
go – unstressed, upbeat,

introductory – a slow
anacrusis to the release

For Every Instance

for every instance
we discover the limits
of the real world, we
stumble upon clues
that there could be more

The Days Are Designed

the days are designed
for melting –
when the caramel
hits just right,
we are hooked

If Not Careful

if not careful,
progress can
stall where
begins – snap
out of it

The Branches That

the branches that
form the timeline
of our lives
are never steady,
yet we still lean
on them for
the heavier stuff

We Are Observing

we are observing
another anniversary
of your death, when
all of a sudden, years
are pressed more
tightly together, days
are returned with
renewed polish,
and our centers
are suspended, not quite
sure which way to topple

If Butternut Squash

if butternut squash
could dream, it would dream
of you and how your
heart and hands received
its heart and body,
noticing everything

There Are Moments Of Brilliance

there are moments of
brilliance, when
snow touches
light, a new
path is forged

Alighting On The

alighting on the
present takes
wings, staying
in the present
takes discipline

We Are More Fragile

we are more fragile
than we let on, granting
each other with an
extra day every so often
for a glimpse into the future

There Is A Joy To

there is a joy to
having and not having, that
is the real secret

We Act As If Time

we act as if time
were limitless, not seeing
the hour, the minute,
the second until it's out
of view, unrealized –
you tell me this
at the bus stop,
waiting for
the 22 on Mission,
as if it were the best
place to stop time,
delay departures

As Portals Through Time

as portals through time
go, the rules are simple – look
closely, look again

When Dusting Off Old

when dusting off old
memories, notice the shapes
left behind, outlines

clinging to every edge,
shadows swallowing up time

Things We Chase And Things

things we chase and things
we do not chase – wind up
being all the same

Beneath The Sheets And

beneath the sheets and
the comforter and the duvet,
our skins are learning

to stick together – like cotton
candy, blues chords, a pack of wolves

In The Memory

in the memory
bank, scarring
requires a good
dose of new
fragmented for
fibers to even
imagine mending
the damage –
there's no
anesthesia for
the procedure

We Are Masks Under

we are masks under
masks – not being
able to anticipate
needs, we have
put them all on

We Bump Into The Edges

we bump into the
edges of one another's
stories on the street,

in the park, at the gas station,
perhaps fueling our own

Because Everything

because everything
else is so complex, let us lead
with simplicity,

unlock words that open up
the circulation, dilate

We Are Charged To Break

we are charged to break
bread together, to share more
than an existence

Sunday, I Am At

sunday, i am at
a loss for words – there are no
rules to our beliefs

The First Of May Is

the first of may is
a time machine, offering
glimpses forwards and

backwards, measuring out both
more and less time for the taking

Let's Practice Being

let's practice being
intermittent –
like rain,
it provides
the best of

As Long As We Hold

as long as we hold
each other accountable
for our reflections,

what you see in me and what
i see in you remains rich

We Fill Our Pockets

we fill our pockets
with music before stepping
out, hearts on the brink

Reality Is

reality is
interaction –
if not for
you, would i
have made
this quantum
leap, from orbit
to orbit, something
so fundamental,
and still,
a mystery

Some Mornings Arrive

some mornings arrive
with a language borrowed from
dreams – be careful to

decipher, translate, measure
both its potency and weight

We Will Always Find

we will always find
a bit of ourselves
in the past,
staring off
into the future

Each Time You Pull

for dad

each time you pull
out a special tool
for fixing the things
that break, you teach
us how to hold
the problem in
our hands, engage
in solutions, find
the edges of
every rule.
equipped with
a lifetime of
tools, we still
find your love

Every One-Sixty

every one-sixty-
seventh of a second, our
neural detectors
miss a fraction
of a signal,
the weight of a
sensation, allowing
for a natural
and inescapable
buildup –
some days become
just noise, some
years, irretrievable

Some Corners Invite

some corners invite
memories to overlap,
unrolling the mind

so that new sensations can
take root, tussle for a light

Within These Ripples

within these ripples
is where we
memories, catching
both light
and shadows

There Are Moments When I

there are moments when
i don't want to leave home, seconds
when i long for hours –

tucked into childhood memories,
each feeling fading to an ache

In The Pocket Of

in the pocket of
time, let us
grow something
wild, learn
to share
every morsel

A Data Point Or

a data point or
two away from becoming
a pattern, we spark,

glimmer, look for enough sky
to be free of our equations

If We Were To Press

if we were to press
into the possibilities,
time would put on
his favorite
cloak, allow
its edges to
brush every
temptation, leaving
a trail of
portals behind

Discoveries Can

discoveries can
fold as much
as they can
when we break
bread together
for the first
time, we won't
know the difference,
and it'll be as
much of a release

I Am Merely A

i am merely a
bike ride away
from feeling
lost and found –
memories often
go 'round and
'round, stuck
hard greasing
the wheels

Let's Break It To Each

let's break it to each
other slowly, iron out
each letter before
casting them into
words, meaning –
we might, just
might, catch ourselves
from spilling

For Every Sunset, Two

for every sunset,
two horizons are meeting
and never touching

Every Shape Of A

every shape of a
poem, yet unwritten, has you
in it, ready to

mend the inevitable
cracks, draw together meaning

Time Forces Us To

time forces us to
move on. it's just that simple –
prepare to let go

We Are Cosmic Dust

we are cosmic dust
grains, colliding to stick and
form new layers of

understanding, bring out rare
colors from within, learn to glow

The Past Often Holds

the past often holds
itself with so much
the future
can't get in

At Sunset, Portals

at sunset, portals
open up all across city
streets, curbside,
adjoining this world
with countless
others – so much

Dear Future, You Are

dear future, you are
still mesmerizing, i am
still tumbling through

When We Are

when we are
together, the minutes
are spun inside each
hour into cotton
candy, and the
day twirls, leaving
a sweet residue

So It's True, We Will

so it's true, we will
die as magically as
we lived – let every

autumn be a reminder,
every memory, a test

Perhaps Words Are Our

perhaps words are our
very first
spices, nestled
on our tongues
like lost and
treasures, waiting
to stir
one anothers
pots of
thoughts and
lived experiences,
make little
calm unnerved

Let Us Nurture The

let us nurture the
things we do not yet
know of each other –
memories saved in lost
pockets for rainy
days, chapters
that turn up on every
other corner
in the east village,
the strangeness
that only gets
stranger with
waiting – allow
us to earn
more questions

Being Present Takes

being present takes
practice –
it's not so much
about catching
as they pass,
but allowing
them to slip
right through,
by this, that,
and the other

In The Middle Of The Night, Words

in the middle of
the night, words have
a tendency to flow
backwards, feelings
make a decision to
solidify or
dissipate. sleep
comes eventually
like honey to flies,
slowing down each
thought, arresting
those golden wings

Standing On The Edge

standing on the edge
with you and without you are
two timelines with the

same heart – everything changes
even if the view stays the same

The Present Is A

the present is a
quiver from which we will pull
memory-tipped arrows

to aim at the past and the
future, anywhere but here

Having The Luxury To

having the luxury to
look and look away
keeps us half in and
half out – it is
an ephemeral
an expensive blurring

On The Winding Path

on the winding path
towards the end to all things,
the words we use
and the words we don't
use to coax ourselves into
living can change
connotation, break down,
become unstable. i tell you
this with only the words
i have, needing you
to make space
for new meaning

We Zigzagged Across

we zigzagged across
an entire city to
arrive here, in this

moment, newly found or lost,
it is always a fine line

I Went With Scenario

i went with scenario
seven and discovered
the impermanence of
things, how history
can often present
familiar equations
while centuries of
mathematical lovers
will get it wrong, over
and over again.
i went with scenario
seven and came
to realize that
undivided time
is as much of a
variable as the heart
is a gravitational
constant, difficult
to measure with
any accuracy

I Am Doing The

i am doing the
thing i do best, please don't
discourage. in the light of
day, self-preservation
absentmindedly pulls
on the drawstrings
to tighten the hood
of detachment
so that looking out
beats looking in

I Am Mostly In

i am mostly in
love with your
tell – when i am
hungry, i will
forever know
where to go now,
and when i am
thirsty, i will bend
at the waist
for a dip as deep
as you will allow,
folding me into
those radiant ripples,
all at once so
cool and warm,

Perhaps We Are All Two

perhaps we are all two,
three, fifty-three selves
meeting and unmeeting.
who's to say holding
it together is better
than allowing some
selves to fray, get
caught, tangled in
another's edges,
so that when we are
pulled apart, gathering
up our separate
threads, there
will be remnants,
a change in color
or texture, weight
or pattern, a natural
that somehow
strengthens us

How Can We Bottle

how can we bottle
up this anxiety, make it
useful, so that we
can wake up sunday
morning, tilt it
over a stack of
blueberry pancakes,
and still enjoy
the scenery

What You Are Supposed

what you are supposed
to do, she said, is
move on.
that is exactly
what these moments are
for – to remember
that you are
alive every so
often so that you can
go back to the
of living again

In The Winter Of

in the winter of
14th and broadway, we
meet for hot chocolate
like clockwork – italian
thick when the mexican
spicy has run out, soft
marshmallowy licks
over crunchy bits –
could be love or
could be lust, such
small cups, and
always leave you
wanting more

Here It Is - You

here it is –
you have
done with me
what the sun
to the shoreline
of each
coast –
so much
in between

So Much Of Day Is

so much of day is
a longing
for light, perhaps
there is a
flickering as we
maintain the
right amount of
exposure, project
the appropriate
reflection towards
each other, counting
on the same back.
we look away
every now and then
so as not to break
the illusion

Don't Get Yourself

don't get yourself
stolen, i want to say
when i push you
away. it takes years
to perfect
the self-
discovery that
only with
self-denial. i am
hungry and
not hungry when
it comes to you

I Know, And Now You

i know, and now you
know, how this will go –
there will be
one week when i will
be indecisive about emptying
the wicker trash bin in the
bedroom, months when i
will avoid vacuuming
one or two corners of the
apartment for fear of
erasing you, a year or
five may go by before i
walk down that street
or head to the cloisters
again, and still, there
will be pockets within
minutes, here and there,
when i will, without so
many words, bump into
the feeling the last time…
was with you over and
over, until you become
like a fragrance from
lifetimes before

The Best Place To Hide

the best place to hide
a poem is in a body
of poetry – clean,

effective, uninfectious,
like cauterizing a wound

For Seven, Maybe

for seven, maybe
eight hours, i tried you on
with a different

lens – i don't like to share more
of myself than i have to

Every So Often, Light

every so often,
light filters into the
memories i didn't
know i kept
of you – the
oversight torments
me, reevaluates
the dimensions
of devotion

I Do Not Know How

i do not know how
to proceed from here –
you have finally
asked me to stop
writing, in the middle of
winter, perhaps requiring
a new window
treatment for the
bedroom, a
lining or two
thicker to retain what is
left of the warmth in here,
a fabric carrying more
weight, so that i stay
grounded, thoughts do not
drift, every time
i undo and redo the
tieback, cold fingers
lingering for light

I Bury Things, Night

i bury things, night
and day, move
through fiction
and nonfiction to feel
safe. you have no
idea how boring
and terrifying
time can seem

For Fear Of Being

for fear of being
terrified, i make
small waves, swim
away from the edge
and back, as though i could
possibly get the hang
of it, run directly into
indiscretions for a touch
of normalcy, a stretch of
and still,
i amass all
the words in my
throat so that
they have to choose
whether to be
or benign. i smile
and say all the important
things because they cover
up other important things,
i pirouette when poked,
try not to make more
friends than i have to

Everything Is So

everything is so
good that we have time to
wonder if they're not
is the title of a
chapter within a lost
manuscript hidden in the
ashes centuries from
now when you, he,
she, and they are
incomprehensible as
anything outside of i

There Are Seconds

there are seconds
that converge every
morning to act as a
fine-meshed strainer,
separating parts of
myself from other
parts of myself.
i am awake
in this world again,
severed from all other
possible worlds,
recalibrating for
traces of paralysis

We Meet Up With And

we meet up with and
take leave of one another
at every corner –

the time during which we may or
may not linger gives us away

There Is An Old, New

there is an old, new
paralysis – a hitchhiker
on the most bearable
days, a parasite on
the worst – that pins
down a hand, an
arm, a leg, a morsel
of every hour, crushing
the cells and membranes
of day. we feel
sick about it all
the time, emerge
from the stupor
spasmodically to ask
one another for best and
worst case scenarios,
readjust our negativity
bias for a version
of survival

It's An Inexact

it's an inexact
science, how we will spend our
whole lives migrating

in a circle to survive, like
wildebeest, chasing the rain

In The Absence Of

in the absence of
you, there is even more
presence – more
questions, infinite
unknowns, undivided
attention to the
possibilities of
how you
like it. nine-tenths
of a second is about
preparing for
the next second. i
apply oil to all of the
hinges, ready to step
into and out of these
intervals of waiting

Every Third Hour, There

every third hour, there
is a slow sliding into
contentment, or an

okayness with the world, being
alive is a navigation

We Are Daring, We

we are daring, we
are impulsive, pushing the
boundaries of these

tales we tell ourselves, and the
ones into which we aim to grow

Perhaps With Time, We

perhaps with time, we
all curl or spiral inwards –
or is it that we

unwind, become loose, making
serpentine patterns here, there

Sorrow Sneaks In

sorrow sneaks in with
too much joy, no terrain is
without its landmines

We Borrow Life For

we borrow life for
a little while, taking care
not to overstay

All Of It Begins

all of it begins
to fade even as we are
capturing it – pen

to paper, experience
to memory – don't hold on

If We Are Lucky

if we are lucky,
life strips us of life
quickly or
very slowly –
the pain lingers
like a lost
formula, waiting
for someone to
come along
and solve it

Between Holding It All

between holding it all
in and not knowing
how you have held it
all in is the color
of regret, the
shape of
as natural
and unnatural
as time

They Don't Tell You That

they don't tell you that
with every decision comes a
shedding off of a

protective coat or a donning
of a layer – yes to both

Hours Before The

hours before the
dive – we've collected enough
trinkets and years to

understand that there are no
guarantees, only marvel

After All These Years

after all these years,
our days are not reliable
predictors of our

nights – we continue to dazzle
one another off the cuff

You And I Still Stop

you and i still stop
for the possibilities
of mutant clovers

sometimes – faith, hope, love, luck – caught
growing between every gap

Discovery And

discovery and
rub against each
other, having so
little choice

Summer Catches On

summer catches on
the hem of a lost city
the first chance he gets

Remember I Told

remember i told
you there is only zen when
you stop searching – it's

more like a leaning into the
wind to stay still, for a moment

We Are Always An

we are always an
illusion away from real
life – not knowing where

exactly the curtains can be
parted is another layer

Some Moments Carry

some moments carry
summer the way afternoons
carry light, briefly


must be watered regularly,
pruned every now and

then to signal new growth, spur
imagination, sway chance

The Patterns You

the patterns you
observe in time
are meant
to cushion every
anomaly, the way
packaging foam
hugs the curves
of each fruit
to hold the juices
in, keep from
so don't
be restless, my
dear, don't
insist that you are
bored. sink into
the patterns
of our lives,
soak it in between
the days, the years

You And I Reflect

you and i reflect
one another, imperfectly,
like glass mosaics,

a shimmering geometry,
intricate in every shade

Line By Line, Curve By

line by line, curve by
curve, the city camouflages
past recognition

With Time, We Will See

with time, we will see
that we have left
a trail, some
to indicate
how we have
danced in time

Every Once In A

every once in a
while, it is like us to knock
on one another's

hearts, ask for the password to
kindness, loneliness, patience

We Are Ready For

we are ready for
winter, fists full of candied
ginger, tongues burning

There Is Still A Bit

there is still a bit
of summer left in the way you
smile, an unmarked time

Even A Speck Of

even a speck of
memory can carry
loss, signal
in morse code,

With Every Turn, A

with every turn, a
reveal, exquisite in detail,
obscure in capture

Autumn Finds Us

autumn finds us
of summer
while steeped
in its cool

Recognizing Only A Splinter

recognizing only a splinter
of a fragment of how
the observable
universe works, i am stuck
wondering if somewhere,
in the constellation
hydra, someone has
looked out her window
for the last time, a witness
to the collision, ouroboros

When Reality

when reality
flickers, you realize all
of it were merely

reflections, from this life to
the next, mirrors to polish

Inside Each Waiting

inside each waiting
are small sachets of seasoned
waiting, provided

principally as a source
of comfort, preservation

The Trick To Getting

the trick to getting
out of a sticky situation
is to fall apart
completely, deconstruct
so that you are no
longer a whole
onto yourself,
but a grain
of cosmic
dust, puzzle-
shaped and counting
on repeating patterns
to complete the picture

I Am Delicately

i am delicately
peeling into
this memory i have
of you – how we
rarely had
in our youth
you were visiting –
maybe you'd carry
with you only
a small bag of
the sweet fruits,
and still, it was
up to us
to peel away
the tough outer
layer, past the inner
to get to
the unforgettable
part, the stuff
of memories

Because Everything Important

because everything
important is invisible,
we become clumsy,

heedlessly tugging on the
tripwires, reckless with our 緣

It Is Dangerous

it is dangerous
to eat sourdough bread alone –
so many craters

to stuff errant thoughts in, pits
to catch and twist tender fancies

Between Wings And A

between wings and a
slice of sky is a net tailored
to catch morning's light

On The Streets Of Love

on the streets of love,
unevenness triggers growth,
keeping us balanced

There Will Be Days When

there will be days when
time slips by, moments become
solids, love, liquid

We Dip Into Each

we dip into each
weekend like it's the very
best sauce to go with

the taste that came before, like
a spicy prelude to hunger

Maybe We Are More

maybe we are more
asymmetrical –
right and
left do not
check in
as often as
they would have us
believe –
leaving us
in a constant
state of striving
for equilibrium

There Are Phases Of

there are phases of
Moon that will forever light
up specific cells,

activating love, loss, pain,
and then all over again

When Your History

when your history
rubs against my history,
let us not collapse

In The Fabric Of

in the fabric of
each moment, there are stitches
of joy, of sadness –

we mindlessly pick at them,
not recognizing which is which

Even After Some

even after some
time and distance,
with years under
the belt, we will not
see a pattern, there
will be holes
in routines, we will get
lost somewhere,
searching a false
bottom for a semblance
of stability

Saturday Morning Baking

saturday morning
baking smells more golden than
the unbound sunrise

There Is A Bit Of

there is a bit of
desert in the city, story
after secluded

story, waiting for the sun
to light upon it just right

There Is A Bit Of You

there is a bit of
you that takes me
out of me –
that's what it
boils down to –
an awakening
that is more like
a peeling away

I Tuck Memories

i tuck memories
into each corner of these
city streets – cross, do

not cross, pivot, turn around –
messages from another me

In Between Getting

in between getting
started and getting it done
are unnamed moments

for breathing creativity
into each block, every curve

In Life And In Death

in life and in death,
we will walk alone – in between,
let us be wholly

fooled by the closeness of it
all, heart to heart, skins touching

Between This World

between this world
and all the
others, there is
little to divide
us but
our minds

Let Us Welcome One

let us welcome one
another's differences,
activate untapped
with the simplicity
of sharing our

If All The World's A

if all the world's a
stage, we must endeavor to
do better next time

It's True, These Days Will

it's true, these days will
taste concentrated as a
bouillon cube – don't let

your tongue become desensitized,
exercise a cleansing thirst

Some Wounds Grow Bigger

some wounds grow bigger
with time, whether we are looking
or not looking, we

will not be able to foresee
the precise point of no return

Let Us Always Stretch

let us always stretch
for love and not anticipate
how love stretches back

Maybe It's Only

maybe it's only
the shape of things that will survive
when the colors fade,

when the taste is not quite right,
when our hearts fumble with doubt

The Middle Of The End

the middle of the
end looks very much like the
beginning, over

and over again, until we
can no longer turn around

This Evening, When The

this evening, when the
sandhill cranes arrived, you noticed
one colt missing – from

four to three to two to one, we
will one day all go missing

There's Expectation

there's expectation
in the unexpected – a pair
of wings picking out

a single blossom between a
skyscraper and its shadow

There Are Layers To

there are layers to
memories that reside in
whispers – not knowing

what happened to the other colt
gets pushed into these shadows

With Proper Distance

with proper distance,
the border stands out, you know
exactly when and

where to stop, appreciate
boundaries, be neighborly

Repetition Of

repetition of
thought often warps truth, like sun
torturing structure

In The City, We

in the city, we
are stories within
within stories –

We Will Memorize

we will memorize
one another's histories
all wrong, not because

we haven't tried, but because
we may have tried much too hard

Sometimes Forging Your Own

sometimes forging your
own path means not really knowing
the history of

those who have come before us –
i say this for your own good

Some Mysteries Will

some mysteries will
remain beyond
reach until you
find yourself staring
that same old path
once more,
and it looks
like a barrier
or a way out

From The Backyard, We

from the backyard, we
have looked into forever
and not said a word

At Every Divide, We

at every divide,
we choose to build or not build
a bridge – travelers

who come after us choose to
take or not take the crossing

On The Very Edge Of

on the very edge
of the horizon are more
horizons, for this
we can celebrate another
day, another forty-four
years together

The Thing About A

the thing about a
city is not exactly
the city, but the

layers behind the layers, those
personal built-in triggers

The Easiest Out

the easiest out
is to reserve so much
passion for all
the ways that
you are right,
you can no
longer see the
other as a
person, but merely
a counterpoint

We Are Pieces Of

we are pieces of
the same
puzzle, looking to
fit in across
any universe

The World Grows

the world grows
after this,
sweeping one too
many summers
under an old moon

At The End Of A

at the end of a
new york
minute, there are
just more
as hours, days,

Even Now, We Are Counting

even now, we are
counting up and counting down –
the wait, our lives spent

In The Autumn Of

in the autumn of
our days, we will be lost in
dazzling beauty –

the late noon sun will shine just so,
obscuring the tenuousness

This Moment In Time

this moment in time
is a tried-and-true recipe –
to a heaping spoon

of have-nots, stir in a warm cup
of fear, add a pinch of dogma

In The Middle Of A Golden

in the middle of
a golden hour, we wrestle for
more time than given

The Impermanence

the impermanence
of things pains me – this afternoon,
finding a crack in

grandma's ring and wondering
how it got there, how to rewind

Being Alive Is

being alive is
penciled in,

In The Blink Of An

in the blink of an
eye, we will be
on the other
side, dusting off
all that fuss

Days Before The New

days before the new
year, old
memories stumble
upon even older
memories, overlap,
wrinkle, uninvited.
between resisting
and not resisting
is the acceptance
that they will arise
fewer and farther
between in the
years to come.
let them
kaleidoscope in
remembrance of us

January Is Making

january is
making amends without making
amends, years later

January Is Discovering

january is
discovering patterns where
they have always been

In The Middle Of The Night, Unexpectedly

in the middle of
the night,
the brain becomes a
live wire,
looking to make
a connection

Try Not To Be More

try not to be more
broken than the tools you have
at your disposal

We Will Lose Our Place

we will lose our place
in the middle of each other's
stories, again and

again – be my bookmark, and
i'll be yours, let's turn the page

How Many Words Does

how many words does
it take to bridge all the other
words moments after

an accident, an intention,
a right place at the right time?

From Some Distance, The

from some distance, the
weight will appear much lighter
than they are – even

the edges will shimmer as
if the risk were ephemeral

Perhaps These Days Will

perhaps these days will
be a fenceful of locks to
pick, finding the right

combinations, only a
matter of whom to cajole

If Gratitude Had

if gratitude had
a flavor, we would not know
we can't have enough

Closer To The End

closer to the end,
all of this will matter
less and
less – why we used
words at all

Here Is A Day That

here is a day that
looks like any other day,
except how it breaks

The Days Do Not Add

the days do not add
up neatly, do not form an

pattern that could help direct
the lost, the living, the lucky

Perhaps Spring Appears

perhaps spring appears
and disappears mostly with
no regard for our

single-minded seasonal
cleaning – we are caught coatless

Sunday Flirts With Our

sunday flirts with our
senses, entices us to
unwind, let go of

burdensome time, until we
are forced to count down the hours

Towards The End Of

towards the end of
times, we will come to the sudden
realization that

it was language that harmed us
most, competing with our senses

Even When Facing

even when facing
the same direction, we will
notice different things,

rest our gaze on one perch longer
than another, be uneven

Perhaps There Are More

perhaps there are more
than two americas, maybe
a third, a fifth, a
two hundred and forty
america, given a
chance to
ever so often

I Am On My Way Towards

i am on my way –
towards home, towards the light,
from cradle to grave

When It Is Just Clear

when it is just clear
enough, we can
see ourselves
in one another. when
it is just muddy
enough, we may
see each
other in ourselves

The Watercolor

the watercolor
that is life
as we remember
it runs,
gets lost
edges, pushes
pigments out
of place, so
that we will
never get the
ratio right –
brush to paper,
paper to sponge,
dry on wet,
wet on wet

Perhaps There Will Come

perhaps there will come
a time when we will simply
forget to look up,

stop marveling at the wonder
of it all, immersed in doubt

On The Road, We Take

on the road, we take
chances, racing alongside
life, shy of winning

Weekend Steaks Receive

weekend steaks receive
more love than weekday steaks – that's
just the way it is,

time is the ingredient
that marinates like no other

Perhaps We Will Wedge

perhaps we will wedge
levers deeply into every
relationship as

part of the natural scaffolding,
and still, be oblivious

See The Way Glass Bends

see the way glass bends
light, pretends not to be
bothered, causes
worsening distortions,
until light bends
glass, hairline fractures

Perhaps We Are

perhaps we are
to scale
time and,
your fall
my fall

In A Few Years, The

in a few years, the
little trinkets from
chinatown will still
not have reflected
the city's changing
skyline, even
as the horizon
morphs into
and you and i
will still use each
other as reference
points, wherever
we are standing
and hoping
for the best

Several Bites Into

several bites into
sunday, we will
wish to slow
down, savor
every sunday
second, in our
eyes, in our
ears, melting
too quickly
on our tongues

Perhaps Home Takes The

perhaps home takes the
longest time to bloom, holding
back for years, even

decades, before suddenly
revealing itself – here i am

At The Corner Where Summer [Aug 30th]

at the corner where
summer sees fall just arriving,
she pauses, debates

turning around, finally
concedes, returning fall's wave

Perhaps There Will Be

perhaps there will be
vegetables we
will never
grow into,
of how long we
stay on the vine

When Summer Retreats

when summer retreats,
we can grab our paddles and
chase after it for

just a little while longer,
and then still, even longer

Perhaps We Are All Castaways

perhaps we are all
castaways, dreaming of a place
that will call us home

In The Fine Print, It

in the fine print, it
states that before,
during, and
after, we were and
are and will be knitted
together by the
universe, so that
how we each live
off the land and
water affects
the other,
whatever touches
me touches you

Anniversaries Come

come and go, in between, bound
together by love

The First Day Of Fall

the first day of fall
tastes like something perfectly
charred, golden crunches

We Come Together

we come together
with and without reason, like the
planet, revolving

The Golden Age Is

the golden age is
always a fairy tale, between
those who remember

it for us and the stories
we sell ourselves to survive

Every So Often, Wander

every so often, wander
to a place that resonates
with home –
allow it
to recharge
your systems for
awhile longer
until you can go home

The Struggle To Be

the struggle to be
fully human and to see
that others are full-

ly human plays out over
and over – do we ever learn?

The Sun Brushes Through

the sun brushes through
a city's skyline
with the same
comb as it does
newly turned autumn
leaves, making shadows
dance as we lead
and follow from one
place to the next

Along The Way, There

along the way, there
will be markers for you to
color in the signs

Tucked Here And There

tucked here and there on
our shelves, a collection of
differences, trading

secrets in the dark, learning
to live with one another

Nothing Is Truly

nothing is truly
symmetrical – time warps one
side or the other,

in smoke-filled rooms, behind closed
doors, indiscriminately

On The Highway, Every

on the highway, every-
thing is possible.
off the
highway, the
turns are endless,
and we are
one turn away
from becoming
forever lost

In The Backyard, The Chinese

in the backyard, the
chinese mahogany rains,
leaves gliding through the

air like birds searching for its
migration route, winter is here

At The End, It Will

at the end, it will
be inevitable – we will
all come together,

regardless of shape, color,
the size of our pocketbooks

Perhaps Time Does Not

perhaps time does not
only steal away our child-
hood – maybe it is

more sinister, offering
us everything twice-stolen

We Are On The Move

we are on the move –
through tunnels, across bridges,
over highways, and

beyond state lines – unseating
our hearts for the bumpy ride

What Material

what material
weaves the imagination,
so that it stretches
and stretches and
stretches, and
can call no
place home

We Are At The End

we are at the end
or at the start of a decade,
leaping together

The Structures In Which

the structures in which
we play, stretch and bend time, mold
memories, will give

us away – if not by their
longevity, then their decay

The Weeds That Come Up

the weeds that come up
this season may not be the
ones that come up the

next – we do not encourage
it, they do not fancy us

Shrimp Shells And Fish Skins

shrimp shells and fish skins,
leek stalks and scallion roots –
tasty witch's brew

There Is Never A

there is never a
perfect time for
arrivals nor
departures – we
hold our breaths for
as long as we
can, knowing that
it is inevitable

More Often Than Not

more often than not,
just around the corner is
something you want, but

still out of reach – maybe play
it safe, maybe take a risk

Be Vigilant - Don't

be vigilant – don't
forget for a single minute
that we are all linked

How Easily We

how easily we
spiral into control, or
the worst versions of

ourselves, believing we could
contain these minor implosions

Starting Yesterday

starting yesterday,
the sunlight coming through the
window has shifted –

these are signs of luxury,
having space to take notice

At The Cemetery

at the cemetery,
there is enough
new growth
to power the
most decorated
athlete, a reminder
that as much as we
receive, we will be
made to return

As Long As We Hold People

as long as we hold
people who are not like us
at bay, we will be

less – less storyful, less agile,
less colorful, less human

If We Altogether

if we altogether
fix our gaze
towards life, liberty,
and the pursuit of
we won't have
to squint

In Our Moment Of

in our moment of
silence, we
cannot fathom
the length
of injustice


with the haves on sunday and

with the have-nots on monday
is human, it's not either-or

It Takes Struggle To

it takes struggle to
notice the little things, or
privilege to peruse

all the angles, or freedom
to appreciate the difference

Though The Road May Wind

though the road may wind,
the path is always straight, or
straight enough so that

we will not remember just
how long we have been on it

We Have More Or Less

we have more or less
power than we choose
to wield –
it's not an exact
science, but a
a call to make sure
everyone feels powerful

Recognizing That

recognizing that
we will never live up to
our expectations

of ourselves is the first step
to seeing beyond the fence

With Repetition

with repetition,
we will lose our
way – it is
inevitable –
the closer you
think you are
to arriving,
the clearer
the distance
in between

If We Make The Right

if we make the right
choice nine out of ten times, hold
us accountable

for when we make the wrong choice
even one out of ten times

We Can't Imagine

we can't imagine
going back – as the color
starts to fade on those

particular memories, we
realize we've been lost all this time

If We Make The Right

if we make the right
choice nine out of ten times, hold
us accountable

for when we make the wrong choice
even one out of ten times

With Repetition

with repetition,
we will lose our
way – it is
inevitable –
the closer you
think you are
to arriving,
the clearer
the distance
in between

Recognizing That

recognizing that
we will never live up to
our expectations

of ourselves is the first step
to seeing beyond the fence

We Have More Or Less

we have more or less
power than we choose
to wield –
it's not an exact
science, but a
a call to make sure
everyone feels powerful

Though The Road May Wind

though the road may wind,
the path is always straight, or
straight enough so that

we will not remember just
how long we have been on it

It Takes Struggle To

it takes struggle to
notice the little things, or
privilege to peruse

all the angles, or freedom
to appreciate the difference


with the haves on sunday and

with the have-nots on monday
is human, it's not either-or

In Our Moment Of

in our moment of
silence, we
cannot fathom
the length
of injustice

If We Altogether

if we altogether
fix our gaze
towards life, liberty,
and the pursuit of
we won't have
to squint

As Long As We Hold

as long as we hold
people who are not like us
at bay, we will be

less – less storyful, less agile,
less colorful, less human

At The Cemetery

at the cemetery,
there is enough
new growth
to power the
most decorated
athlete, a reminder
that as much as we
receive, we will be
made to return

Starting Yesterday

starting yesterday,
the sunlight coming through the
window has shifted –

these are signs of luxury,
having space to take notice

How Easily We

how easily we
spiral into control, or
the worst versions of

ourselves, believing we could
contain these minor implosions

Be Vigilant - Don't

be vigilant – don't
forget for a single minute
that we are all linked

More Often Than Not, Just

more often than not,
just around the corner is
something you want, but

still out of reach – maybe play
it safe, maybe take a risk

There Is Never A

there is never a
perfect time for
arrivals nor
departures – we
hold our breaths for
as long as we
can, knowing that
it is inevitable

With Distance Come A

with distance comes a
mysterious fondness – we
are made of nothing

but hope, hope, hope – transcending
time, best interests, and reason

In The Beginning

in the beginning,
the middle, and the end, we
will bump into the

contours of life, be tempted to
break free, tumble into light

There Is A Jelly

there is a jelly
bean-sized wild thing tucked into
every twenty-sixth

scenario – you turn the
page, teetering on spilling

Protecting One's Heart

protecting one's heart
requires a daily letting
go and letting in

All At Once, You

all at once, you are
everywhere – in the butterfly
that visited the

west side, the dragonfly that
passed through the garden this morning

For A Number Of

for a number of
days, weeks, months, or even years,
there will be humming-

birds in the backyard searching
for the lost rose of sharon

Perhaps After One

perhaps after one
too many seasons of sweeping
away the fallen

hibiscus syriacus
blossoms, we got tired of death

We Lose Track, Lose Touch

we lose track, lose touch,
can't find our way back to one
another, stumble

towards purpose, meander
for a meaning, hands growing numb

We Will Gather At

we will gather at
least seven times to pay our
respects, say goodbye –

for both the dead and the living,
loss takes longer to sink in

In The End, We Fall

in the end, we fall
like dominoes, as a result
of standing too close

Across The Distance

across the distance
of countless shores, feelings get
clogged up, polluted

by proximate priorities –
we wait to be pulled closer

The Language Of Time

the language of time
is mysterious – for one
full minute, we can

become riveted by every
bird twitch, a turning of the page


Here Is Exhaustion

here is exhaustion –
the ties that make it worth your while
are the ties that bind

Across The Years, We

across the years, we
will change the way we measure,
keep, and lose track of

time – it's inevitable, a
matter of right place, different time

Autumn Makes Herself

autumn makes herself
known in the fabric of the
wind, bending our time

The Day After The

the day after the
day after, we will marvel
at how easily

something could catch fire and burn,
how clear the night was, no help

Even In The City

even in the city
that never sleeps,
you and i will be
in separate worlds,
looking down, looking
inwards, looking away,
always away,
for a reason to be

The City Can No

the city can no
longer recognize its own
reflection on the

water – night and day, it searches
for the city it used to be

New Friends

new friends
come and
go, but old
come back
and again

Memories Become

memories become
overgrown with and without
intention – the greens

become greener, weeds even
weedier – waiting to be tamed

Sometimes You Have To

sometimes you have to
get comfortable with getting
stuck in order to

become unstuck. it's a tried
and true formula – letting go

There Is A Ripple

there is a ripple
in every memory, it
reverberates out,

touches other memories,
sensing them to be lighthouses

Let's Promise To Stay

let's promise to stay
golden even when we fall
through seasons of change