Saturday, October 28, 2017

Robert Jordan - Wheel Of Time [Tidbits]

brown bramble webs

sun crisp shadow

back end of forever

cold and blue as a midwinter dawn

There's more raven in him than man

The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills

The One Power, drawn from the True Source that drove the Wheel of Time

creatures that feed on death

the Source, the river, the Aes Sedai, the waterwheel

feeble sun

sun slid slowly, sinking sun

forge-fire sun

They don't care about finding the truth; they think they know that already.

The afternoon shadows stretched long and jagged, and the sinking sun made the ruined city golden.

shadows play on a forest pool at a midwinter dawn, breeze rippling the surface, the tang of ice, hint of snow

mind skittered

He was still, and the whole world moved past him.

There is never any excuse for violence to another human being. The Way of the Leaf.

The land itself was quiet, as if the world were pausing to catch its breath.

The Great L-rd of the Dark rules death, and he can give life in death or death in life as he chooses.

You must shape the vision to the land, not the land to the vision.

The Wheel turns, and no one knows its turning

breaking apart from the weight of its own corruption

any power directed against heartstone only makes it stronger

The grave is no bar to my call

Thought skimmed across its surface like pebbles across ice


His eyes blazed like blue ice in the sun

thought skittered across the void

Listen, and speak when you know what to say

The Waste: the Three-fold Land. A shaping stone, to make us; a testing ground, to prove our worth; and a punishment for the sin.

bring your lightnings; I will dance with them

a coruscating fountain of light

raging cataract

The heat inside him went to white-heat, and beyond, to a shimmer that would have melted stone and vaporized steel and made the air burst into flame. The cold grew till the breath in his lungs should have frozen solid and hard as metal. He could feel it overwhelming him, feel life eroding like a soft clay riverbank, feel what was him wearing away. Can't stop! If it gets out. . . . Have to kill it! I—can—not—stop! Desperately he clung to fragments of himself. The One Power roared through him; he rode it like a chip of wood in rapids. The void began to melt and flow; the emptiness steamed with freezing cold.

taint of the Dark One

One Power is the force that turned the Wheel of Time

One Power drives the universe

cold crystal ash

shadowspawned, shadowcursed

sun's crimson edge

lightning lanced

wavy-rayed golden sun

work the will of the wheel

furious furnaces

flaring sun of coin gold

Who we were is lost to all men

burnished gold sun

the far end of forever

years in the dying

snow and flowers quilting the mountain

Everything spun on the wheels of chance and change

"Violence harms the doer as much as the victim," Leya said placidly. "That is why we flee those who harm us, to save them from harm to themselves as much for our own safety. If we do violence to oppose evil, soon we would be no different from what we struggle against. It is with the strength of our belief that we fight the Shadow."

actinic blue

shadow haloed with light

echoes of winter

The world is strange, and all things change.

The shadows had more pattern than her thoughts.

circles held inside circles

The warp and the woof of the weave

To seek, to strive, is to know danger

The way back will come but once

sun a glint on the horizon / sun glinting on horizon


quilted with wildflowers, snow

Time to toss the dice

He speaks so that he carries a man beyond his own beliefs.

If Caemlyn can make covenants with the Tower, why, so can Tear.

good and bad are the warp and the woof of the pattern of life


The water curled to either side of the prow like earth turning around a good plow

Trees that made flowers in the spring had them, tiny white blossoms on snowberry and bright red sugarberry. One tree she did not know was covered in round white flowers bigger than her two hands together. Occasionally a climbing wild-rose put swaths of yellow or white through branches thick with the green of leaves and the red of new growth.

sun lifted a red rim

gilded gleaming gates

The Dark One and all the Forsaken are bound in Shayol Ghul, bound by the Creator in the moment of creation.

The crystal sword no longer merely glittered with refracted light. In pulses it glowed, as if some light inside it were being uncovered, then covered and uncovered again.

Callandor blazed in his hands like the sun

Callandor shone in his fist until it seemed he carried the sun

fluttering like a candle flame in a storm

Prophecies are fulfilled as they are meant to be, not as we think they should be

Turmoil and chaos multiplied on every side

filled him like a torrent of white heat and light, exalting him with life

silver-chased, gold-chased

He fought wrapped in the cold emotionlessness of the Void, but fear scraped at its boundaries like wind-lashed branches scratching a window in the night.

No one can walk so long in the Shadow that he/she cannot come again to the Light.

a river of molten metal

The sun slid slowly; reddish yellow glare; like the purest crystal

The Power slid along his bones, pure essence of fire

noonday sun

Do not trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.

The rising sun poured heat and light through the narrow windows.

No point in crying when the iron split; you just reforged it.

He wrapped himself in the Void and reached out for the True Source, that sickly flickering light that was always there, just over his shoulder. The Power filled him, breath of life, wind to uproot oaks, summer wind sweetened with flowers, foul waftings from a midden heap.

A strong mind and a strong heart are your weapons now, but you hold them as surely as you ever held a spear. Remember them, use them, and they will see you through anything

Life is uncertainty and struggle, choice and change; humankind is made for uncertainty, struggle, choice and change

shadowless light

sun-blasted sky

sun a golden blister that seres land

sere land


seed sign, seed song, seed sung

obsidian inferno

smoked-glass view

The sun slid behind the mountains, silhouetting the peaks and painting the under-sides of the clouds red

The moon hung above the mountains, turning the clouds to pearly shadows

sunrise pearling outside

The sun slid down as slowly as a bead in honey

The sun blasted the valley and the surrounding mountains, burning the shadows

shimmering heat haze rising from the mountain's bare rock

sun silhouetted

sun a lump of molten gold

heat-haze made the distant mountains shimmer

shadowless light

the sun was a furnace in the sky baking out moisture and strength

Sa souvraya niende misain ye - I am lost in my own mind

gilded golden gleaming fretwork

Luc smiled fractionally, a gash on stone that never came close to those cold blue eyes.

"The Way of the Leaf is not for everyone," Faile said gently, but Ila shook her head again. "It is for everyone," she replied just as gently, and a touch sadly, "if they only knew it."

Time passed, the sun inching up, the day's warmth building

freighted with meaning

That you must die to save fools who will heave a sigh of relief at your death

sun molten

learn to use it; use it to learn

cold calm of the Void, filled with a raging river of the Power

the Power surged in him; the sword in his hand flared till it seemed a small sun illumined him

the glow of that sword like lamplight around him in the night

Concentrating on that need will bring you near to what you want

"Those of us who are bound to the Wheel are not dead as others are dead. Where better for us to wait until the Wheel weaves us out in new lives than in the World of Dreams?"

wheel weaves out

the endless days will bring what they bring, as they always have

quilted fields

molten afternoon sun broiled the Waste

ocean of cracked clay

glittering metallically

emotion skittered uncontrollably around the Void that surrounded him inside, the emptiness that was not empty, the emptiness filled with the Power

the sun was baking away the moisture

shadowless light

rain ruin

He was never very good at breaking through a shield; you must be willing to accept pain, and he never could.

sun of molten gold

All things had to end; the Wheel of Time turned.

seared by a sun still pitiless as it sank

There was no obsequiousness in his voice; a chief was not a king, and neither was the chief of chiefs. At best he was first among equals.

the Three-fold Land - a punishment for their sin, a testing ground for their courage, an anvil to shape them

Thought slid along the outside of the Void; he floated within, in emptiness, thought and emotion, even his anger, distant.

fluted in spirals

Life is a dream from which we all must wake before we can dream again.

heat the stones further, stones cracking, kettle itself radiated heat like a furnace

You must learn to ride fate. Only by surrendering to the Pattern can you begin to have some control over the course of your own life. If you fight, the Pattern will still force you, and you will find only misery where you might have found contentment instead.

sun a searing ball of molten gold

the sun reached its peak, a blazing ball of gold that burned

the sun baked as it slid toward the horizon

flaring golden sun

fragments of fragments

His mind skittered away

Mingled filth and sweetness filled him, that raging river of fire, that crushing avalanche of ice.

Letting go of saidin was an exercise in self-control, despite the foulness of the taint, despite the way the Power tried to scour him away like sand on a riverbed, to burn him, obliterate him.

The White Tower is at its weakest when it should be at its strongest, in the hands of a fool when it must have skilled command.

make accommodation with fate

he seized saidin, filling himself with life and death, molten fire and liquid ice

cold, crisp pale daylight

spun glass

milling mass

Life was only a dream, and all dreams had to end.

Icy fire scoured the outside of the Void; oily filth seeping into him from the taint; juggled wild torrents of the Power that threatened to engulf him

river of fire churned to rapids by jagged boulders of ice

the woman expected the world to bend itself to her; she had grown up being taught that it would, in a place where it did

mastering the hills more than flowing over them

rime of crystal frost

Learn to trust the Pattern. Do not waste your life attempting to change what cannot be changed.

to searing, freezing saidin; seared his bones, froze his flesh, scoured his soul

all the streets of the Inner City flowed with the land

The Power, saidin, all the sweetness of life, all the corruption of death

continuous haze of sparkling dust seemed to fill the air, renewed as it evaporated

pale like moonlit snow

broiling midday sun

molten sun

blistering sun

do you really think they can be talked into abandoning the Shadow the way they abandoned the Light

the world had to be faced as it was, not as you wished it to be

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain. It's time to toss the dice.

casualness that hinted at precision


The rising sun formed a dome of molten gold above the forest

thoughts skittered

winter marble

You never escape the traps you spin yourself

Humanity retreated, and the Shadow advanced

sun roasted the ruins


even a queen must obey the law she makes, or there is no law

taint staining his bones like acid slime

blank as river rock

jump around like a drop of water on a hot griddle

the beauty of new-breaking sunlight glittering

If anyone could break any rule they chose, do whatever they chose, and escape punishment merely by doing some good to balance it, the world would be chaos

the sun burned golden in a cloudless sky and heat shimmers danced over the dark water


baking mid-morning sun

purest crystal ice

louvered shutters

sun-crazed lizard

golden sun burning

deep pungent miasma of decay

a night-shrouded pool, smooth as ice in the instant before the breeze stirred

tang of autumn in the air

If the sun was molten gold, turning the air to an oven, hawks often wheeled in the cloudless blue sky.

broiling morning sun

fire flared

gouts of fire

rolling ring of Earth and Fire

do not let outworn custom and stale tradition tie your hands

try to make true what she wanted to be true

countless thousands who were less than pieces on a stone's board


sunflare of gold

searing sun

shadowspawned heat

anvil flat, anvil hard

winter cold, anvil hard

liquid golden sun



glittering metallically

sun rise by night


flicker and flare



power-wrought fire

Endure; let the past pass, and go on with your life.

sun-slanted shadows

peering into her teacup like a fortune-teller at a fair

a flare of saidar-wrought fire

sparkled sunlight streaming

name the evil, and you can point to the good; the turning of the Wheel requires balance

permanent haze of dust

sun burning golden high overhead in a blue sky

red-gold dome of the sun

"The truth doesn't matter anymore, if it ever has. You rise with me, or fall with me. The Great L-rd rewards success, and he's never cared how it was achieved."

Lews Therin! he called silently. The wind blowing across Illian answered.

sun a low crimson dome

last crimson sliver of setting sun

echoing of evil


spinner-out of fate, who thinks he turns the Wheel of Time, may learn the truth too late



vultures wheeled patient circles like an omen

unfettered sun

ecstasy that amounted to pain thundered through him

heat shimmered up from pale paving stones

Light of Saidar

haloed by sharp nimbus of sun behind

to saidar

saidared it

deep winter ice

The world had changed, as it seemed, in the blink of an eye

What you order done, you must be willing to do with your own hand. What you order done, you have done. A leader cannot be above the law, or there is no law.

braided column of saidar

fire air water earth spirit

spiderwebs of saidar

shadow of an echo of saidar

radiance of saidar

lace of the One Power

bar of lace of the One Power

sun peeking above the horizon, spreading a sharp morning light

glittering midmorning sun

a look of frozen malevolence

All things change. Until we wake, the dream drifts on the wind.

burning sun

sun baking

the days ran together like an everlasting stream

thoughts scrabbled

crack of winter

But men needed the trappings, the symbols and the names, the black coats and the pins, to help hold them together.

The sand was melted to sheets of glass

melt away like dew under a midsummer sun

pale sun glinted

quick as thought

the sun rose and climbed, a pale golden ball that gave no warmth

seed pearls

sunlight glinted

unalloyed pleasure

dripping derision

The sun had passed its peak


ice breeze

snow crust

The sun made a red dome on the treetops to the west, and a lurid light shone off the snow

whatever the secret histories would say of her faults and virtues, they would be hers

sun a molten ball of gold

noonday sun

ever victorious army




thought slid across the surface of the Void

the sun was a pale yellow ball

earth blooming fire, sky raining lightning

time ticked away

clocked ticked time away

deep into the bedrock

strong endures, hard shatters

outside, the sun was just peeking over the horizon, a low dome of pale yellow

wrapped in Folded Light

To destroy, or be destroyed; when that's your choice, is there a difference

Light made flesh

Heart and mind are the true weapons


east the wind blew for leagues, gusting and fading, dividing but never dying

most of the branches were stark and bare, and those that retained leaf or needle splashed a vivid green against the white

we all wake from the dream one day

thought came in a trickle of shadows that melted if she tried to hold them too hard

light came from everywhere and nowhere

make truth spin like a whirlpool

a butterfly stirs its wings on a branch, and on the other side of the world a mountain collapses

death is dust

Ever Victorious Army


knitted moonbeams and happenstance into a strangling cord

blaze of a noonday sun

drink in winter, make winter's heart Sunday noon

The Wheel turns, and everything changes

The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills, but it is us who still have to decide."

create/bring the instruments of his own punishment

Stories have power. Gleemen's tales, and bards' epics, and rumors in the street alike. They stir passions, and change the way men see the world.

"You can never know everything," Lan said quietly, "and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyway."


bite fire

disc of ice, bar of fire across it

forging his soul in the fires of pain

sun a pale golden ball

saidin seeped

summer noon, winter morning

conduit untainted saidar

a tube of saidin

taint began to leech out of it

the saidar weave took on convolutions and spirals that made him think of a flower

no grand weaves sweeping down from the sky. the Source lay at the heart of creation. The Source was everywhere, even in Shadar Logoth.

the conduit covered distance beyond his imagining, and had no length at all

flowery weave of saidar

saidar sweeping in torrents undreamed of

incredible seething tumult of saidin

spun saidar

the sky held the light of midmorning; the air was dark with shadows; the city quivered

flashing flaring afternoon sun

foul ocean of the taint was flooding through, tidal waves of vileness crashing over him, raging gales of filth

Saidin was so alien that anything could be hidden in that mad chaos

the sun stood halfway to its peak, and gave no warmth

Let whoever may think of violence search his heart, and consider his soul.

They must succeed. Fail, and the world was doomed

light leaked

sun noon day peak

The falling snow beyond her window swirled in a gust of wind like a white kaleidoscope

fostering upheaval is no way to maintain peace

schemes inside plots wrapped in stratagems and all hidden behind still others

sun vanishing at noon

gap of time that carried the feel of Ages vanished into the mists of the past

haste ruins metal

the sun peeked above the horizon and begun to send sharply slanted shafts of light through the forest canopy, reflecting off the snow and lessening the gloom a little, though deep, dappled shadows remained between the sun's slender fingers

fractious behaviour

pronouncements of questionable truth


press of time weighed down bones


we are supposed to deal with people's fears and soothe them, not spread senseless gossip and panic

lurid light


change came so slowly you never noticed it creeping up on you, or far too fast for comfort, but it came. nothing stayed the same, even when you thought it did.

Truth almost always did come out in the end, but by the end, truth was often so wrapped around with rumors and speculation and absolute lies that most people never did believe it.

The innocent died along with the guilty. And if you did nothing, then only the innocent died.

shadow-stained saidin

alliance protects world from them, and brings them on our side

Even when the unthinkable was proposed, the rituals must be followed. Perhaps more so then than ever.

People never really changed, yet the world did, with disturbing regularity. You just had to live with it, or at least live through it. Now and then, with luck, you could affect the direction of the changes, but even if you stopped one, you only set another in motion.

sun slid lower, sky became greased

sometimes, pain is all that lets you know you're alive

a man who fought in a rage, died in a rage

laws and customs the bedrock of stability

pretend something too long, and it could become truth

until the whole world turns Tinker

Ta'veren are people the Pattern shapes itself around, people who were spun out by the Pattern itself to maintain the proper course of the weaving, perhaps to correct flaws that were creeping in.

Continuity provides stability, and stability brings prosperity

struggling forces improvement

looking for allies, not enemies

wars are won by information as much as by weapons

How could he bring peace to a people who refused to accept it?

If even the ground itself could not be trusted, then what could?

In a way, the Dark One's own taint will destroy him, for it is what gave me access to Lews Therin

"We can't go back, Mat. The Wheel has turned, for better or worse. And it will keep on turning, as lights die and forests dim, storms call and skies break. Turn it will. The Wheel is not hope, and the Wheel does not care, the Wheel simply is. But so long as it turns, folk may hope, folk may care. For with light that fades, another will eventually grow, and each storm that rages must eventually die. As long as the Wheel turns. As long as it turns. . . ."

saidared it

Winning won't be winning at all if you turn into the person you defeated

She had to be as logical as a White, as thoughtful as a Brown, as passionate as a Blue, as decisive as a Green, as merciful as a Yellow, as diplomatic as a Gray. And yes, as vengeful as a Red, when necessary.

the choice isn't always about what you do, son, but why you do it

The Great L-rd's essence forced the Pattern, straining it and leaving it scarred. Even something the Creator had designed to be eternal could be unraveled using the Dark One's energies. It bespoke an eternal truth— something as close to being sacred as Graendal was willing to accept. Whatever the Creator could build, the Dark One could destroy.

tar-like sky

change comes to all of us as the Wheel turns

The Shadow made its play for me and lost. It is war, not subterfuge, that turns the day now.

Your inability to stop evil men does not make you evil yourself.

Often, those whose loyalty is most difficult to win are the most valuable once it is yours.

they wear white to hide what is dark inside of them

To leave any out means the possibility that you will be left out

column of fiery light became a column of sunlight streaming down

already condemned to die so why keep hating

An Aes Sedai can suffer all things, for only then can she be truly a servant of all.

He could smell the world on the wind.

Traditions should not be maintained just because they were traditions. Strength was not strength if it had no purpose or direction.

Seconds were small things, and if you heaped enough of those on top of one another, they became a man's life.

soul of a scribe

He felt a need to create, as if to balance the destruction he'd seen in the world, the destruction he'd helped create.

"He comes! The Shadow in every man's mind, the murderer of truth. No!"

They bickered like children, for all their power and supposed wisdom.

This is the fall of nations and the unification of humankind

"All men are ignorant, Aes Sedai," Androl said. "The topics of our ignorance may change, but the nature of the world is that no man may know everything."

being polite to a person is not a sign of respect for them. it's a sign of a good upbringing and a balanced nature

The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills, Perrin. We've become what we needed to become.

separate your foes, then crush them one at a time; it's one of the oldest strategies in warfare

The more dedicated a person was to the Light before being taken, the more dedicated they will be to the Shadow after falling.

"An argument must have opposition if it is to prove itself, my son," she said. "One who argues truly learns the depth of his commitment through adversity.

"Being in charge isn't always about telling people what to do. Sometimes, it's about knowing when to step out of the way of people who know what they're doing."

"The Dark One is part of the Wheel," Moiraine said.
"No. The Dark One is outside the Pattern," Rand countered. "Not part of the Wheel at all."
"Of course the Dark One is part of the Wheel, Rand," Moiraine said. "We are the threads that make up the Pattern's substance, and the Dark One affects us. You cannot kill him. That is a fool's task."

Better that one people should end than the world fall completely under Shadow.

Men or women could not know themselves, not truly, until they were strained to their absolute limit.

The Pattern weaves us all where we need to be.

a man who thinks all day about the catch he missed because of stormy weather ends up wasting time when the sky is clear

The sun finally burned out from behind the blackness above, like a drop of molten steel.

"The Dark One is part of the Wheel," Moiraine said. "No. The Dark One is outside the Pattern," Rand countered. "Not part of the Wheel at all."

Could he will the man back to the Light? If he could be forced to be evil, could he be restored?

Time slipped around them like a stream

The sun drooped low in the sky, like an eyelid that refused to stay open.

Whatever he had inside of him that allowed him to see the right of things was obviously a gift of the Light, and holding others to scorn because they had not been born with it was wrong.

who do we trust if we cannot trust our own minds

A nation's strength came from the strength of its people; break them, and you were breaking your own back.

As Rhuarc walked, his feet crunched on sand that had been turned to shards of glass by the lightning.

All things turned and came again. That was the meaning of the Wheel of Time. What was the point of winning a single battle against the Dark One, only to know that he would return?

balefire burned a thread backward in the Pattern

the Flame of Tar Valon is the opposite of Balefire

light, a brilliant lance in the heavens

There are no endings, and never will be endings, to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was an ending.

He came like the wind, like the wind touched everything, and like the wind was gone.


Emond's Field
- Winespring Inn

- The Stag and Lion

- The Wayfarers' Rest

Four Kings
- The Dancing Cartman

Village/City name not listed
- The Queen's Man

- Goose And Crown

- The Queen's Blessing
- Culain's Hound
- The Crown Of Roses
- The Silver Swan
- The Hoop And Arrow
- The Seven-Striped Lass
- The Deadman's Breath
- The Two Apples
- The Greeting Hall
- The Grand Hike
- The Dusty Wheel / The Rumor Wheel
- The Happy Throng

- Easing The Badger

- The Nine Rings

- The Defender Of The Dragonwall
- The Great Tree
- The Bunch of Grapes
- The Long Man
- The Ball And Hoop

Jarra [Ghealdan]
- Harilin's Leap

Tar Valon
- The Woman of Tanchico

Remen on the Manetherendrelle, Altara
- Wayman's Forge

- The Good Queen

- The White Crescent
- The Golden Cup
- The Star
- The Dragon

- The Garden of Silver Breezes wineshop
- Three Plum Court
- The Chamber of Falling Blossoms is a room in the Three Plum Court

Deven Ride
- The Gooose And Pipe

Watch Hill
- The White Boar

Kore Springs
- The Good Queen's Justice

- The Nine Horse Hitch
- The Wagon Seat
- The Good Night's Ride

- The Bellon Ford Inn

Sienda [Amadicia]
- The Light Of Truth

- The Golden Stag

- The Oak And Thorn
- The Golden Head

Ebou Dar
- The Wandering Woman
- The Golden Swans of Heaven
- The Winter Blossom [Mat passes it by]
- The Yearly Brawl

Damelien [Andor]
- The Golden Sheaves

- The Wild Boar
- The New Plow

Forel Market [Andor]
- The White Swan

Far Madding
- The Crown of Maredo
- The Counsel's Head
- The Golden Wheel

So Habor
- The Golden Barge

- The White Ring

Saldea [town of Kayacun]
- The Queen's Lance

Hinderstap [Murandy]
- The Tipsy Gelding

- The Shaken Fist

Bandar Eban
- The Wind's Favor

Caemlyn - white lion, red field
Illian - golden bees
Cairhein - rising sun, gold on blue
Tear - three white crescent moons slanting across a field half red, half gold
Fal Dara - black hawk
House Jagad (Agelmar Jagad) - three running foxes
Shienar - black hawk
King Easar of Shienar - white hart
Ingtar Shinowa - gray owl
Malkier - golden crane
Almoth - blue and black with Tree of Life (Avendesora)
Manetheren - crimson eagle banner
Altara - two golden leopards on a field of red and blue
Mayene - Golden Hawk
Ghealdan - silver stars

saidin - male half, tainted

saidar - female half

saidin / saidar - in your head

Taint is Dark One's Shadow

To control saidar, first you had to surrender to it.

Lews Therin struck the Dark One; the counterstroke tainted the male-half of the power

The One Power, drawn from the True Source that drove the Wheel of Time.

Saidin and saidar work against each other and at the same time together to provide that force, the driving force of Creation, to turn the Wheel of Time.

Saidin is fouled by the touch of the Dark One, like water with a thin slick of rancid oil floating on top. The water is still pure, but it cannot be touched without touching the foulness.

The True Source cannot be used up, any more than the river can be used up by the wheel of a mill. The Source is the river; the Aes Sedai, the waterwheel.

The greatest Aes Sedai works were made when saidin and saidar were joined, working together, both halves of the True Source joined.

One Power is the force that turned the Wheel of Time

One Power drives the universe

The Power felt like life itself swelling inside him, as if he were ten times, a hundred times as alive; the Dark One's taint filled him, too, death and corruption, like maggots crawling in his mouth. It was a torrent that threatened to sweep him away, a raging flood he had to fight every moment. | He wanted to hold on to the sweetness of saidin forever, and he wanted to vomit. And all the while the deluge tried to scour him to the bone and burn his bones to ash.

Saidin flooded into him, carrying the Dark One's taint, an avalanche of foul ice, a torrent of reeking molten metal. It tried to crush him, to scour him away, and he rode it like a man balancing atop a collapsing mountain. He channeled, a simple weave of Air that wrapped up the dagger and stopped it an arm's length from his chest. Emptiness surrounded him; he floated in the middle of it, in the Void, thought and emotion distant.

For a moment he took hold of saidin again, that rage of fire and ice and sour slime.

He felt rage sliding across the surface of the Void, and realized he had seized saidin. That torrent of searing sweetness and freezing filth seemed to echo his anger.

From the first flow he channeled, the taint seemed to pulse inside him, a slowly building vibration. It must have been the evil in Shadar Logoth itself, a resonance of evil to evil. Even in the Void he felt dizzy from those reverberations, as though the world swung beneath his feet in time to them; they made him want to vomit up everything he had ever eaten. Still, he persevered.

It was the first he realized that he held saidin. He welcomed the struggle for survival; he even welcomed the taint, staining his bones like acid slime.

Taim was right on one point; holding on to saidin, a man knew he was alive, and it went beyond heightened senses. Despite the Dark One's taint, despite the feel of oily offal staining your bones, when the Power was trying to melt you where you stood, freeze you till you shattered, when one misstep or one moment of weakness meant death - Light, you knew you were alive. Still, he pushed the Source away as soon as he was through the gateway, and not only to rid himself of the taint before his stomach emptied itself; it seemed worse than it had been, more vile, if that was possible.

Rand took hold of it himself, holding that raging torrent of fire and ice, filth and sweetnes

Saidin raged in him, a boiling fury

He floated in the Void, surrounded by emptiness beyond knowing, and saidin filled him, trying to grind him to dust beneath steel-shattering cold and heat where stone would flash to flame, carrying the Dark One's taint on its flow, forcing corruption into his bones. Into his soul, he feared sometimes. It did not make him feel so sick to his stomach as it once had. He feared that even more. And larded through that torrent of fire, ice and filth—life. That was the best word. Saidin tried to destroy him. Saidin filled him to overflowing with vitality. It threatened to bury him, and it enticed him. The war for survival, the struggle to avoid being consumed, magnified the joy of pure life. So sweet even with the foulness. What would it be like, clean? Beyond imagining. He wanted to draw more, draw all there was. There lay the deadly seduction. One slip, and the ability to channel would be seared out of him forever. One slip and his mind was gone, if he was not simply destroyed on the spot, and maybe everything around him too. It was not madness, focusing on the fight for existence; it was like highwalking blindfolded over a pit full of sharpened stakes, basking in so pure a sense of life that thinking of giving it up was like thinking of a world forever in shades of gray. Not madness. His thoughts whirled through his dance with saidin, slid across the Void.

Surrounding himself with the emptiness of the Void, he seized saidin and forced frozen fire and molten filth into the weaves for a gateway. Something crooked and red spiderwebbed across the outside of the Void.

rage flared, fire spiderwebbing around the emptiness of the Void

Reluctantly he let go of the Power, forced himself not to hang on like a man clutching salvation with his fingernails as life and filth drained from him together.

What with the molten filth floating on saidin, the frozen slime, touching the Source came close to emptying his stomach.

The taint on saidin felt especially heavy today, a thick foul oil that oozed into his pores and stained his bones deep. Stained his soul. He had thought himself accustomed to the vileness, after a fashion, yet today it was nauseating, stronger than the frozen fire and molten cold of saidin itself. He held on to the Source as often as possible now, accepting the vileness to avoid the new sickness of seizing it. It could be deadly, if he let sickness distract him from that struggle. Maybe it was connected to the dizzy spells, somehow. Light, he could not go mad yet, and he could not die. Not yet. There was too much still to be done.

He seized saidin and sweet life and filth poured into him together. His head spun. There were two archers. Bile rose in his throat as he fought wild, uncontrolled surges of the Power that tried to sear him to the bone and freeze his flesh solid. He could not control them; it was all he could do to stay alive. Desperately, he fought to clear his sight, to be able to see well enough to weave the flows he could barely form, with nausea flooding him as strongly as the Power.

Rand let himself really feel saidin. Life and corruption commingled; ice to make winter's heart seem warm, and fire to make a forge's flames cold; death, waiting for him to slip. Wanting him to slip.

Rand made himself feel saidin. He was always aware of the Power—anything else meant death or worse—yet he had become used to the struggle. He fought for life, but the fight had become as natural as life. The struggle was life. He made himself feel that battle, his life. Cold to make stone shatter into dust. Fire to make stone flash to vapor. Filth to make a rotten cesspit smell a garden in full flower. And . . . a pulsing, like something quivering in his fist. This was not the sort of throbbing he had felt in Shadar Logoth, when the taint on saidin had resonated with the evil of that place, and saidin had pulsed with it. The vileness was strong, but steady here. It was saidin itself that seemed full of currents and surges. Eager, Dashiva called it, and Rand could see why.

He seized the Source, and saidin flooded him with molten cold and freezing heat, with life and sweetness, filth and death. His stomach twisted, and the hallway in front of him doubled itself. For an instant, he thought he saw a face. Not with his eyes; in his head. A man, shimmering and unrecognizable, gone. He floated in the Void, empty, and full of the Power.

he seized saidin. The room seemed to whirl, and he rode the avalanche of fire and ice and filth with nausea seething in his belly.

The feel of filth remained, though, the Dark One's taint oozing into him from the weaves he had tied off around himself.

saidin, an avalanche of fire, a storm of ice, all larded with the filthy taint that made the larger wound in his side pulse. He swayed in the saddle as his head spun and his stomach clenched even as he fought to ride the avalanche that tried to sear his mind, to soar on the storm that tried to scour his soul. There was no forgiveness or pity in the male half of the Power. A man fought it, or died. He could feel the three Asha'man behind him filling themselves too, drinking at saidin like men just out of the Waste who had found water. In his head, Lews Therin sighed with relief.

The Power roared in Rand, and the filth tarnishing the pure life of saidin seeped into him, rank runnels that would bring madness and death.

fire and cold vanished, and the grease-slick vileness of the taint, and with them, life seemed to dwindle, too, turning the world pale and drab

flickering flames seemed to broil him even while shrieking winds blasted particles of frozen sand across his skin

saidin flowed through him, all the molten fury and icy tumbling, all the foulness, seething through him, feel the treacherous tides and shifting ground that could destroy him in a heartbeat, to feel that without being able to fight or control was an agony in itself

alongside the turmoil of saidin, saidar was a tranquil river flowing smoothly

to fight saidin while surrendering to saidar; the male and female halves of the True Source were alike and unalike, attracting and repelling, fighting against each other even as they worked together to drive the Wheel of Time

the taint on the male half throbbed with the old side wound, the slash from Fain's blade beat counterpoint in time with the evil that had killed Aridhol

conduit untainted saidar

a tube of saidin

taint began to leech out of it

the saidar weave took on convolutions and spirals that made him think of a flower

no grand weaves sweeping down from the sky. the Source lay at the heart of creation. The Source was everywhere, even in Shadar Logoth.

the conduit covered distance beyond his imagining, and had no length at all

flowery weave of saidar

saidar sweeping in torrents undreamed of

incredible seething tumult of saidin

the vileness of saidin, a midden heap rotting in a sweltering summer

he swam in surging seas of flame, scrambled across collapsing mountains of ice; the taint flowed like an ocean tide, trying to sweep him away; tide of filth flooding through that odd flower; oil floating on water in a coating so thin you would not notice till you touched the surface, yet covering the vastness of the male half, it was an ocean in itself

Inside his head, Rand was screaming. He was sure that he was screaming, that Lews Therin was screaming, but he could not hear either voice in the roar. The foul ocean of the taint was flooding through him, howling with its speed. Tidal waves of vileness crashed over him. Raging gales of filth ripped at him. The only reason he knew that he still held the Power was the taint. Saidin could be shifting, flaring, about to kill him, and he would never know. That putrid flood overwhelmed everything else, and he hung on by his fingernails to keep from being swept away on it. The taint was moving. That was all that counted, now. He had to hold on!

His head spun as saidin flooded into him, icy flames and crumbling mountains, a chaos trying to pull him under.

Mountains of flame collapsing in fiery avalanches tried to scour him away. Waves that made ice seem warm tried to crush him in raging seas

saidin had to be fought ever and always; a man forced saidin to his will, or it destroyed him

Rand closed his eyes as he knelt above Min, then he channeled the strange, unknown force. Energy and life surged through him, a torrent of power like saidin, only ten times as sweet and a hundred times as violent. It made him alive, made him realize that he'd never been alive before. It gave him such strength as he'd never imagined. It rivaled, even, the power he'd held when drawing from the Choedan Kal.

white-hot magma in his veins; as painful as this was, it was also pure ecstasy

The access key's globe burst alight with a more brilliant color, seeming crystalline. The light within was scarlet, the core brilliant and bright. As if someone had dropped a glowing rock into a pool of blood.

Power flooded into Rand like surging waves filling a new ocean. He came to life, glorying in saidin, not caring that the display must be brilliantly visible to men everywhere who could channel. He felt himself alight with the Power, like a sun to the world below.

the blazing light of the access key; the Power he held inside dwarfed that light. He was the sun. He was fire. He was life and death.

a conduit of power and energy. An incarnation of death and destruction.

A white radiance, like liquid Power. Light given form and life

storm of Light and streams of Power

power a raging river of strength

Saidin was wonderful. Yes, it was more powerful than any intoxicant. It made the world more beautiful, more lush. Holding that terrible Power, Androl felt as if he'd come to life, leaving the dry husk of his former self behind. It threatened to carry him away in its swift currents.

molten magma force

balefire; light liquified, lightstick

The air turned to fire, the fire to light liquefied. The bolt that struck from the heavens would have seared and blinded any eye that glimpsed it, even for an instant. From the heavens it came, blazed through Lews Therin Telamon, bored into the bowels of the earth. Stone turned to vapor at its touch. The earth thrashed and quivered like a living thing in agony. Only a heartbeat did the shining bar exist, connecting ground and sky, but even after it vanished the earth yet heaved like the sea in a storm. Molten rock fountained five hundred feet into the air, and the groaning ground rose, thrusting the burning spray ever upward, ever higher. From north and south, from east and west, the wind howled in, snapping trees like twigs, shrieking and blowing as if to aid the growing mountain ever skyward. Ever skyward.

leaped like liquid light rendered to a syrup of fire, a blazing spear of white and red and yellow, streaking into the black, exploding, coruscating like shattered diamonds

but a blade of light, a blade of the Light. Even as he raised it, a fiery white bolt shot from the point, as if the blade itself had reached out. It touched the nearest Fade, and blinding canescence filled the chamber, shining through the Halfmen like a candle through paper, burning through them, blinding his eyes to the scene.

Light lanced from the blade, coruscating in a shower of fiery sparks like droplets of molten, white metal.

the flame became pure, white light, brighter than the sun.

a coruscating fountain of light

a bar of white light, solid as steel; liquid fire

a bar of bone-white fire

bars of light like white-hot steel flew from his fists to more

a thin bar of white light that made noonday sun seem dark

a bar of fire that made molten metal seem cold; they ceased to exist as if they had never been

the air between her hands caught fire and streaked toward the Darkhounds, vanquishing night.

white-hot glare like burning, heat like a forge cracking open; sudden noon flared in the darkness, and was gone

bar of white fire hotter than the sun, a glaring rod that banished all shadows; Be'lal became a shape of shimmering motes, specks dancing in the light for less than a heartbeat, flecks consumed before his cry faded.

blazing shaft

shaft of light; two prongs of frozen fire, of liquid light; burning bars bored through; what fell into the light, however, simply—was not, anymore.

blazing shaft of pure white heat

turned to vapour that vanished

a bar of solid fire shot out; dripped fire

leg-thick bar of white shot through, as if the air had turned to molten metal; where it struck, pieces simply vanished, ceased to exist

molten shaft vanished, leaving a purplish bar that burned into vision

molten white shaft

the cuendillar figures were all that dropped out of that molten white shaft, bouncing on the floor

A bar of white-hot fire ten feet tall streaked in a blur surrounded by arcing blue lightning, searing, glowing with melted earth and stone

fiery shaft

thick shaft of white light shot from his hands, like molten steel, like liquid fire; he swept it across the springing creatures; for an instant they became strange shadows of themselves, all colors reversed, and then they were made of sparkling motes that broke apart, smaller and smaller, until there was nothing. | A purple bar of light still seemed to cross his vision in afterimage.

shaft of liquid white fire streaking

finger-thin balefire burned past; an arrow of solid light; the creature's colors reversed, black to white, white to black, and it became sparkling motes that melted in air

atomic balefire - With a jerky nod, he channeled, and something burned high in the sky. Something. A ball of bubbling blue flame that banished shadows in harsh light. Hills mounded up all around, trees black in the stark illumination. Nothing moved.

arm-thick bar of white light, liquid fire; what it sliced through ceased to exist

balefire leaped, a brilliant white shaft streaking; leaving a purple afterimage fanning across his vision

bars of white fire, liquid light

bar of white fire; pale violet fan hung in memory

molten light; the Pattern struggling to maintain itself

liquid fire; white bar touched him and he became . . . mist

the stronger that balefire was, the further back that burning went. And whatever that person had done no longer had happened

a wrist-thick bar of fire flashed past

bar of liquid white fire sear across the afternoon

a bar of liquid white fire brighter than the sun

a bar of liquid white fire

bar of pale solid fire [Rand's "twin" in Shadar Logoth]

balefire swept down death out of time

bar of white

leg-thick bar of liquid white fire

shimmering flecks floated in the air, then were consumed, winked out of existence, leaving dim purple lines, burning people out of the Pattern so that they were dead before it struck them

a bar of brilliant white fire

impossibly bright; air itself seemed to warp, as if pulling away in fear; brilliant white light; brilliant force of light, pure power, force of its nebulous energy

column of pure whiteness exploded from him and burned across the silent night sky; breathing in the force of the energy; entire fortress glowed, transforming into living light, an amazing, spectacular palace of unadulterated energy; and then it was gone burned from the landscape and the Pattern as if it had never been there; world groaning in agony; it snapped back

balefire pure light

white-hot bar of light

a bar of white-hot light

beam of white hot fire

white-hot line of liquid destruction; vaporizing; forms became points of light, then dust, vanishing

bar of pure whiteness


raw weave, only half-formed; spurted a column of fire, flared as a thick, hot near-liquid; not balefire but close

Rand yelled, thrusting the Dark One back through the pit from where it had come. Rand pushed his arms to the side, grabbing twin pillars of saidar and saidin with his mind, coated with the True Power drawn through Moridin, who knelt on the floor, eyes open, so much power coursing through him he couldn't even move.

Rand hurled the Powers forward with his mind and braided them together. Saidin and saidar at once, the True Power surrounding them and forming a shield on the Bore.

He wove something majestic, a pattern of interlaced saidar and saidin in their pure forms. Not Fire, not Spirit, not Water, not Earth, not Air. Purity. Light itself. This didn't repair, it didn't patch, it forged anew.

With this new form of the Power, Rand pulled together the rent that had been made here long ago by foolish men.

He understood, finally, that the Dark One was not the enemy.

It never had been.

Gates of Paaran Disen

field at Marath (Tam's father fought there)

Great Serpent, an even older symbol for eternity than the Wheel of Time

There was a golden ring on her left hand, a serpent biting its own tail. The Great Serpent, an even older symbol for eternity than the Wheel of Time.

Artur Paendrag Tanreall, Artur Hawkwing; Hammer of the Light; Artur Paendrag Tanreall, Artur Hawkwing, the High King, united all the lands from the Great Blight to the Sea of Storms, from the Aryth Ocean to the Aiel Waste, and even some beyond the Waste; Hammer of the Light; Artur Hawkwing's armies besieged Tar Valon

Artur Hawkwing born in Shandalle

- Son, Luthair Paendrag Mondwin

King Laman Damodred cut down Avendorsa, gifted as a sapling to Carhein by Aiel, triggering war with Aiel, ending 500 years of peace

Manetherendrelle - Waters of the Mountain Home

Shining Walls - Tar Valon

Aemon al'Thorin - son of Thorin
Rand al'Thor - son of Thor (Tam's line)

Aemon's Field - Emond's Field

Mandarb - blade
Aldieb - Westwind, brings spring rains

Flame of Tar Valon [white] joined with Dragon's Fang [black] - Yin Yang sinuous circle

Flame of Tar Valon, half blacker than pitch and half whiter than snow, the colors meeting along a sinuous line, unfaded by age. The ancient symbol of Aes Sedai, before the world was broken, when men and women wielded the Power together

Aes Sedai symbol - half dead black, half purest white

Aes Sedai symbol - Light versus Dark, interlocked flames

Aes Sedai symbol - finest porcelain, polished steel

Aes Sedai Symbol - Tear - Flame - Fang

Lan - L-rd of the Seven Towers; al'Lan Mandragoran; Diademed Battle L-rd of the Malkieri; Dai Shan; Uncrowned

Aridhol - Shadar Logoth

Wolves - Myrdraal = Eyeless
Wolves - Dark One = Heartfang

Domon, down the Arinelle - tower of metal; two hundred feet high, it be, as big around as a house, with no a mark on it and never an opening to be found

Domon, down the Arinelle - a crystal lattice covering an island, and it hums when the moon is up; a mountain hollowed into a bowl, and in its center, a silver spike a hundred spans high, and any who comes within a mile of it, dies;

Domon, down the Arinelle - lightsticks [balefire] and razorlace and heartstone
- lightstick; plain glass rod; glowed as brightly as a lantern
- small, age-dark ivory carving of a man holding a sword; if you held it long enough you started to feel warm
- skull of a cat as big as a lion, and so old it was turned to stone
- heartstone; Seal

Sea Folk - Ath'an Miere | Coramoor - Chosen One

Tinkers - Tuatha'an - the Traveling People, the Lost Ones

Aiel - Leafblighter, Sightburner, Grassburner = Dark One

Aiel - He Who Comes With The Dawn = Saviour who will break them = The Dragon Reborn

Geofram Bornhad; son Dane Bornhald

Ogier Groves:
- Cairhien (Al'cair'rahienallen, Hill of the Golden Dawn) - forest
- Caemlyn - city grow right over the grove; centre of Caemyln
- Tear - pasture
- Illian - King's park
- Tar Valon - tended well

Aiel war - 20 years previous to the start of the book: Rand's age

The Ways were a gift for the Ogier made by male Aes Sedai; the taint of the male-half tainted the Ways

King Easar - Fal Moran

Aiel - People of the Dragon; first Covenant (no violence, no weapons; Traveling People-Tuatha'an]

cuendillar - heartstone; power directed against the heartstone makes it stronger; cannot be destroyed by balefire

Bors - darkfriend; Whitecloak; Questioner; in Book 4 we learn he is Jaichim Carridin

red avatine

Murandian, Lugarder, Inishlinni

Dain Borhnhald, son of Geofram

- Do Miere A'vron
- The Watchers Over The Waves
- Hailene
- Those Who Came Before
- Forerunners
- Rhyagelle
- Those Who Come Home (Rhyagelle)
- Corenne - The Return
- the Dragon Reborn must kneel before the Crystal Throne before Tarmon Gai'don

Caldazar. The Red Eagle of Manetheren. A thorn to the Dark One's foot.

Aiel: Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder's eye on the Last Day

Mirrors of the Wheel (book; The Great Hunt)

Dragonmount reared black against the sky, one mountain standing among flat lands and rolling hills. Dragonmount, where the Dragon had died. Dragonmount, made by the Dragon's dying.

Ter'angreal - use the one power rather than helping to channel it; made to do specific things; some ter'angreal must be made to work by Aes Sedai, and others will do what they do simply with the presence of any woman who can channel, and still some others will function for anyone

Sa'angreal (like angreal) allow an Aes Sedai to channel more of the Power than she safely could unaided. Sa'angreal have no power of their own: they are merely devices for focusing and magnifying what an Aes Sedai could channel—but with that wand, a strong Aes Sedai might be able to crumple the walls of Tar Valon.

Rhuidean lies in the lands of the Jenn Aiel, the thirteenth clan

Captain Egeanin [Seanchan]

Damane - Leashed Ones

Illian - Council of the Nine Moons
Seanchan - Court of the Nine Moons; Tower of the Ravens

ta'maral'ailen - the Web the Pattern weaves around you

Towers of Midnight

The blood of the Dragon Reborn on the rocks of Shayol Ghul will free mankind from the Shadow.

wolf dreams - a world of dreams - Tel'aran'rhiod

Tel'aran'rhiod - the Unseen World, the World of Dreams

It takes 13 Channelers to still a Channeler, and it takes 13 Channelers to control a Channeler

Thirteen Myrddraal and thirteen channelers, together in a horrifying rite, could turn any channeler to the Shadow.

Callandor; The Sword That Cannot Be Touched is a sa'angreal

The Sword That Is Not a Sword, the only way to use it without the risk of killing yourself, or trying to do the Light alone knows what insanity, is linked with two women, and one of them guiding the flows.

L-rd Samon of Tear - anti-Aes Sedai

Zarine Bashere

Mat - childhood memory in the Mountains of Mist: he brought home an odd rock with the skull of a good-sized fish somehow pressed into it; a long, white tail feather dropped by a snow eagle; a piece of white stone as big as his hand that looked almost as if it had been carved into a man's ear.

Mat - the five stones made a smoothly spinning circle above Mat's hands, one red, one blue, one clear green, the others striped in interesting ways.

Mat - he had an eagle feather in there, too, and a piece of weathered snow-white stone that might have been carved with scrolls once.

Royal Crown descension - Morgase, Elayne, Lady Dyelin

" 'Power of the Shadow made human flesh,
wakened to turmoil, strife and ruin.
The Reborn One, marked and bleeding,
dances the sword in dreams and mist,
chains the Shadowsworn to his will,
from the city, lost and forsaken,
leads the spears to war once more,
breaks the spears and makes them see,
truth long hidden in the ancient dream.' "

Black Ajah - Shadowrunners [Aiel term]

twisted Red doorframe ter'angreal
- no lamps (light), no iron (weapons), no music
- circles, riddles

Denhur, Black Hills, Maradon Road, Antaeo, Luan

Lady Alteima of Tear sent to Cairhein to help distrubute grain

ji'e'toh - honor and obligation, honor and duty

Warders - Gaidin - brothers to battle

Aes Sedai - servant of all

Aiel - Dedicated; an oath written into your bones.

Jenn Aiel - the true dedicated, the only true dedicated

Aiel - dedicated to peace

Da'Shain - dedicated to Aes Sedai; People of the Dragon; Children of the Dragon; the Way of the Leaf; Tuathon; Travelling People; Tinkers; the Lost Ones

It struck Rand suddenly that this was the real reason that some Aiel took what he had revealed so hard. To those, it must seem that their ancestors had sworn gai'shain, not only for themselves but for all succeeding generations. And those generations—all, down to the present day—had broken ji'e'toh by taking up the spear.

Fox + Snake Tower [Red Doorframe Ter'angreal] - iron (weapons), music, light

potted chora cuttings - Avendesora; chora trefoil trees

The Tower of Ghenjei; Aelfinn and Eelfinn; Snakes and Foxes; there's no way to win except to break the rules; Courage to strengthen, fire to blind, music to daze/dazzle, iron to bind; the game is a remembrance of old dealings

Aelfinn - snakes; questions
Eelfinn - foxes; requests

Snakes - wavy lines in disc
Foxes - triangle in disc

Luc in Emond's Field - angular face [like Lan], blue eyes, dark reddish hair, green coat gold embroidered; red coat; Chiendelna; Luc Damodred dead in the blight; Isam [Lan's cousin] missing. Luc looks like Rand.

Slayer looks like Lan. Luc looks like Rand

Rand's bracelet to Aviendha: wide bracelet of ivory heavily carved with roses

Egwene's bracelet and necklace - ivory carved into a circle of flames, and a single necklace of gold and ivory beads; flame-carved ivory bracelet

Aviendha - silver necklace, an elaborate string of intricately worked discs, each different; Kandori pattern called snowflakes

Aviendha gave Egwene bracelet and necklace, Egwene gave Aviendha necklace, and Aviendha already had bracelet from Rand

A man to teach me how to control the Power. But I won't be taught by a man linked to the Dark One.

L-rd Elegar - compulsed by Rahvin

Snatching at saidin, he filled himself with the Power, the taint on the male half of the True Source rolling off the protection of his bonds and oaths, the ties to what he knew as a greater power than the Light, or even the Creator.

Tarmon Gaidon - Day of Return


Can Breat

Mat's memory - Aldeshar fell; Golden Lions launched their last, futile charge at Artur Hawkwing's encircling army

Mat's memory - turned the Trollocs at Maighande, and the court of Tarmandewin

Or arrange a circle of thirteen Black sisters and thirteen Myrddraal; they could turn you to the Shadow against your will that way, bind you to the Dark One.

King Ailron - Amador, killed by Seanchan
King Roedran - Murandy
King Mattin Stepaneos - Illian
Queen Tylin - Altara
Queen Allianre Maritha Kigarin - Ghealdan

Did you taste the sweetness of victory (Forsaken won) at Paaran Disen, or the bitter ashes at the Asar Don (Forsaken lost)?

Nobles under Gaebril's influence, they all opposed Morgase pre-Gaebril:
- L-rd Jarid of House Sarand, and his wife, Elenia Sarand
- Lady Arymilla of House Marne
- L-rd Nasin of House Caeren
- Lady Naean of House Arawn
- L-rd Lir of House Baryn
- Karind of House Anshar

Dawlin Armaghn, Daeilla Raened, Naean Arawn
Jailin Mawan, Eram Talkend, Carlys Ankerin, Elenia Sarand

Naean, Elenia locked up; Jarid fighting for throne

L-rds Meilan [Tairen], Edorian, Torean, Reimon, Gueyam, Simaan, Maraconn, Hearne, Aracome [Tairen]

L-rd Dobraine - Cairhienin
Lady Colavare - Cairheinin

L-rd Semaradrid, L-rd Weimaron, L-rd Tolmeran, Lady Rosana

Gregorian (oppose Rand), Marcolin, Marac

Lady Colavare Saighan dined with Daganred, Chuliandred, Annallin, Osiellin

Hearne, Simaan, Tedosian, Lady Estranda, Darlin Sisnera, Caraline Damodred and Toram Riatin

Toram Riatin, Arilyn Dhulaine

Gaebril exiled Morgase's noble supporters
- L-rd Pelivar Coelan, L-rd Abelle Pendar, Lady Arathelle Renshar, Lady Ellorien Traemane, Lady Aemlyn Carand, L-rd Luan Norwelyn
- Elayne had been named after Ellorien's grandmother
- L-rd Culhan Carand, L-rd Barel, L-rd Macharan, Lady Sergase, Lady Negara

L-rd Aedmund Matherin

Jurad Accan

Perival Mantear, Catalyn Haevin, Brantlet Gilyard, Conail Northan, Danine Candraed

- Donel do Morny a'L-rdeine
- Cian do Mehon a'Macansa
- Paitr do Fearna a'Conn
- Segan do Avharin a'Roos

Lady Dyelin Taravin

Mar Ruois

No one can be made gai'shain who does not follow ji'e'toh, only Aiel can be gai'shain

Mat's memory: he fought beside Maecine against the Aelgari; Maecine had been a king of Eharon, one of the Ten Nations


Birgitte also named Teadra

Seanchan Rand and Aviendha encountred: Seri, Lady Morsa, Jalindin, Serengada Dai, Tuel, Sarek

Queen Alliandre of Ghealdan

"Some say that in following you, we expiate the sin of our ancestors in . . . in failing the Aes Sedai." | They were ashamed of what they had been—followers of the Way of the Leaf—and at the same time ashamed that they had abandoned their pledge to it.

plain green disc, ter'angreal - invisibility/inverting (weave)

"What is ill done is going against Aes Sedai. We served them before the Breaking, and failed them: that is why we were sent to the Three-fold Land. If we fail them again, we will be destroyed."

Sevanna - stasis box; small cube of some hard stone, intricately carved in strange patterns

Even Souran Maravaile, who was Artur Hawkwing's greatest general and husband to Ishara, first to sit on the Lion Throne—even he died when confronted by only four swordsmen.

Treekillers - Oathbreakers


Among the Aiel, a man who learned he could channel thought he was chosen, and went north into the Blight to hunt the Dark One; none ever returned.

Asha'man - Guardians, Defenders

algai'd'siswai - spear fighters
siswai'aman - spears of the dragon

Logain Ablar

The True Power, drawn directly from the Great L-rd, could neither be seen nor detected except by who wielded it. Black flecks floated across his vision. There was a price, to be sure, one that grew with each use, but he had always been willing to pay the price when it was necessary. Being filled with the True Power was almost like kneeling beneath Shayol Ghul, basking in the Great L-rd's glory.

True Power - direct connection

black flecks - saa


Sea Folk:
Harine, Shalon, Derah, Taval
Malin, Nesta din Reas, Dorile
Renaile, Zaida
Senine, Shielyn, Rainyn, Kurin, Chanelle, Rysael
Caire, Tebreille, Talaan
Turane, Serile

The Power won't touch a gholam

Ethenielle - Kandor; Baldhere
Paitar Nachiman - Arafel
Ishigari Terasian
Easar Togita - Sheinar
Kyril Shianri
Alesune Chulin
Agelmar Jagad

"What do you mean about Callandor?" "It is flawed," she replied curtly, "lacking the buffer that makes other sa'angreal safe to use. And it apparently magnifies the taint, inducing wildness of the mind. So long as a man is using it, anyway. The only safe way for you to use The Sword That Is Not a Sword, the only way to use it without the risk of killing yourself, or trying to do the Light alone knows what insanity, is linked with two women, and one of them guiding the flows."

He shall hold a blade of light in his hands, and the three shall be one.

- small box that felt like ivory, covered in wavering red and green stripes; music box
- black rod, stiff yet so flexible; causes pain
- tiny stoppered vial that might have been crystal, with a dark red liquid inside
- figure of a bearded man with jolly smile, holding a book; age-darkened bronze; library
- small amber brooch in the shape of a turtle (Renaile)
- a necklace and bracelets set with colored stones, a slim gem-studded belt, several finger ring
- dagger with gold wire wrapped around a hilt of rough deer-horn; blade was dull; shields from shadow; ward against shadow
- a pair of peculiar hats seemingly made of metal, too ornate and too thin to be helmets
- crimson rod, as thick as her wrist, bright red and smooth and rounded, firm
- set of metal basketwork balls, one inside the other, movement produced a faint musical chime
- a thing that looked like a blacksmith's puzzle made of glass; caused dizziness
- odd piece of jewelry, a golden bracelet attached by four flat chains to finger rings, every bit of it engraved in an intricate mazelike pattern, with lock and key (Nynaeve)
- seated woman in age-darkened ivory, legs folded in front, exposed knees bare, hair long and luxuriant; one hand rested on a knee, palm up and fingers arranged so the thumb touched the tips of the middle two fingers, while the other hand was lifted, the first two fingers raised and the others folded. The whole figure carried an air of supreme dignity, yet the delicately worked face showed amusement and delight. (Aviendha)
- helmet made of fluffy metal feathers gave everyone within twenty paces a blinding headache
- metal cap, angular patterns of minute engravings; slick; direct machine
- somewhat flat white bowl; see things far away
- vase, vines, green and blue; would gather water out of the air
- black-and-white figurine of a bird with long wings spread in flight; for talking to people a long way off
- blue figure of a woman, oddly cut skirt and coat, five earrings, six finger-rings, three bracelets; talk to people a long way off
- dull black rod - cut stone, cut metal
- glass figure of a man, hand raised as if to signal stop; chase away vermin
- stone carving the size of her hand, all deep blue curves; for growing; sing the right son

Elayne has deerhorn dagger, Aviendha has turtle and dream ring

Elayne also has silver ring, worked in braided spirals, recovered from Ispan

oath rod - numeral three; one hundred eleven

A white rod like polished ivory, a foot long and no thicker than her wrist. Then she saw the flowing marks carved into the end toward her, numerals used in the Age of Legends. One hundred eleven. She had thought it was the Oath Rod, somehow stolen from the White Tower. That also was marked, but with the numeral three, which some thought stood for the Three Oaths. Maybe this was not what it seemed.

Cyndane - Last Chance; Lanfear

strong endures, hard shatters

David Hanlon [Doilin Mellar] - Darkfriend of Padan Fain; Red Heart in Golden Hand Sigil
Padan Fain - Mordeith, Jeraal

Shiaine Avarhin - Mili Skane

"You'll know when to deliver the other. Whether to deliver it. Pry him out if need be, and decide by what he says. If you decide not, or he refuses, I'll pick someone else. Not you."

Mat's ring - a running fox and two ravens in flight, all surrounded by crescent moons, and he had bought it by chance

Egeanin Tamarath-Sarna; she stopped Bayle Domon from tossing the male a'dam into the ocean; they turned it over to Seanchan

The Way of the Leaf the same as lifelong gai'shain

What was she talking about? What orders had Sarene carried out, and why did Harine want them forgotten?

"And the other matter, Mistress Harfor?" "Nothing yet, my Lady, but I have hopes," Reene said even more grimly than before. "I have hopes."

Nynaeve - pale green stone - detects someone channeling saidar and saidin
Nynaeve - jeweled belt around her waist - Well, to carry a Well of saidar
Nynaeve - bracelet with pale red stones - armor

brilliant red rod - ter'angrael - summons Mesaana

Noal Charin is Jain Farstrider

When the Wolf King carries the hammer, thus are the final days known. When the fox marries the raven, and the trumpets of battle are blown.'

The Banner of Light - Aes Sedai black-and-white on a field of red; the Dragon Banner

"Some acquaintances of mine—Aes Sedai who have retired from the world—are testing them trying to discover their weakness." They also had Callandor.

Seanchan men who could channel - Tsorov'ande Doon, these Black-Souled Tempests

How much had he fulfilled? He didn't seem blinded yet, so that had yet to happen. The Essanik Cycle said that he would stand on his own grave and weep.

Torhs Margin; Tohrs the Broken

Egwene - fluted wand sa'angreal


Rand meet Egwene to talk about Seals at Field of Merrilor

Light is held before the maw of the infinite void, and all that he is can be seized.

and the Blade will bind him by twain

dreamspike - prevents Gateways from being woven, stopps Travelling

Ter'angreal seanchan bloodknives wear - black stone rings, carved in the shape of a vine with thorns, blurs form in shadow.

Aviendha's second trip through Rhuidean ter'angreal:
- Malidra, Norlesh, Tava, Ladalin, Oncala, Padra [daughter]

Rhuidean: One trip through the rings, one through the columns.

Samma N'Sei - Eye Blinders - Male Aiel Channelers; red-veiled; shadow-turned

Ishamail was slain by al'Thor and required the Great L-rd's hand to return him.

"The Karaethon Cycle" Elayne asked, curious. "And light shall fail, and dawn shall not come, and still the captive rails.' The captive is the Dark One?"

"Do you want to know the thing that twists my brain in knots, Perrin?" Rand said softly. "The thing that gives me shivers, like the cold breath of the Shadow itself? The taint is what made me mad and what gave me memories from my past life. They came as Lews Therin whispering to me. But that very insanity is the thing giving me the clues I need to win. Don't you see? If I win this, it will be the taint itself that led to the Dark One's fall." Redemption, Rand thought. When I tried this last time, my madness destroyed us. This time, it will save us.

- And it shall come to pass that what men made shall be shattered
- The Shadow shall lie across the Pattern of the Age, and the Dark One shall once more lay his hand upon the world of man. Women shall weep and men quail as the nations of the earth are rent like rotting cloth. Neither shall anything stand nor abide.
- Yet one shall be born to face the Shadow
- Born once more as he was born before and shall be born again, time without end! The Dragon shall be Reborn, and there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth at his rebirth. In sackcloth and ashes shall he clothe the people, and he shall break the world again by his coming, tearing apart all ties that bind!
- Like the unfettered dawn shall he blind us, and burn us, yet shall the Dragon Reborn confront the Shadow at the Last Battle, and his blood shall give us the Light. Let tears flow, O ye people of the world. Weep for your salvation!
- He shall slay his people with the sword of peace, and destroy them with the leaf
- The unstained tower breaks and bends knee to the forgotten sign
- There can be no health in us, nor any good thing grow, for the land is one with the Dragon Reborn, and he one with the land. Soul of fire, heart of stone
- In pride he conquers, forcing the proud to yield
- He calls upon the mountains to kneel
- and the seas to give way
- and the very skies to bow
- Pray that the heart of stone remembers tears
- and the soul of fire, love

". . . your dream now . . . when you wake from this life, we will be no more . . ."

"Draghkar are Shadowspawn," Bryne said. "I've been told that they'd die passing through the gateway."

Rand - I could summon the Nine Rods of Dominion

Dark One existed outside the pattern, was not part of the pattern. The Dark One wrapped around the Pattern, unable to take it and destroy it, but able to touch it. Tendrils of darkness, spines, touched the world at points all along its length. The Dark One lay like shadow upon the Pattern.

Laero lendhae an indemela - the enemy's flag has fallen

Sakarnen - sa'angreal


"Wash the spears—while the sun climbs high.
Wash the spears—while the sun falls low."

"Wash the spears—Who fears to die?
Wash the spears—No one I know!"

"Wash the spears—while life holds true.
Wash the spears—until life ends.
Wash the spears. . . ."

"Wash the spears—Life is a dream.
Wash the spears—All dreams must end."

"Wash the spears—till shade is gone.
Wash the spears—till water turns dry.
Wash the spears—How long from home?
Wash the spears—Until I die!"

"Wash the spears—till the sun grows cold.
Wash the spears—till water runs free.
Wash the spears. . . ."

"Wash the spears—while I breathe.
Wash the spears—my steel is bright.
Wash the spears. . . ."

"Wash the spears, while the sun climbs high.
Wash the spears, while the sun climbs high.
Wash the spears, while the sun falls low.
Wash the spears; who fears to die?
Wash the spears; no one I know!"

Life is a dream—that knows no shade.
Life is a dream—of pain and woe.
A dream from which—we pray to wake.
A dream from which—we wake and go.

Who would sleep—when the new dawn waits?
Who would sleep—when the sweet winds blow?
A dream must end—when the new day comes.
This dream from which—we wake and go.

Aiel Clans

Taardad [Rhuarc]
Goshien [Bael]
Shaarad [Jheran]
Nakai [Bruan]
Reyn [Dhearic]
Chareen [Erim]
Tomanelle [Han]
Miagoma [Timolan]
Shiande [Janwin]
Daryne [Mandelain]
Codarra [Indirian]

Amys, Bair, Melaine, Seana (killed by trollocs)


Rand's ancestry in Rhuidean Ter'angreal

Mandein - father - Comran - father - Rhodric - father - Jeordam - Lewin - father - Adan - Jonai - Coumin - father - father - Charn

Aes Sedai in Rhuidean Ter'angreal:

Solinda, Oselle, Deindre, Zorelle, Mierin [Lanfear]

Beidomon sedai

Someshta - Nym - Green Man; hazelnut eyes

Aiel were tasked with keeping angreal, sa'angreal, ter'angreal away from Male Channelers because the male half of the True Source was tained from counterstroke, driving male channelers mad, causing them to break world

Tzora, destroyed

Paaren Disen, destroyed

clay-potted chora cuttings from Avendesora

Min's Viewings

Lan - seven ruined towers around his head, and a babe in a cradle holding a sword; Golden Crane

Thom - a man—not him—juggling fire, and the White Tower

Perrin - a wolf, and a broken crown, and trees flowering all around him; an aielman in a cage (at the inn, and Rand); falcon (Faile) and hawk (Berelain)

Mat - a red eagle, an eye on a balance scale, a dagger with a ruby, a horn, a laughing face (Rogosh Eagle-eye was the greatest Hunter of the Great Horn)

Rand - a sword that isn't a sword, a golden crown of laurel leaves, a beggar's staff, you pouring water on sand, a bloody hand and a white-hot iron, three women standing over a funeral bier with you on it, black rock wet with blood—" | "Most of all, I see lightning around you, some striking at you, some coming out of you.

Rand - countless thousands of sparkling lights, like stars or fireflies, rushed into a great blackness, trying to fill it up, rushed in and were swallowed. There seemed to be more lights than she had ever seen before, but the darkness swallowed them at a greater rate, too. And there was something else, something new, an aura of yellow and brown and purple that made her stomach clench; Aes Sedai Kiruna Nachiman Bera and Harkin linked to the aura

Rand - twice he's [Perrin] going to have to be there, or you. . . ." She peered into her goblet so he could not see her face. "If he's not, something bad will happen to you." Her voice sounded small and frightened. "Very bad."

Rand - I saw you and another man. You touched, and seemed to merge into one another; one of you dies, and one doesn't.

Rand (and Mat and Perrin) - a vast shadow lurked over him, swallowing up thousands upon thousands of tiny lights like fireflies that hurled themselves into it in an attempt to fill up the darkness; his battle with the Shadow

Rand - what good to tell him he would almost certainly fail without a woman who was dead and gone (Moiraine)

Rand - It's Cadsuane. She is going to teach you something, you and the Asha'man. All the Asha'man, I mean. It's something you have to learn, but I don't know what it is, except that none of you will like learning it from her. You aren't going to like it at all.

Rand - Min had seen a viewing of Rand and another man melded together

Rand - Fireflies consumed in darkness. Three women before a pyre. Flashes of light, darkness, shadow, signs of death, crowns, injuries, pain and hope. A tempest around Rand al'Thor, stronger than any physical storm.

Rand - The air shimmered above Rand, and a mountain appeared there; Dragonmount; a tiny prick of light shining from the heavens down onto the point of the mountain

Rand - an open cavern, gaping like a mouth. Bloodstained rocks. Two dead men on the ground, surrounded by ranks and ranks of Trollocs, a pipe with smoke curling from it.

Rand - dark clouds, pushed away by the sunlight's warmth. I see you, a brilliant white sword held in your hand, wielded against one of black, held by a faceless darkness. I see trees, growing green again, bearing fruit. I see a field, the crops healthy and full." She hesitated. "I see the Two Rivers, Rand. I see an inn there with the mark of the Dragon's Fang inlaid on its door. No longer be a symbol of darkness or hate. A sign of victory and hope."

Rand - Rand reached out, touching the weapon. She glanced at him, and a viewing sprang to life above him. A glowing sword, Callandor; being gripped in a black hand. "What did you see?" Rand asked softly. "Callandor, held in a fist. The hand looks to be made of onyx."

Alivia - was going to help Rand die

Aviendha - Aviendha would have Rand's babies, too. Four of them at once! Something was odd about that, though. The babies would be healthy, but still something odd.

Elayne - One of the things she said she saw looking at me was a severed hand. Not mine, she says. She claims she does not know what it means, either. [Rand's hand]

Elayne - a red-hot iron and an axe

Gawyn - blood streaking his face made exactly the pattern Min had seen in her viewing

Logain - flaring halo of gold and blue shone about his head, speaking of glory to come
Logain - "Glory of men . . ." Min whispered. "It's still to come."

Sheriam - rays of silver and blue flashed about her fiery hair, and a soft golden light

Carlinya - Raven [Seanchan]

Edesina - a'dam collar, shattered

Gabriel Bryne - an aura, and a bull ripping roses from around its neck; Siuan must remain close to Bryne to survve

Berelain - a man in white who will make her fall head over heels

Harine - You will be punished for what happens here today; one day you will be the Mistress of the Ships

Caraline Damodred and Darlin Sisnera - married; Darlin a king; Darlin die in a bed

Beldine bond an Asha'man as Warder
Beldine - black knife spun around Beldeine's head

Nesune found a library

Sarene have a tempestuous love affair (with her warder)

Among all of those images spilling around Rand and the women (Elza, Nesune, Sarene, Beldeine, Erian) , suddenly an aura flashed, blue and yellow tinged with green, encompassing them all. And Min knew its meaning. She gasped, half in surprise, half in relief. "They will serve you, each in her fashion, Rand," she said hurriedly. "I saw it." Sorilea would serve him? Suddenly Min wondered exactly what "in her fashion" meant. The words came with the knowing, but she did not always know what the words themselves meant. But they would serve; that much was plain.

Davram Bashere - something dark

Nynaeve - kneeling over someone's corpse in a posture of grief


Galgan - a dagger rammed through the heart of a raven [not Mat]
Tuon - a bloody flower, a death lily; someone is going to try to kill her very soon

"I see a bloody death lily, as I told Mat," Min said. "And three ships, sailing. An insect in the darkness. Red lights, spread across a field that should be lush and ripe. A man with the teeth of a wolf." Fortuona drew in a sharp breath. She looked up at Mat. "This is a great gift you have brought me, Knotai. Enough to pay your penance. Enough for credit beyond. Such a grand gift."


Egwene's Dreams

- Rand kneeling in a chamber where a parched wind blew dust across the floor, and creatures like the one on the Dragon banner, but much smaller, floated on that wind, and settled into his skin.
- Rand walking down into a great hole in a black mountain, a hole filled with a reddish glare as from vast fires below
- Rand him confronting Seanchan
- Rand on a huge stones board, the black and white stones as big as boulders, and him dodging the monstrous hands that moved them and seemed to try to crush him under them
- Rand in that dry, dusty chamber again, with those small creatures settling into his skin.
- Rand confronting a horde of Seanchan.
- Rand confronting her, and the women with her, and one of them was a Seanchan.
- Rand in chains, and it was he who was screaming.
- Rand building a wall with him on one side and her on the other, her and Elayne and others she could not make out. "It has to be done," he was saying as he piled up stones. "I'll not let you stop me now."
- Rand sitting down in a chair; the chair's female owner would be murderously angry
- Egwene trying to turn him to face the other way against his will
- In another he began swinging a door closed on her, and she knew if that narrowing gap of light vanished, she was dead.
- Elayne, forcing Rand to his knees with one hand
- Elayne, Min, Aviendha, sitting in a silent circle around him, each in turn reaching out to lay a hand on him
- Rand walking toward a burning mountain, seals on the Dark One's prison crunching beneath his boots
- Rand, wearing different masks, until suddenly one of those false faces was no longer a mask, but him.

- Mat placing his own left eye on a balance scale
- Mat hanging by his neck from a tree limb
- Mat and Seanchan
- Mat wrestling with a Seanchan woman who tied an invisible leash to him
- Mat throwing dice with blood streaming down his face
- Mat, weighing two Aes Sedai on a huge set of balance scales, and on his decision depended something vast; the world
- Mat, dreams about Mat were pale and full of pain, like shadows cast by nightmares, almost as though Mat himself were not quite real.
- cannonballs

- Min, springing a steel trap but somehow walking through it without so much as seeing it

- a White-cloak putting Master Luhhan in the middle of a huge, toothed trap for bait

- Perrin fighting a man whose face kept changing
- Perrin and a Tinker, frenziedly hacking their way through brambles with axe and sword, unaware of the cliff that lay just ahead. And the brambles screamed with human voices they did not hear.

- Galad wrapping himself in white as though putting on his own shroud [White Cloak]

- Gawyn with his eyes full of pain and hatred
- Gawyn kneeling for her to hold his head: Warder

- Thom Merrilin put his hand into a fire to draw out Moiraine's small blue stone

- a dream of a storm, great dark clouds rolling without wind or rain while forked lightning bolts, every one identical, rent the earth

- Logain, laughing, stepped across something on the ground and mounted a black stone; when she looked down, she thought it was Rand's body he had stepped over, laid out on a funeral bier with his hands crossed at his breast, but when she touched his face, it broke apart like a paper puppet.

- A golden hawk stretched out its wing and touched her, and she and the hawk were tied together somehow; all she knew was that the hawk was female. A man lay dying in a narrow bed, and it was important he not die, yet outside a funeral pyre was being built, and voices raised songs of joy and sadness. A dark young man held an object in his hand that shone so brightly she could not see what it was.

- Egwene herself saved by Seanchan
- White Tower Attacked by Seanchan

Wise Ones dream of Rand:
"They have shared dreams, some of which concern you." She sounded slightly strangled until she paused to clear her throat, then fixed him with a steady, determined gaze. "Melaine and Bair dreamed of you on a boat," she said, the word still awkward after all these months in the wetlands, "with three women whose faces they could not see, and a scale tilting first one way then the other. Melaine and Amys dreamed of a man standing by your side with a dagger to your throat, but you did not see him. Bair and Amys dreamed of you cutting the wetlands in two with a sword."

- Egwene stepped back, gasping, as Gawyn ripped apart as if made of sand. All was dust around her, and thirteen black towers rose in the distance beneath a tarlike sky. One fell, and then another, crashing to the ground. As they did, the ones that remained grew taller and taller. The ground shook as several more towers fell. Another tower shook and cracked, collapsing most of the way to the ground—but then, it recovered and grew tallest of all. At the end of the quake, six towers remained, looming above her. Egwene had fallen to the ground, which had become soft earth covered in withered leaves. The vision changed. She was looking down at a nest. In it, a group of fledgling eagles screeched toward the sky for their mother. One of the eaglets uncoiled, and it wasn't an eagle at all, but a serpent. It began to strike at the fledglings one at a time, swallowing them whole. The eaglets simply continued to stare into the sky, pretending that the serpent was their sibling as it devoured them. The vision changed. She saw an enormous sphere made of the finest crystal. It sparkled in the light of twenty-three enormous stars, shining down on it where it sat on a dark hilltop. There were cracks in it, and it was being held together by ropes. There was Rand, walking up the hillside, holding a woodsman's axe. He reached the top and hefted the axe, then swung at the ropes one at a time, chopping them free. The last one parted, and the sphere began to break apart, the beautiful globe falling in pieces. Rand shook his head.


Mat in the red twisted doorframe ter'angreal in Tear:
- to marry the Daughter of the Nine Moons!
- to die and live again, and live once more a part of what was!
- to give up half the light of the world to save the world!

Mat after the red twisted doorframe ter'angreal in Rhuidean
- silver foxhead medallion
- pupil of the fox's eye was a tiny circle split by a sinuous line, one side polished bright, the other shaded in some way: the ancient symbol of Aes Sedai, before the Breaking
- black shafted spear; cursive script; ravens inlaid in metal [Seanchan]

Perrin in Tel'Aran'Rhiod
- Emond's Field - Slayer; Heartfang; tall, dark-haired man, blue coat, bow on his back, something familiar about him (looks like Lan; could be Isam) Nynaeve saw him too in Tel'Aran'Hiod]
- Emond's Field - Tower Of Ghenjei
- Egwene stood among a crowd of women, fear in her eyes; slowly the women knelt around her. Nynaeve was one of them, and he believed he saw Elayne's red-gold hair.
- Mat stood naked and bound, snarling; an odd spear with a black shaft had been thrust across his back behind his elbows, and a silver medallion, a foxhead, hung on his chest.
- Rand, he wore rags and a rough cloak, and a bandage covered his eyes
- Mat stood there. He was fighting against himself, a dozen different men wearing his face, all dressed in different types of fine clothing. Mat spun his spear, and never saw the shadowy figure creeping behind him, bearing a bloody knife.
- He saw sheep, suddenly, running in a flock toward the woods. Wolves chased them, and a terrible beast waited in the woods, unseen. He was there, in that dream, he sensed. But who was he chasing, and why? Something looked wrong with those wolves.
- Faile, Grady, Elyas, Gaul ... all walked toward a cliff, followed by thousands of others.

The last two are the dreamspike trapping them and herding them towards trollocs


Nynaeve in Tel'Aran'Rhiod
- Rhuidean: man in a bright blue coat walking along the edge of the fog [Asmodean]
- Emond's Field: man in a dark coat who liked like Lan (Isam)

Lan - L-rd of the Seven Towers; al'Lan Mandragoran; Diademed Battle L-rd of the Malkieri; Dai Shan; Uncrowned

al-Akir - father
el-Leanna - mother

Lain - father's brother (uncle)
Breyan - wife, missing in the high passes (aunt)
Isam - son, missing in the high passes (cousin)

Cowin Gemallan - Cowin Fairheart
Jain Charin - Jain Farstrider

Aan'allein - One Man - The man who is an entire people

Luc and Tigraine, brother and sister

Luc dead in the blight
Tigraine vanished off

m m
Tigraine --- Taringail Damodred --- Morgase Trakand
| / \
Galadedrid Gawyn Elayne

Maighdin is Morgase's mother
Mordrellen was Tigraine's mother
Ishara first Queen of Caemyln

Rand is Galad's half-brother (Tigraine their mother, Luc their uncle)

Blood of our blood mixed with the old blood, raised by an ancient blood not ours

Tigraine became Far Dareis Mai, a Maidens of the Spear

Moiraine - Taringail's youngest half-sister and King Laman's niece, making King Lamen her uncle

Taringail was married to Tigraine, making him Rand's step-father, making Moiraine his step-aunt, making Laman his unrelated great-uncle

Tigraine called herself Shaiel and told Aiel she abandoned husband and son for prophecy. She became Maiden of the Spear [Far Dareis Mai]. Had son, Rand, with Janduin, clan chief of the Taardad. He was killed in the Blight, and those who returned said he was killed by a man Janduin claimed looked like Shaiel. [Luc, her brother]

Shaiel means the Woman Who Is Dedicated

An Aes Sedai called Gitara Moroso, who had the Foretelling, had told her that disaster would befall her land and her people, perhaps the world, unless she went to dwell among the Maidens of the Spear, telling no one of her going. She must become a Maiden, and she could not return to her own land until the Maidens had gone to Tar Valon.


Crystal Sphere, male and female; ter'angreal that link to sa'angreal statues buried in Cairhien and Tremalking


- On Tremalking, there be a stone hand fifty feet high sticking out of a hill, clutching a crystal sphere as big as this vessel

- Tremonsien (Cairhien) - male half of crystal sphere
- Tremalking - female half of crystal sphere

They were made during the War of the Powers, to be a weapon, but if there is anything to be thankful for in the end of that Age or the Breaking of the World, it is that the end came before they could be used. Together, they might well be powerful enough to Break the World again, perhaps even worse than the first Breaking. The two must be used in unison to handle enough of the One Power to Break the World—that was the way in the Age of Legends; a man and a woman working together were always ten times as strong as they were apart.

"Two great sa'angreal were made just before the end, one that you can use, one that I can. Far greater than that sword. Their power is beyond imagining. With those, we could challenge even . . . the Great L-rd himself. Even the Creator!"

In Rhuidean: Once Rand paused, staring down at two figurines that hardly seemed to deserve a place with the other things. Two statuettes maybe a foot tall, a man and a woman, each holding a crystal sphere aloft in one hand. He half-bent as if to touch them, but straightened so quickly it could almost have been Mat's imagination.

Out from the great tree, a little searching among the jumble found what he sought. Kicking aside pieces of what seemed to be spiraled glass tubes, he shoved a plain-carved chair of red crystal aside and picked up a foot-tall figurine, a robed woman with a serene face, worked in white stone, holding up a clear sphere in one hand. Unbroken. As useless to him, or to any man, as its male twin was to Lanfear. He considered breaking it. One swing of his arm could shatter that crystal globe on the paving stones, surely. ||| After a moment he put the female statue in the crook of his arm with the male.

"With this, you can touch the greatest sa'angreal ever made for a woman. It's buried on Tremalking, I understand, but that doesn't matter." His hand moved to the figure of the man. "With this one, I can touch its male twin. I was told by . . . someone . . . once, that a man and woman using those sa'angreal could challenge the Dark One. They might have to be used for that, one day, but in the meantime, I hope they're enough to cleanse the male half of the Source."

Choedan Kal

Cadsuane let the thing that had been a ter'angreal drop to the ground. It could no longer be called a statue of a woman. The face was as wisely serene as ever, but the figure was broken in two and lumpy like bubbled wax where one side had melted, including the arm that had held the crystal sphere now lying in shattered fragments around the ruined thing. The male figure was whole, and already tucked away in her saddlebags.

Female Choedan Kal crystal destroyed

The Dark One and all of the Forsaken are bound in Shayol Ghul, beyond the Great Blight, bound by the Creator at the moment of Creation, bound until the end of time. The hand of the Creator shelters the world, and the Light shines on us all.

Ta'veren; Wheel of Time weaves the Pattern of the Ages, and the threads it uses are lives. It is not fixed, the Pattern, not always. If a man tries to change the direction of his life and the Pattern has room for it, the Wheel just weaves on and takes it in. There is always room for small changes, but sometimes the Pattern simply won't accept a big change, no matter how hard you try. You understand? But sometimes the change chooses you, or the Wheel chooses it for you. And sometimes the Wheel bends a life-thread, or several threads, in such a way that all the surrounding threads are forced to swirl around it, and those force other threads, and those still others, and on and on. That first bending to make the Web, that is ta'veren, and there is nothing you can do to change it, not until the Pattern itself changes. The Web—ta'maral'ailen, it's called—can last for weeks, or for years. It can take in a town, or even the whole Pattern. Artur Hawkwing was ta'veren. So was Lews Therin Kinslayer, for that matter, I suppose." He let out a booming chuckle. "Elder Haman would be proud of me. He always droned on, and the books about traveling were much more interesting, but I did listen sometimes."

[slay with truth and forcing people to unite; destroy with knowledge that they were Tinkers/Tuatha'an/Traveling People/Non-violent]

"Neither the first nor the last," Moiraine said. "Callandor will be but one fulfillment of The Karaethon Cycle, as his birth on the slopes of Dragonmount was the first. He has yet to break the nations, or shatter the world. Even scholars who have studied the Prophecies for their entire lives do not know how to interpret them all. What does it mean that he 'shall slay his people with the sword of peace, and destroy them with the leaf'? What does it meant that he 'shall bind the nine moons to serve him'? Yet these are given equal weight with Callandor in the Cycle. There are others. What 'wounds of madness and cutting of hope' has he healed? What chains has he broken, and who put into chains? And some are so obscure that he may already have fulfilled them, although I am not aware of it. But, no. Callandor is far from the end of it."

The Dark One
Father of Lies
Heart of the Dark
Shepherd of the Night
The Great L-rd of the Dark
L-rd of the Grave
L-rd of the Twilight
He Who Comes With the Dawn [Aiel term]
Leafblighter [Aiel term]
Sightburner [Aiel term]
Grassburner [Aiel term]
He Whose Name Must Not Be Uttered
Sightblinder [Aiel term]

The Dark One often used ravens and crows, rats in the cities

Wolves - Myrddraal = Eyeless; Neverborn
Wolves - Dark One = Heartfang
Wolves - Trollocs = Twisted Ones
Wolves - Grayman = Notdead
Wolves - Darkhound = Shadowbrother
Aiel - Darkfriends - Shadowrunners, Shadowsouled
Aiel - Myrddraal - Shadowman, Eyeless, Nightriders, Nightrunners, Shadowwrought, Shadowtwisted
Aiel - Shadoweyes - Rats, Ravens, Crow, Machin Shin, Darkhounds
Aiel - Graymen - Soulless
Seanchan - Dark L-rd = Soulbinder
Seanchan - Lighteater
Shandalle - Old Hob, Caisen Hob
Myrddraal - Fades - Lurks

Forsaken (they were also Aes Sedai)

Elan Morin Tedronai; Betrayer of Hope; all in black, snow-white lace at throat, silverworked boots: Ishamael

- Ba'alzamon - Heart of the Dark, Father of Lies; dark clothes of a fine cut, prime of his maturity; eyes and mouth endless caverns of flame; garbed in black, with silver lace

- Ishamael - the Betrayer of Hope; Elan; Moridin [Morin is middle name]
- Aginor; parchment skin
- Balthamel
- Demandred; hawk nose; Barid Bel Medar
- Lanfear; Daughter of the Night; Selene; Moonhunter; Mierin Eronaile
- Asmodean; Joar Addam Nesossin; Jasin Natael
- Be'lal, "L-rd Samon" of Tear; close-cropped white hair; tall; red silk coat; silver-worked boots; envious; Netweaver
- Rahvin - tall, dark, white-streaked temples; balefired out of existence
- Sammael - Tel Janin Aellinsar, "L-rd Brend" of Illian, master of the sword; gold hair, blue eyes, square beard, short/stocky, scar, Destroyer of Hope
- Moghedien, dark eyes, dark shoulder-length hair, handsome, spider; captured as damane by Seanchan
- Graendal - lush, ripe, plump, ruby, sun-coloured hair; Hessalam ["without forgiveness"]; Heartseeker; thread of compulsion reverted onto her
- Semirhage - loves torture, wears black
- Mesaana - mind broken by Egwene

Lanfear - found the Dark One's prison in the Age of Legends, who had bored into it

Osan'gar - Dashiva, killed by Elza (Book 8)
Aran'gar - female, green-eyed, oval face, black hair; Halima Saranov; channels saidin; balefired out of existance by Rand, Book 12

Sammael - Caddar
Maisia - Graendal


Rahvin = "L-rd Gaebril" of Caemlyn - tall, dark, white-streaked temples, dark eyes, gold-worked red coat: gold encrusted with gold leaves and gold scrolls

Slayer in Tel'Aran'Rhiod in Emond's Field; Isam (looks like Lan) or Luc

- middle years, handsome, nearly black velvets, white lace at collar and cuffs, dark eyes like glistening points in the shadows
- [gaebril] tall and dark and slender, silver in black, dark green coat thickly embroidered with golden leaves, gold-worked belt and pouch, gems on dagger sheath, golden fringed boot tops

Forsaken killed:
Book 1 - Moiraine destroys Aginor with fire, a pile of ash; Green Man reclaims Balthamel into a mound of earth; Rand uses sword of saidinfire to sever Ba'alzamon's blackened chord, then plunges saidinsword in Ba'alzamon's heart

Book 2 - Ba'alzamon - once again Rand plunges a sword - his heron-marked sword - straight through Ba'alzamon's heart

Book 3 - Moiraine balefires Bel'al out of existence, his thread balefired out of the Wheel of Time

Book 5 - Nynaeve chars Rahvin, then Rand balefires out of existence
Book 5 - Asmodean killed by an unknown person that he recognized

Book 7 - Sammael, Mashadar and Rand's balefare

Book 9 - Osan'gar (Dashiva) killed by Elza

Book 12 - Semirhage - balefired out of existence by Rand
Book 12 - Aran'gar/Halima - balefired out of existence by Rand

Book 14 - Demondred, killed by Lan; Lanfear, killed by Perrion

Seven Seals

The Amyrlin is the Watcher of the Seals

Bound in the sealing, but not in the prison that holds the Dark One

Seal = shattered, found with the Horn and Dragon Banner
Seal = whole; Captain Domon's possession
Seal = in the possession of Seanchan L-rd Turak, in Falme
Seal = found whole, in Stone of Tear, focus point
Seal = whole, Tanchico, Panarch's Palace, focus point; this seal is shattered by the time it reaches Salidar
Seal = whole but flaking, Rhuidean
Seal = Mazrim Taim, seal from Saldea

Only seven had been made. Three were broken now, cuendillar or no. Another was in Moiraine's hands. Four surviving. How well could four keep that prison at Shayol Ghul locked?


Lews Therin Telamon / Ilyena Therin Moerelle

balefired himself into Dragonmount


Ring of Tamyrlin, Nine Rods of Dominion

L-rd of the Morning
L-rd of the Dawn
Prince of the Morning

True Defender of the Light

He Who Comes With The Dawn [Aiel term]
Shadowkiller [Wolves' term]

conquer under ancient Aes Sedai symbol


Rand - Jesus

Lan always calls Rand 'Sheepherder'

He rubbed a sore spot on his side. Apparently he had slept with the sword hilt jabbing him in the ribs.

Rand (Min's viewing) - a sword that isn't a sword (Jesus - words and teaching a sword, he came with a sword of knowledge and revolution)

Rand (Min's viewing) - a golden crown of laurel leaves

Rand (Min's viewing) - water on sand (water to wine, death to life)

Rand (Min's viewing) - a bloody hand and a white-hot iron (crucifixion)

Blood from the prick of a thorn

Rand stabbed in dream, wood in palm upon waking - As he levered himself up, pain stabbed his hand. Making his way to the table, he managed to get the candle lit after three tries, then spread his hand open in the light. Driven into his palm was a thick splinter of dark wood, smooth and polished on one side. He stared at it, not breathing. Abruptly he was panting, plucking at the splinter, fumbling with haste.

After dream - Rand held up his hand wordlessly, palm toward her. Even in the shadowed light from the one candle the blood was plain.

Rand is the Green Man

Finale of Eye Of The World: Rand Jesus: hope is lost, apocalyptic, vision, appears in last battle; Rand uses Blade of Saidar Light against Ba'alzamon
to sever chord and burn through "heart"

Eye Of The World, after brief victory at Tarwin's Gap: Miracles, Vision, Resurrection, Spring

Jesus; wood piercing skin: The lathes of Lan's practice sword flexed and bent—ever so slowly, it seemed to Rand—then shattered, sharp points oozing toward his heart, jagged lathes piercing his skin. Pain lanced through his body; his whole skin felt slashed. He burned as though the sun had flared to crisp him like bacon in a pan. With a shout, he threw himself stumbling back, falling against the stone wall. Hand trembling, he touched the gashes on his chest and raised bloody fingers before his gray eyes in disbelief.

Everybody calls him L-rd; Son of King, Son of G-d: It was his name that caused the problem, and a similarity. Rand al'Thor. Al'Lan Mandragoran. For Lan, according to the custom of Malkier, the royal "al" named him King, though he never used it himself. For Rand, "al" was just a part of his name, though he had heard that once, long ago, before the Two Rivers was called the Two Rivers, it had meant "son of." Some of the servants in Fal Dara keep, though, had taken it to mean he was a king, too, or at least a prince. All of his argument to the contrary had only managed to demote him to L-rd.

'For he shall come like the breaking dawn, and shatter the world again with his coming, and make it anew.'

Moiraine, he blazed like the sun

"What have you brought the Amyrlin Seat today, Lan Gaidin? A young lion?"

Rand - heron-marked palm, crucifixion

Rand - Last Battle; bannered across the sky: Resurrection

Pedron Niall refers to Rand as Lion

"It was a sign," the Shienaran said, turning in a circle to address everyone. There was blood on his arms and his chest—he had fought in nothing but his breeches—and he moved with a limp, but the light in his eyes was as fervent as it had ever been. More fervent. "A sign to confirm our faith. Even wolves came to fight for the Dragon Reborn. In the Last Battle, the L-rd Dragon will summon even the beasts of the forest to fight at our sides. It is a sign for us to go forth. Only Darkfriends will fail to join us."

[Paul to Saul] "You're from his village," Masema said hoarsely. "You must know. Why did the L-rd Dragon abandon us? What sin did we commit?" | "Sin? What are you talking about? Whyever Rand went, it was nothing you did or didn't do." Masema did not appear satisfied; he kept his grip on Perrin's sleeve, peering into his face as if there were answers there. Icy water began to seep into Perrin's left boot. "Masema," he said carefully, "whatever the L-rd Dragon did, it was according to his plan. The L-rd Dragon would not abandon us." Or would he? If I were in his place, would I? | Masema nodded slowly. "Yes. Yes, I see that, now. He has gone out alone to spread the word of his coming. We must spread the word, too. Yes."

[Questioning G-d] "If he is what you say he is, did it never occur to you that he might know what he has to do better than you?"

[Jesus - Visions, False Prophets] "They were in battle, and winning, when suddenly a great light flashed in the sky, and a vision appeared, just for an instant. There are a dozen different versions of what it was, but in both cases the result was exactly the same. The false Dragon's horse reared up and threw him. He was knocked unconscious, and his followers cried out that he was dead, and fled the field, and he was taken. Some of my reports speak of visions in the sky at Falme. I'll wager a gold mark to a week-old delta perch that was the instant Rand al'Thor proclaimed himself." | "The true Dragon has been Reborn," Verin said almost to herself, "and so the Pattern has no room for false Dragons anymore. We have loosed the Dragon Reborn on the world. The Light have mercy on us." | The Amyrlin shook her head irritably. "We have done what must be done."

[Jesus, prophecies, end-of-times, spreading the word, gospels] 'Tis said the fellow has a stare can pin you where you stand, and he talks all sorts of rubbish about the Dragon coming to save us, and we all have to follow, and even the beasts will fight for the Dragon. I don't know whether they've arrested him yet or not. 'Tis likely; the Ghealdanin would not put up long with that kind of talk."

[Egwene Dream, Rand Jesus] Rand holding a sword that blazed like the sun, till she could hardly see that it was a sword, could hardly make out that it was him at all.

Callandor blazed in his hands like the sun

Callandor shone in his fist until it seemed he carried the sun

[Jesus - Trinity]

Had the three fought together, had they supported one another, he would have died in the first minute, but each fought him alone, as if the others did not exist. Even so, he could not stop their blades entirely; in minutes blood ran down the side of his face, his chest, his arms. The old wound tore open, adding its flow to stain his smallclothes with red. They had his skill as well as his face, and they were three to his one.

Jesus - Blood from hundreds of cuts covered him

[Jesus - Mary with Jesus - Pieta] Limping to the foot of the bed, he lowered himself into the chest there and laid Callandor across his knees, bloody hands resting on the glowing blade. With that in his hands, even one of the Forsaken would fear him. In a moment he would send for Moiraine to Heal his wounds. In a moment he would speak to the Aiel outside, and become the Dragon Reborn again. But for now, he only wanted to sit, and remember a shepherd named Rand al'Thor.

[Jesus - shroud] And he had a feeling that his makeshift bandage pressed against Rand's side might be what would keep him alive long enough for Moiraine to get there.

[Jesus - eyes] Rand's eyes looked like morning mist covering the dawn, blue-gray with a feverish glow seeping through.

[Jesus] His blood on the rocks of Shayol Ghul, washing away the Shadow, sacrifice for man's salvation

[Jesus resurrection same as Jewish moshiach] "The Dragon Reborn is a wetlander prophecy," Rhuarc said. "Ours is He Who Comes With the Dawn." | "I thought they were the same. Else why did you come to the Stone? Burn me, Rhuarc, you Aiel are the People of the Dragon, just as the Prophecies say. You've as good as admitted it, even if you won't say it out loud." | Rhuarc ignored the last part. "In your Prophecies of the Dragon, the fall of the Stone and the taking of Callandor proclaim that the Dragon has been Reborn. Our prophecy says only that the Stone must fall before He Who Comes With the Dawn appears to take us back to what was ours. They may be one man, but I doubt even the Wise Ones could say for sure. If Rand is the one, there are things he must do yet to prove it." | "What?" Perrin demanded. | "If he is the one, he will know, and do them. If he does not, then our search still goes on." | Something unreadable in the Aielman's voice pricked Perrin's ears. "And if he isn't the one you search for? What then, Rhuarc?" | "Sleep well and safely, Perrin." Rhuarc's soft boots made no sound on the black marble as he walked away.

[Jesus - died for all of mankind's sins] Carefully she spun out hair-fine flows of Air and Water and Spirit, the Powers used for Healing, and felt for his old injury. One touch, and she recoiled, shivering, snatching back her weaving; her stomach churned as if every meal she had ever eaten wanted to come up. It seemed that all the darkness in the world rested there in Rand's side, all the world's evil in a festering sore only lightly covered by tender scar tissue. A thing like that would soak up Healing flows like drops of water on dry sand. How could he bear the pain? Why was he not weeping?

[Jesus] Those eyes were blue now, like a misty morning sky.

In Book 4, after Rand is self-crucified by 3 mirror-images of himself (Passion of the Christ), Rand spends 3 days falling in love with Elayne and administrating Tear before emerging (Resurrection) to obliterate Trollocs and Myrddraal who flood the Stone, and he tries resurrecting a dead child.

Jesus: " 'The White Tower shall be broken by his name, and Aes Sedai shall kneel to wash his feet and dry them with their hair.' " | "You will have a long wait if you expect to see me wash any man's feet," Nynaeve said wryly.

A threatening light shone in his eyes; they seemed gray storm clouds.

[Buddha; Enlightenment] Standing, he dug into his pouch and pulled out the small hard object, a carving of shiny dark green stone that fit easily into his hand, a round-faced round-bodied man sitting cross-legged with a sword across his knees. He rubbed a thumb over the figure's bald head.

[Jesus + Buddha] Rand forced his right hand open; the angreal, the fat little man, had driven the point of its sword into his flesh, right into the branded heron.

Water to wine (water sweeter than wine) Abruptly water gushed out of the fish's mouth, a stream as thick as his leg. He scrambled into the basin and ran to stand under the downpour, head back and mouth open. Cold sweet water, cold enough to make him shiver, sweeter than wine.

[Buddha] Rand sat down cross-legged nearby. "I can believe the stories. Ghoetam, sitting beneath Avendesora for forty years to gain wisdom. Right now, I can believe."

Rand going through "desert" of Rhuidean = Jesus going through desert; seven days

'He shall spill out the blood of those who call themselves Aiel as water on sand, and he shall break them as dried twigs, yet the remnant of a remnant shall he save, and they shall live.'

"The Car'a'carn has leave to enter my hold. For the chief of chiefs, there is ever water and shade at Cold Rocks."

"We have waited three thousand years for the man who bears two Dragons. When you show your arms, none will doubt you are the one sent to unite us." And break them; but he did not mention that.

I am what I am; they must take me as I am

Rand raised the fiery sword; the One Power burned in him, and fire roared from the blade.

The Power surged in him; the sword in his hand flared till it seemed a small sun illumined him.

[Jesus Halo Aura Crown] Those balls of fire she tossed about were impressive, almost as much as that sword of Rand's, spurting bars of flame. The thing still shone so a circle of light surrounded the man.

[Jesus Halo Aura Crown] Rand was coming up the canyon now, the glow of that sword like lamplight around him in the night.

[Jesus fulfilling the Law] "There are no customs to cover me, Rhuarc." You could have cracked rocks with Rand's voice, or put a skim of ice on wine. "I have to make new customs."

Rhuidean - rain at Alcair Dal

He formed it like a sword of Power, a sword of Light, and struck; one with the sword, one with the imagined wires.

[Rand is the Arc of the Covenant] He had chosen this building for his quarters because it was whole and near to the plaza; its great high ceilings gave a semblance of coolness even to the hottest part of the day, and its thick walls kept out the worst of the cold at night. It had not been the Roof of the Maidens then, of course. One morning he simply awakened to find it so, Maidens in every room on the first two floors and their guards on the doors. It had taken him a while to realize that they intended the building for their society's Roof in Rhuidean, yet expected him to continue to stay in it. In fact, they were ready to move the Roof wherever he went.

[Jesus - Callandor blazed, and he was the Power]

[Jesus - miracle] "I hope to return, but who can say what will happen? The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills." He hesitated, with every eye on him. "But I will leave you something to remember me by," he added, sticking a hand in his coat pocket. | Abruptly a fountain near the Roof burst to life, water gushing from the mouths of incongruous porpoises standing on their tails. Beyond that, a statue of a young man with a horn raised to the sky suddenly was putting up a spreading fan, and then two stone women farther on were casting sprays of water from their hands. In stunned stillness the Aiel watched as all the fountains of Rhuidean flowed once more. | "I should have done that long since." Rand's mutter was no doubt meant for himself, but in the hush Egwene could hear him quite clearly. The splash of hundreds of fountains was the only other sound. Natael shrugged as if he had expected no less.

Jesus - Move, you flaming fatherless son of a spavined goat! [Rand talking to himself, spurring himself to save Aviendh]

Jesus - [Masema] "The L-rd Dragon has broken all bonds of law, all bonds made by mortal men and women." Masema's voice was heated, but intense, not angry. "The Prophecies say that the L-rd Dragon will break all chains that bind, and it is so. The L-rd Dragon's radiance will protect us against the Shadow."

Jesus - [Masema] "There is justice in the hereafter, when we are born again. Concern with things of this world is useless. But very well. If you wish earthly justice"—his lip curled contemptuously—"let it be this. Henceforth, a man who steals will have his right hand cut off. A man who interferes with a woman, or insults her honor, or commits murder will be hung. A woman who steals or commits murder will be flogged. If any accuses and finds twelve who will agree, it will be done. Let it be so."

Jesus - [Masema] "Where gold can be found, food can be found, and there is too much gold in the world. Too much concern with gold."

Jesus - [Masema] "The L-rd Dragon has been Reborn. The Shadow hangs over the world, and only the L-rd Dragon can save us. Only belief in the L-rd Dragon, submission and obedience to the word of the L-rd Dragon. All else is useless, even where it is not blasphemy." | "Blessed be the name of the L-rd Dragon in the Light."

Jesus - [Masema] "There is no L-rd but the L-rd Dragon, in whom the Light dwells, and I am but one humble voice of the L-rd Dragon."

Jesus - [Masema] "You wear too much gold. Do not let earthly possessions seduce you. Gold is dross. The L-rd Dragon is all."

Jesus [Masema disciple of Christ] "They used to bring him dishes fit for a king, until they learned he just gave away everything but a little bread, and soup or stew. He hardly drinks wine, now."

Jesus - "Peace favor the L-rd Dragon" was the reply, "and his Light illumine us all." | There was no doubt to his meaning; the L-rd Dragon was the source of the Light. | "There is no way to the Light save through the L-rd Dragon. You will see the way and the truth in the end, for you have seen the L-rd Dragon, and only those whose souls are swallowed in the Shadow can see and not believe. You are not such. You will believe."

Jesus/Buddhism/Islam - [Masema] "Such garments are worn to entice men, and for no other reason." She could not understand how his voice could be so fervent and so icy at the same time. "Thoughts of the flesh distract the mind from the L-rd Dragon and the Light. I have considered banning dresses that distract men's eyes, and minds. Let women who would waste time in attracting men, and men who would attract women, be scourged until they know that only in perfect contemplation of the L-rd Dragon and the Light can joy be found." He was not really looking at her any longer. That dark burning stare looked through her, to something distant. "Let taverns, and places that sell strong drink, and all places that would take the minds of people from that perfect contemplation, be closed and burned to the ground. I frequented such places in my days of sin, but now I heartily regret, as all should regret their transgressions. There is only the L-rd Dragon and the Light! All else is illusion, a snare set by the Shadow!"

During meeting with Masema, Nynaeve is framed as Mary Magdalene and Mary Mother Of Jesus:

Jesus - [Masema] "Nynaeve. Yes." His voice quickened. "Yes! I remember your name, and your face. Blessed are you among women, Nynaeve al'Meara, none more so save the blessed mother of the L-rd Dragon herself, for you watched the L-rd Dragon grow. You attended the L-rd Dragon as a child." He seized her arms, hard fingers biting in painfully, but he seemed unaware of it. "You will speak to the crowds of the L-rd Dragon's boyhood, of his first words of wisdom, of the miracles that accompanied him. The Light has sent you here to serve the L-rd Dragon."

Jesus - [Masema] "I will lead the people to Tear, to bask in the radiance of the L-rd Dragon. I will send disciples to spread the word of the L-rd Dragon throughout Tarabon and Arad Doman, to Saldaea and Kandor and the Borderlands, to Andor, and I will lead the people to kneel at the L-rd Dragon's feet."

[Jesus] I said the Car'a'carn must be more than other men, but I did not know he was more than mortal." | "Where are my clothes, Aviendha?" | "You are only flesh!"

[Jesus] The greatest Aiel army the world had ever seen had crossed the Dragonwall on the orders of the Car'a'carn, the chief of chiefs. Nations trembled at mention of the Dragon Reborn.

[Jesus] [vengeance is mine] The Dragon had been Reborn. The Last Battle was coming. And if he stayed close to Rand al'Thor, he would see his family avenged before the world was destroyed. The world would end, surely, but it did not matter, nothing did, so long as he saw that vengeance.

[Jesus; L-rd's Army] Rand opened his mouth to ask the meaning—he knew a scant few words of the Old Tongue, no more—when interpretation floated to the surface in his mind. Siswai'aman. Literally, the spear of the Dragon.

[Jesus] [He died for our sins] "Some say that in following you, we expiate the sin of our ancestors in . . . in failing the Aes Sedai."

[Jesus/G-d] "I put my trust in the L-rd Dragon's mercy," Asmodean murmured, bowing.

[Jesus/G-d] For most Aiel, that would have included Rand despite his Aiel blood, but there were the Dragons on his arms. One marked a clan chief, earned by risking life on strength of will; two marked the Car'a'carn, the chief of chiefs, He Who Comes With the Dawn.

[Buddhism, Nirvana] It was a paradox he did not understand, but when he was floating in that seemingly endless Void, somehow buffered against bodily feeling and emotions, every sense was magnified

[Jesus] He held a sword in his hands, a sword made of fire, of Fire, a heron dark on the slightly curved red blade, though he did not recall thinking of it. Fire, but the long hilt felt cool and firm against his palms.

[Jesus] Were there wars he would never hear of in lands he would never hear of, because of him?

Rand, Lews Therin, Alanna - trinity

[codified religion] The Wheel of Time. Ages come and go and come again as the Wheel turns. All the catechism.

[Jesus] "The Car'a'carn will come when he comes," Niella replied, eyes meekly downcast. That truly appeared odd; Aviendha's face, even plumper, did not go well with meekness. "It is for us to be ready when he comes."

[Jesus] If you would live, you must die; that was one of three things he knew must be true, told to him inside a ter'angreal where the answers were always true if apparently never easy to understand.

[Jesus] "The Lion Throne is Elayne's. By the Light and my hope of rebirth and salvation, it is."

[Jesus] scoured by Aes Sedia; bruised welts crisscrossed him from shoulders to knees

[Jesus] walk on water: Drums and trumpets fell silent, and Rand channeled, making a bridge of Air laced with Fire that connected the longboat's railing to that of the Sea Folk ship. With Min on his arm, he started across, to every eye but that of an Asha'man, walking upward on nothing.

[Jesus] morning-blue eyes

[Jesus / Shakespeare Sonnet VII] With shocking suddenness and no warning, she stumbled into it, one moment surrounded by gray, the next with the sun burning golden high overhead in a blue sky, all so bright she had to shade her eyes. And there, perhaps five miles across all but treeless hills, Cairhien rose solid and square on its own prominences. Somehow, it did not look quite real anymore.

[Catechsim] Instead of answering the important question, Alliandre said, "The First told me a great deal about you, L-rd Aybara, and about the L-rd Dragon Reborn, blessed be his name in the Light."

[Jesus] What had to be done, had to be done. The whole world paid a price for his existence. He would die for it, but the whole world paid.

[Jesus] "I am the storm," he whispered—a shout in his ears, a roar—and he channeled.

[Jesus] Morning blue eyes

[Jesus] Tangling both hands in his hair, she stared in his eyes. Now blue, now gray, a morning sky just at sunrise.

[Jesus] "The blessed L-rd Dragon is not as other men, Aybara!" Masema snarled. "He is the Light made flesh!"

[Jesus] We are fine [trinity] [we = Rand, Lews Therin]

Jesus Trinity] He shall hold a blade of light in his hands, and the three shall be one.

Jesus - Alpha/Omega: Lightning cracked above, thunder buffeting him. Rand closed his eyes, perched above a drop that plummeted thousands of feet downward, in the middle of a tempest of icy wind. Through his eyelids, he could sense the blazing light of the access key. The Power he held inside dwarfed that light. He was the sun. He was fire. He was life and death.

Jesus - Golgotha - Rand on top of Dragonmount, and Egwene within Tar Valon sees the sunlight blazing down

Jesus - Book 13 Apples First - rebirth, miracle, resurrection, spring

Jesus - "He was at the Sunset Gate before anyone questioned him. And then he just . . . well, he just said he was the Dragon Reborn, and that he wanted to see the Amyrlin. Didn't yell it out or anything, said it calm as spring rain."

Jesus - Book 14 - three days nobody knew where he was (except Min, Alannah, etc), then resurfaced: resurrection

Rand—who had faced Forsaken without a tremor—was afraid of his father.

Jesus - Book 14 - He is a king; laurel crown

Jesus - Sunlight shone down upon Egwene as she approached the center. She couldn't help but notice the large, perfectly broken circle of clouds above the field. Rand did affect things in strange ways. He needed no announcement to say that he was in attendance, no banner. The clouds pulled back and sunlight shone down when he was near.

Jesus - alpha and omega: Rand calmed himself. He sought peace, the peace of destruction. He was life, but he was also death. He was the manifestation of the land itself.

Jesus - "I allowed you to live," Rand said to Tuon, "when I could have destroyed you in an instant."

Jesus - "I have not come here to destroy you. I come to you now to offer you peace, Empress."

Jesus [Rand's ability to channel post-body] Lanfear: The ability to channel is not a thing of the body, but a thing of the soul

Jesus - died for him - the list had once been only women, but had grown to include everyone he knew had died for him

Jesus - He regarded his pipe, riding up a little incline to the side of Thakandar, now covered in plants. No way to light the tabac. He inspected it for a moment in the darkness, then thought of the pipe being lit. And it was.



Book 1 Eye Of The World

And the Shadow fell upon the Land, and the World was riven stone from stone. The oceans fled, and the mountains were swallowed up, and the nations were scattered to the eight corners of the World. The moon was as blood, and the sun was as ashes. The seas boiled, and the living envied the dead. All was shattered, and all but memory lost, and one memory above all others, of him who brought the Shadow and the Breaking of the World. And him they named Dragon.
(From Aleth nin Taerin alta Camora,The Breaking of the World.
Author unknown, the Fourth Age)

And it came to pass in those days, as it had come before and would come again, that the Dark lay heavy on the land and weighed down the hearts of men, and the green things failed, and hope died. And men cried out to the Creator, saying, O Light of the Heavens, Light of the World, let the Promised One be born of the mountain, according to the prophecies, as he was in ages past and will be in ages to come. Let the Prince of the Morning sing to the land that green things will grow and the valleys give forth lambs. Let the arm of the L-rd of the Dawn shelter us from the Dark, and the great sword of justice defend us. Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.
(From Charal Drianaan te Calamon,The Cycle of the Dragon.
Author unknown, the Fourth Age)

Book 2 The Great Hunt

And it shall come to pass that what men made shall be shattered, and the Shadow shall lie across the Pattern of the Age, and the Dark One shall once more lay his hand upon the world of man. Women shall weep and men quail as the nations of the earth are rent like rotting cloth. Neither shall anything stand nor abide . . .
Yet one shall be born to face the Shadow, born once more as he was born before and shall be born again, time without end. The Dragon shall be Reborn, and there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth at his rebirth. In sackcloth and ashes shall he clothe the people, and he shall break the world again by his coming, tearing apart all ties that bind. Like the unfettered dawn shall he blind us, and burn us, yet shall the Dragon Reborn confront the Shadow at the Last Battle, and his blood shall give us the Light. Let tears flow, O ye people of the world. Weep for your salvation.

—from The Karaethon Cycle:The Prophecies of the Dragon,as translated by Ellaine Marise'idin Alshinn,Chief Librarian at the Court of Arafel,in the Year of Grace 231of the New Era, the Third Age

Book 2 The Great Hunt

And men cried out to the Creator, saying, O Light of the Heavens, Light of the World, let the Promised One be born of the mountain, according to the Prophecies, as he was in Ages past and will be in Ages to come. Let the Prince of the Morning sing to the land that green things will grow and the valleys give forth lambs. Let the arm of the L-rd of the Dawn shelter us from the Dark, and the great sword of justice defend us. Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.

—from Charal Drianaan te Calamon,   The Cycle of the Dragon,
   Author unknown, the Fourth Age

Book 3 The Dragon Reborn

And his paths shall be many, and who shall know his name, for he shall be born among us many times, in many guises, as he has been and ever will be, time without end. His coming shall be like the sharp edge of the plow, turning our lives in furrows from out of the places where we lie in our silence. The breaker of bonds; the forger of chains. The maker of futures; the unshaper of destiny.

—from Commentaries on the Prophecies of the Dragon,

by Jurith Dorine, Right Hand to the
Queen of Almoren, 742 AB,
the Third Age

Book 3 The Dragon Reborn

And it was written that no hand but his should wield the Sword held in the Stone, but he did draw it out, like fire in his hand, and his glory did burn the world. Thus did it begin. Thus do we sing his Rebirth. Thus do we sing the beginning.

—from Do'in Toldara te, Songs of the Last Age,
Quarto Nine: The Legend of the Dragon.
Composed by Boanne, Songmistress
at Taralan, the Fourth Age.

Book 4 The Shadow Rising

The Shadow shall rise across the world, and darken every land, even to the smallest corner, and there shall be neither Light nor safety. And he who shall be born of the Dawn, born of the Maiden, according to Prophecy, he shall stretch forth his hands to catch the Shadow, and the world shall scream in the pain of salvation. All Glory be to the Creator, and to the Light, and to he who shall be born again. May the Light save us from him.
—from Commentaries on the Karaethon CycleSereine dar Shamelle Motara
Counsel-Sister to Comaelle,
High Queen of Jaramide
(circa 325 AB, the Third Age)
Book 4 The Shadow Rising

And when the blood was sprinkled on ground where nothing could grow, the Children of the Dragon did spring up, the People of the Dragon, armed to dance with death. And he did call them forth from the wasted lands, and they did shake the world with battle.

—from The Wheel of Time

by Sulamein so Bhagad
Chief Historian at the Court of the Sun,
the Fourth Age

Book 5 The Fires Of Heaven

With his coming are the dread fires born again. The hills burn, and the land turns sere. The tides of men run out, and the hours dwindle. The wall is pierced, and the veil of parting raised. Storms rumble beyond the horizon, and the fires of heaven purge the earth. There is no salvation without destruction, no hope this side of death.

—fragment from The Prophecies of the Dragon
believed translated by N'Delia Basolaine
First Maid and Swordfast to Raidhen of Hoi Cuchone

(circa 400 AB)

Book 5 The Fires Of Heaven

And the Glory of the Light did shine upon him.And the Peace of the Light did he give men.Binding nations to him. Making one of many.Yet the shards of hearts did give wounds.And what was once did come again—in fire and in stormsplitting all in twain.For his peace . . .—for his peace . . .. . . was the peace . . .. . . was the peace . . .. . . of the sword.
And the Glory of the Light did shine upon him.

—from "Glory of the Dragon"
composed by Meane sol Ahelle,
the Fourth Age

Book 6 The L-rd Of Chaos

The lions sing and the hills take flight.
The moon by day, and the sun by night.
Blind woman, deaf man, jackdaw fool.
Let the L-rd of Chaos rule.

—chant from a children's game
    heard in Great Arvalon,
    the Fourth Age

Book 6 The L-rd Of Chaos

The unstained tower breaks and bends knee to the forgotten sign.The seas rage, and stormclouds gather unseen.Beyond the horizon, hidden fires swell, and serpents nestle in the bosom.What was exalted is cast down; what was cast down is raised up.Order burns to clear his path.—

The Prophecies of the Dragon
    translation by Jeorad Manyard
   Governor of the Province of Andor for
   the High King, Artur Paendrag Tanreall

Book 7 A Crown Of Swords

There can be no health in us, nor any good thing grow, for the land is one with the Dragon Reborn, and he one with the land. Soul of fire, heart of stone, in pride he conquers, forcing the proud to yield. He calls upon the mountains to kneel, and the seas to give way, and the very skies to bow. Pray that the heart of stone remembers tears, and the soul of fire, love.

—From a much-disputed translation of
The Prophecies of the Dragon by the poet
Kyera Termendal, of Shiota, believed to
have been published between FY 700 and FY 800

Book 7 A Crown Of Swords

Master of the lightnings, rider on the storm,
wearer of a crown of swords, spinner-out of fate.
Who thinks he turns the Wheel of Time,
may learn the truth too late.

—From a fragmentary translation of
The Prophecies of the Dragon, attributed to L-rd
Mangore Kiramin, Sword-bard of Aramaelle and
Warder to Caraighan Maconar, into what was
then called the vulgar tongue (circa 300 AB).

Book 8 The Path Of Daggers

Who would sup with the mighty must climb the path of daggers.

—Anonymous notation found inked in the
margin of a manuscript history (believed
to date to the time of Artur Hawkwing)
of the last days of the Tovan Conclaves

On the heights, all paths are paved with daggers.

—Old Seanchan saying

Book 9 Winter's Heart

The seals that hold back the night shall weaken,
and in the heart of winter shall winter's heart be born
amid the wailing of lamentation and the gnashing of teeth,
for winter's heart shall ride a black horse,
and the name of it is Death.

-- from The Karaethon Cycle: The Prophecies of the Dragon

Book 10 Crossroads Of Twilight
And it shall come to pass, in the days when the Dark Hunt rides, when the right hand falters and the left hand strays, that mankind shall come to the Crossroads of Twilight and all that is, all that was, and all that will be shall balance on the point of a sword, while the winds of the Shadow grow.
—From The Prophecies of the Dragon,
    translation believed done by Jain
    Charin, known as Jain Farstrider,
    shortly before his disappearance

Book 10 Crossroads Of Twilight

We rode on the winds of the rising storm,
We ran to the sounds of the thunder.
We danced among the lightning bolts,
and tore the world asunder.

—Anonymous fragment of a poem believed
written near the end of the previous Age,
known by some as the Third Age.
Sometimes attributed to the Dragon Reborn.
Book 11 Knife Of Dreams

The sweetness of victory and the bitterness of defeat are alike a knife of dreams.
—From Fog and Steel by Madoc Comadrin

Book 12 The Gathering Storm
Ravens and crows. Rats. Mists and clouds. Insects and corruption. Strange events and odd occurrences. The ordinary twisted and strange. Wonders!

The dead are beginning to walk, and some see them. Others do not, but more and more, we all fear the night.

These have been our days. They rain upon us beneath a dead sky, crushing us with their fury, until as one we beg: "Let it begin!"
—Journal of the Unknown Scholar,   
entry for The Feast of Freia, 1000 NE

Book 12 The Gathering Storm

At the end of time,
when the many become one,
the last storm shall gather its angry winds
to destroy a land already dying.
And at its center,
the blind man shall stand
upon his own grave.
There he shall see again,
and weep for what has been wrought.
—from The Prophecies of the Dragon,
Essanik Cycle. Malhavish's
Official Translation, Imperial Record
House of Seandar,
Fourth Circle of Elevation.

Book 13 Towers Of Midnight

It soon became obvious, even within the stedding, that the Pattern was growing frail. The sky darkened. Our dead appeared, standing in rings outside the borders of the stedding, looking in. Most troublingly, trees fell ill, and no song would heal them.

It was in this time of sorrows that I stepped up to the Great Stump. At first, I was forbidden, but my mother, Covril, demanded I have my chance. I do not know what sparked her change of heart, as she herself had argued quite decisively for the opposing side. My hands shook. I would be the last speaker, and most seemed to have already made up their minds to open the Book of Translation. They considered me an afterthought.

And I knew that unless I spoke true, humanity would be left alone to face the Shadow. In that moment, my nervousness fled. I felt only a stillness, a calm sense of purpose. I opened my mouth, and I began to speak.

—from The Dragon Reborn, by Loial,
son of Arent son of Halan, of Stedding Shangtai

Book 13 Towers Of Midnight

Lo, it shall come upon the world that the prison of the Greatest One shall grow weak, like the limbs of those who crafted it. Once again, His glorious cloak shall smother the Pattern of all things, and the Great L-rd shall stretch forth His hand to claim what is His. The rebellious nations shall be laid barren, their children caused to weep. There shall be none but Him, and those who have turned their eyes to His majesty.

In that day, when the One-Eyed Fool travels the halls of mourning, and the First Among Vermin lifts his hand to bring freedom to Him who will Destroy, the last days of the Fallen Blacksmith's pride shall come. Yea, and the Broken Wolf, the one whom Death has known, shall fall and be consumed by the Midnight Towers. And his destruction shall bring fear and sorrow to the hearts of men, and shall shake their very will itself.

And then, shall the L-rd of the Evening come. And He shall take our eyes, for our souls shall bow before Him, and He shall take our skin, for our flesh shall serve Him, and He shall take our lips, for only Him will we praise. And the L-rd of the Evening shall face the Broken Champion, and shall spill his blood and bring us the Darkness so beautiful. Let the screams begin, O followers of the Shadow. Beg for your destruction!
—from The Prophecies of the Shadow

Book 14 A Memory Of Light

And the Shadow fell upon the Land, and the World was riven stone from stone. The oceans fled, and the mountains were swallowed up, and the nations were scattered to the eight corners of the World. The moon was as blood, and the sun was as ashes. The seas boiled, and the living envied the dead. All was shattered, and all but memory lost, and one memory above all others, of him who brought the Shadow and the Breaking of the World. And him they named Dragon.
—from Aleth nin Taerin alt a Camora,
The Breaking of the World.
Author unknown, the Fourth Age.

Book 14 A Memory Of Light
[Chapter 37: The Last Battle]

Dawn broke that morning on Polov Heights, but the sun did not shine on the Defenders of the Light. Out of the west and out of the north came the armies of Darkness, to win this one last battle and cast a Shadow across the earth; to usher in an Age where the wails of suffering would go unheard.
—from the notebook of Loial, son of Arent
son of Halan, the Fourth Age

Book 14 A Memory Of Light

And it came to pass in those days, as it had come before and would come again, that the Dark lay heavy on the land and weighed down the hearts of men, and the green things failed, and hope died. And men cried out to the Creator, saying, O Light of the Heavens, Light of the World, let the Promised One be born of the mountain, according to the prophecies, as he was in ages past and will be in ages to come. Let the Prince of the Morning sing to the land that green things will grow and the valleys give forth lambs. Let the arm of the L-rd of the Dawn shelter us from the Dark, and the great sword of justice defend us. Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.
—from Charal Drianaan te Calamon, 
The Cycle of the Dragon.
Author unknown, the Fourth Age.

Book 14 A Memory Of Light

He came like the wind, like the wind touched everything, and like the wind was gone.

—from The Dragon Reborn.
By Loial, son of Arent son of Halan, 
the Fourth Age.


Aes Sedai

Sharina (in Nynaeve's Accepted Test); Sharina Melloy, Kin
Mara Tomanes, in Illian
Janine Pavlara
Marith Riven
Alind Dyfelle
Sevlana Meseau
Mabriam en Shereed
Pura, captured by Seanchan
Jinjin, captured by Seanchan
Chisaine Nurbaya
Innina Darenhold
Vayelle Kamsa
Mylen - captured by Seanchan; Sheraine Caminelle Sedai
Guisin - captured by Seanchan
Lusonia Cole
Rosara Medrano
Zanica [Black Ajah]
Norie - Seanchan damane
Kara Defane - wise woman collared as damane, released
Jillari - damane, released
Lemore - noble collared as damane, released
Lirene Doirellin
Melavaire Someinellin
Velina Behar [Black Ajah]
Nalaene Forrell [Black Ajah]
Birlen Pena [Black Ajah]
Melvara [Black Ajah]
Chai Rugan [Black Ajah]
Mestra [Black Ajah]
Notori [Black Ajah]
Romola [Black Ajah]

Sierin Vayu - Gray, former Amyrlin

Accepted - Faolain Orande, Theodrin Dabei [Brown], Emara, Shimkou, Calindinin, Ronelle, Emara, Elin Warrel, Larine Ayellin, Anemaria, Idrelle Menford, Mair, Asseil, Nissa
Novice - Tabiya, Nicola Treehill, Keatlin, Ibrella, Tabitha, Sharina Melloy [kin], Letice Murow, Bodewhin, Althyn Conly, Alvistere, Mara, Namene, Coride, Ashelin, Marsial

Nicola is with Areina Nermasiv

Nicola Treehill advanced to Accepted

Angla, Lanita, Satina

Faolain Orande (Blue) and Theodrin Dabei (Brown) bumped to Aes Sedai

Siuan Sanche
Sheriam Bayanar [Black Ajah]
Anaiya (killed with saidin, killed by Halima)
Leane Sharif
Aeldene Stonebridge
Lelaine Akashi
Cabriana Mecandes [tortured to death by Semirhage]
Kairen Stang (killed with saidin, killed by Halima)
Rafela Cindal
Moria Karentanis [Black Ajah]

Alanna Mosvani
Vandene Calindin, killed by Black Ajah
Beldeine Nyram (in Egwene's Accepted Test) (and made to kneel after Dumai's Wells)
Beideine Nyram (Beldeine, spelled differently in Book 8)
Joline Maza
Kiruna Nachiman
Bera Harkin
Erian Boroleos
Malind Nachenin
Seonid Traighan
Faeldrin Harella
Cadsuane Melaidhrin
Careane Fransi, Black Ajah, murdered Adelas, killed by Vandene
Adelorna Bastine
Talene Minly [Black Ajah]
Irgain Fatamed
Elza Penfell, Black Ajah, balefired out of existence by Rand
Rina Hafden - Elyas Machera is/was her warder
Aisling Noon
Merise Haindehl
Nacelle Kayama [Black Ajah]
Nelavaire Demaseillen
Marthera, captured by Seanchan
Manda Wan

Verin Mathwin
Adelas Namelle
Vandene Namelle
Takima; long black hair; taught history of White Tower and Aes Sedai
Janya Frende
Nesune Bihara
Jesse Bilal
Demira Eriff
Masuri Sokawa
Sareitha Tomares, killed by Black Ajah
Doraise Mesianos
Juilaine Madome
Saerin Asnobar
Marris Thornhill [Black Ajah]
Elin Warrel
Felaana Bevaine
Bennae Nalsad
Namine Tasil
Nalasia Merhan

Narenwin Barda, Black Ajah
Edesina Azzedin; Min viewing: a'dam collar, shattered
Therva Maresis
Nisao Dachen
Dagdara Finchey [Black Ajah]
Romanda Cassin
Larissa Lyndel [Black Ajah]
Zenare Ghodar
Salita Toranes
Magla Daronos
Berenicia Morsad
Corele Hovian
Samitsu Tamagowa
Sedore Dajenna [Black Ajah]
Doesine Alwain
Suana Dragand
Ryma Galfrey, captured by Seanchan, renamed Pura
Pritalle Nerbaijan
Atuan Larisett [Black Ajah]
Talva [Black Ajah]

Beonin Marinye
Tiana Noselle
Coiren Saeldain
Delana Mosalaine [Black Ajah]
Merilille Ceandevin
Niande Moorwyn
Merana Ambrey
Berisha Terakuni
Annoura Larisen
Serancha Colvine
Andaya Forae
Akoure Vayet
Tamra Ospenya
Karale Sanghir
Naorisa Cambral

Carlinya; Min viewing: image/drawing of raven [Seanchan] floating beside her dark hair
Alviarin Friedhen [Black Ajah]
Sarene Nemdahl
Valinde Nathenos
Norine Dovarna
Daigian Moseneillin
Seaine Herimon
Turanna Norill
Velina [Black Ajah]
Zerah Dacan
Bernaile Gelbarn
Ayako Norsoni
Suana Dragand
Ferane Neheran
Miyasi [Black Ajah]
Kateri Nevue

Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan, captured by Seanchan, Suffa
Liandrin - honey braids, rosebud mouth, doll's face
Gyldan (in Egwene's Accepted Test)
Teslyn Baradon
Javindhra Doraille
Katerine Alruddin [Black Ajah]
Galina Casban [Black Ajah]
Tarna Feir
Toveine Gazal
Tsutma Rath
Covarla Baldene
Tesien Jorhald
Pevara Tazanovni
Sashalle Anderly
Duhara Basaheen [Black Ajah]
Ronaille Vevanios
Silviana Brehon
Nesita [Black Ajah]
Desala Nevanche
Jamilila Norsish
Raechin Connoral
Viria Connoral

13 Black Ajah [1 red, 2 blue, 2 green, 2 yellow, etc]
- Liandrin [Red]
- Amico Nagoyin, young; Stilled
- Joiya Byir [White], oldest, older than great-great-grandmother
- Rianna Andomeran [White]; black hair with white streak above left ear
- Chesmal Emry; talented Healer
- Marillin Gemalphin [Brown]; blue eyes; fond of cats; helps injured animals
- Temaile Kinderode [Gray]; blue eyes, short, dark hair; twisted glass bracelet ter'angreal
- Jeane Caide; Jeaine; [Green]; copper-skinned Domani
- Eldrith Jhondar [Brown]; round-faced
- Asne Zeramene [Green]; dark, tilted eyes and bold nose
- Ispan Shefar; Blue ajah; black hair in braids
- Berylla Naron; lean; manipulator
- Falion Bhoda; long-faced; cold; White ajah

13 Ter'angreal Stolen | Recovered
- rod of clear crystal, smooth and perfectly clear
- figurine of an unclothed woman in alabaster
- disc, simple iron, finely engraved on both sides with tight spiral. Use unknown
- wooden carving of a hedgehog; channeling through it induced sleep
- fluted rod of black stone that produced balefire
- carved cluster of six spotted dice, joined at the corners, less than two inches across; channeling through it suspended and/or twisted chance
- plaque, clear amber, sleeping carved in the middle of it

hedgehog broken in half by Perrin to save Faile